Text Functions

ARRAYTOTEXT(2021) New. The contents of an array or cell range converted to text.
ASC(Japanese) The text string converted from double byte to single byte characters.
BAHTTEXTThe number converted to a Thai text string and appends 'Baht'.
CHARThe character with the corresponding ANSI/ASCII number.
CLEANThe text string with all the non-printable characters removed.
CODEThe ANSI/ASCII number for the first character in a text string.
CONCAT(2019) New. The text string that is a concatenation of cell ranges and strings.
CONCATENATE(CONCAT) The text string that is a concatenation of several strings.
DBCS(Japanese) The text string converted from single byte to double byte characters.
DOLLARThe text string of a number with the dollar formatting $0,000.00.
EXACTThe value True or False based on whether two strings match exactly.
FINDThe starting position of a substring within a larger text string (case sensitive).
FIXEDThe text string of a number rounded to a fixed number of decimal places.
JIS(Japanese) The text string converted from single byte to double byte characters (renamed).
LEFTThe first or left most characters in a text string.
LENThe number of characters in a text string.
LOWERThe text string with all the characters converted to lowercase.
MIDThe characters from the middle of a text string.
NUMBERVALUEThe number that a text string represents (current locale).
PHONETICThe phonetic characters from a text string.
PROPERThe text string with the first letter of every word as a capital letter.
REGEXEXTRACT(2024) Preview. The characters that match a regular expression.
REGEXREPLACE(2024) Preview. The text string after replacing characters that match a regular expression.
REGEXTEST(2024) Preview. The boolean True or False depending if the regular expression matches any part of a text string.
REPLACEThe text string after replacing characters in a specific location.
REPTThe text string repeated a number of times.
RIGHTThe last or right most characters in a text string.
SEARCHThe starting position of a substring within a larger text string (not case sensitive).
SUBSTITUTEThe text string after replacing instances of a substring.
TThe text string of the value given.
TEXTThe number as a formatted text string.
TEXTAFTER(2022) New. The characters from the end of a text string after a delimiter.
TEXTBEFORE(2022) New. The characters from the start of a text string before a delimiter.
TEXTJOIN(2019) New. The text string that is a concatenation of several strings with a delimiter.
TEXTSPLIT(2022) New. The text string split into multiple columns using delimiters.
TRANSLATE(2024) Preview. The text string translated into another language.
TRIMThe text string with all extra spaces removed from the beginning, middle and end.
UNICHARThe character with the corresponding UNICODE character.
UNICODEThe unicode number for the first character in a text string.
UPPERThe text string with all the characters converted to uppercase.
VALUE(NUMBERVALUE) The number that a text string represents (renamed).
VALUETOTEXT(2021) New. The value converted to text.
(2021) New. The contents of an array or cell range converted to text.
(Japanese) The text string converted from double byte to single byte characters.
The number converted to a Thai text string and appends 'Baht'.
The character with the corresponding ANSI/ASCII number.
The text string with all the non-printable characters removed.
The ANSI/ASCII number for the first character in a text string.
(2019) New. The text string that is a concatenation of cell ranges and strings.
(CONCAT) The text string that is a concatenation of several strings.
(Japanese) The text string converted from single byte to double byte characters.
The text string of a number with the dollar formatting $0,000.00.
The value True or False based on whether two strings match exactly.
The starting position of a substring within a larger text string (case sensitive).
The text string of a number rounded to a fixed number of decimal places.
(Japanese) The text string converted from single byte to double byte characters (renamed).
The first or left most characters in a text string.
The number of characters in a text string.
The text string with all the characters converted to lowercase.
The characters from the middle of a text string.
The number that a text string represents (current locale).
The phonetic characters from a text string.
The text string with the first letter of every word as a capital letter.
(2024) Preview. The characters that match a regular expression.
(2024) Preview. The text string after replacing characters that match a regular expression.
(2024) Preview. The boolean True or False depending if the regular expression matches any part of a text string.
The text string after replacing characters in a specific location.
The text string repeated a number of times.
The last or right most characters in a text string.
The starting position of a substring within a larger text string (not case sensitive).
The text string after replacing instances of a substring.
The text string of the value given.
The number as a formatted text string.
(2022) New. The characters from the end of a text string after a delimiter.
(2022) New. The characters from the start of a text string before a delimiter.
(2019) New. The text string that is a concatenation of several strings with a delimiter.
(2022) New. The text string split into multiple columns using delimiters.
(2024) Preview. The text string translated into another language.
The text string with all extra spaces removed from the beginning, middle and end.
The character with the corresponding UNICODE character.
The unicode number for the first character in a text string.
The text string with all the characters converted to uppercase.
(NUMBERVALUE) The number that a text string represents (renamed).
(2021) New. The value converted to text.

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