Compatibility Functions

These functions should only be used if you need compatibility with Excel 2007.

BETADIST(BETA.DIST) The probability of getting less than or equal to a particular value in a beta distribution.
BETAINV(BETA.INV) The probability of getting greater than a particular value in a beta distribution.
BINOMDIST(BINOM.DIST) The probability of getting less than or equal to a particular value in a binomial distribution.
CEILING(CEILING.MATH) The number rounded up to the nearest integer or significant figure.
CHIDIST(CHISQ.DIST.RT) The one tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution.
CHIINV(CHISQ.INV.RT) The inverse of the one tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution.
CHITEST(CHISQ.TEST) The value from the chi-squared distribution.
CONCATENATE(CONCAT) The text string that is a concatenation of several strings.
CONFIDENCE(CONFIDENCE.NORM) The confidence interval for a population mean.
COVAR(COVARIANCE.P) The average of the products of deviations for each data point pair.
CRITBINOM(BINOM.INV) The probability of getting greater than a particular value in a binomial distribution.
EXPONDIST(EXPON.DIST) The exponential distribution.
FDIST(F.DIST.RT) The probability of getting less than or equal to a particular value in an f distribution.
FINV(F.INV.RT) The probability of getting greater than a particular value in an f distribution.
FLOOR(FLOOR.MATH) The number rounded down to the nearest integer or significant figure.
FORECAST(FORECAST.LINEAR) The future y-value along a linear trend using existing values.
FTEST(F.TEST) The value from the f test.
GAMMADIST(GAMMA.DIST) The probability of getting less than or equal to a particular value in a gamma distribution.
GAMMAINV(GAMMA.INV) The probability of getting greater than a particular value in a gamma distribution.
HYPGEOMDIST(HYPGEOM.DIST) The probability of getting less than or equal to a particular value in a hyper geometric distribution (finite population).
LOGINV(LOGNORMAL.INV) The probability of getting greater than a particular value in a lognormal distribution.
LOGNORMDIST(LOGNORMAL.DIST) The probability of getting less than or equal to a particular value in a lognormal distribution.
MODE(MODE.SNGL) The value that occurs most frequently in a list or array of numbers.
NEGBINOMDIST(NEGBINOM.DIST) The probability of getting less than or equal to a particular value in a negative binomial distribution.
NORMDIST(NORM.DIST) The probability of getting less than or equal to a particular value in a normal distribution.
NORMINV(NORM.INV) The probability of getting greater than a particular value in a normal distribution.
NORMSDIST(NORM.S.DIST) The probability of getting less than or equal to a particular value in a normal distribution (mean 0, standard deviation 1).
NORMSINV(NORM.S.INV) The probability of getting greater than a particular value in a normal distribution (mean 0, standard deviation 1).
PERCENTILE(PERCENTILE.INC) The number corresponding to a particular percentage from an array of numbers (inclusive).
PERCENTRANK(PERCENTRANK.INC) The percentage rank of a value in an array of numbers (inclusive).
POISSON(POISSON.DIST) The probability of getting less than or equal to a particular value in a poisson distribution.
QUARTILE(QUARTILE.INC) The quartile of a data set.
RANK(RANK.EQ) The rank of a value in a list of array (in descending order).
STDEV(STDEV.S) The standard deviation based on a sample.
STDEVP(STDEV.P) The standard deviation based on an entire population.
TDIST(T.DIST.2T) The percentage points probability for the students t distribution.
TINV(T.INV.2T) The t-value of the students distribution as a function of the probability and the degrees of freedom.
TTEST(T.TEST) The probability associated with a students t test.
VAR(VAR.S) The variance based on a sample.
VARP(VAR.P) The variance based on an entire population.
WEIBULL(WEIBULL.DIST) The probability of getting less than or equal to a particular value in a weibull distribution.
ZTEST(Z.TEST) The two-tailed P-value of a z-test.
(BETA.DIST) The probability of getting less than or equal to a particular value in a beta distribution.
(BETA.INV) The probability of getting greater than a particular value in a beta distribution.
(BINOM.DIST) The probability of getting less than or equal to a particular value in a binomial distribution.
(CEILING.MATH) The number rounded up to the nearest integer or significant figure.
(CHISQ.DIST.RT) The one tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution.
(CHISQ.INV.RT) The inverse of the one tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution.
(CHISQ.TEST) The value from the chi-squared distribution.
(CONCAT) The text string that is a concatenation of several strings.
(CONFIDENCE.NORM) The confidence interval for a population mean.
(COVARIANCE.P) The average of the products of deviations for each data point pair.
(BINOM.INV) The probability of getting greater than a particular value in a binomial distribution.
(EXPON.DIST) The exponential distribution.
(F.DIST.RT) The probability of getting less than or equal to a particular value in an f distribution.
(F.INV.RT) The probability of getting greater than a particular value in an f distribution.
(FLOOR.MATH) The number rounded down to the nearest integer or significant figure.
(FORECAST.LINEAR) The future y-value along a linear trend using existing values.
(F.TEST) The value from the f test.
(GAMMA.DIST) The probability of getting less than or equal to a particular value in a gamma distribution.
(GAMMA.INV) The probability of getting greater than a particular value in a gamma distribution.
(HYPGEOM.DIST) The probability of getting less than or equal to a particular value in a hyper geometric distribution (finite population).
(LOGNORMAL.INV) The probability of getting greater than a particular value in a lognormal distribution.
(LOGNORMAL.DIST) The probability of getting less than or equal to a particular value in a lognormal distribution.
(MODE.SNGL) The value that occurs most frequently in a list or array of numbers.
(NEGBINOM.DIST) The probability of getting less than or equal to a particular value in a negative binomial distribution.
(NORM.DIST) The probability of getting less than or equal to a particular value in a normal distribution.
(NORM.INV) The probability of getting greater than a particular value in a normal distribution.
(NORM.S.DIST) The probability of getting less than or equal to a particular value in a normal distribution (mean 0, standard deviation 1).
(NORM.S.INV) The probability of getting greater than a particular value in a normal distribution (mean 0, standard deviation 1).
(PERCENTILE.INC) The number corresponding to a particular percentage from an array of numbers (inclusive).
(PERCENTRANK.INC) The percentage rank of a value in an array of numbers (inclusive).
(POISSON.DIST) The probability of getting less than or equal to a particular value in a poisson distribution.
(QUARTILE.INC) The quartile of a data set.
(RANK.EQ) The rank of a value in a list of array (in descending order).
(STDEV.S) The standard deviation based on a sample.
(STDEV.P) The standard deviation based on an entire population.
(T.DIST.2T) The percentage points probability for the students t distribution.
(T.INV.2T) The t-value of the students distribution as a function of the probability and the degrees of freedom.
(T.TEST) The probability associated with a students t test.
(VAR.S) The variance based on a sample.
(VAR.P) The variance based on an entire population.
(WEIBULL.DIST) The probability of getting less than or equal to a particular value in a weibull distribution.
(Z.TEST) The two-tailed P-value of a z-test.

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