Alphabetical - I

IMPAInternational Primary Markets Association (for Eurobond dealers)
Implied DistributionA distribution for a future asset price implied from option prices
Implied VolatilityVolatility implied from an option price using the Black-Scholes or a similar model
Implied Volatility Trees??
Index Amortizing Swapsee Indexed Principal Swap
Index ArbitrageAn arbitrage involving a position in the stocks comprising a stock index and a position in a futures contract on the stock index.
Index FuturesA futures contract on a stock index or other index.
Index OptionAn option contract on a stock index or other index
Indexed Principal SwapA swap where the principal declines over time.
Indiceslike the S&P 500, CAC 40, FTSE 100 etc
Ineligible Bank BillsBills of exchange accepted by a bank, but one not on the central bank's list
Inflationwhether a given rate of interest represents good value or not will depend on the rate of inflation
Initial MarginInitial deposit required by a Clearing House (as opposed to variation margin)
Initial Public OfferingAmerican term for Offer for Sale
Insider DealingThe buying and selling of securities by someone with inside information.
InsolventUnable to meet your financial obligations/debts.
InsuranceIf contrasted with assurance, this is the business other than life assurance
Insured Bonds??
InterBank MarketBank lending and borrowing to one another
Inter-Dealer BrokerAn offical broker in the government securities (gilts and treasury bills) market.
InterestA payment made in return for the use of money.
Interest OnlyA mortgage backed security where the holder receives only interest cash flows on the underlying mortgage pool.
Interest Rate Cap??
Interest Rate CollarA combination to an interest-rate cap and an interest rate floor
Interest Rate DerivativeA derivative whose payoffs are dependend on future interest rates.
Interest Rate FloorAn option that provides a payoff when an interest rate is below a certain level.
Interest Rate OptionAn option where the payoff is dependent on the level of interest rates
Interest Rate SwapAn exchange of a fixed rate of interest on a certain notional principa for a floating rate of interest on the same notional principal.
Interest YieldFlat Yield
International BondBond issued by a borrower in a foreign country
International Monetary FundSupranatural organisation which plays an important role in troubled economies ??
In-The-Money OptionEither - a call option where the asset price is greater than the strike price or - a put option where the asset price is less than the strike price.
Intrinsic ValueThe amount by which a call option exercise price is below the market price (or a put option exercise price is above).
Inverted MarketA market where the futures price decreases with maturity.
Investment AssetAn asset held by at least some individuals for investment purposes.
Investment Grade??
Investment TrustA company whose whole business is running a wide portfolio of shares. A "closed-ended" fund.
Iron ButterflyA short straddle combined with a long strangle on the same underlying and with the same time to expiry.
ISDAInternational Securities and Derivatives Association
Issue by ProspectusMethod of selling shares in a company.
Issuer Warrant??
IssuingOffering a security in the market in the first instance, primary market
International Primary Markets Association (for Eurobond dealers)
Implied Distribution
A distribution for a future asset price implied from option prices
Implied Volatility
Volatility implied from an option price using the Black-Scholes or a similar model
Implied Volatility Trees
Index Amortizing Swap
see Indexed Principal Swap
Index Arbitrage
An arbitrage involving a position in the stocks comprising a stock index and a position in a futures contract on the stock index.
Index Futures
A futures contract on a stock index or other index.
Index Option
An option contract on a stock index or other index
Indexed Principal Swap
A swap where the principal declines over time.
like the S&P 500, CAC 40, FTSE 100 etc
Ineligible Bank Bills
Bills of exchange accepted by a bank, but one not on the central bank's list
whether a given rate of interest represents good value or not will depend on the rate of inflation
Initial Margin
Initial deposit required by a Clearing House (as opposed to variation margin)
Initial Public Offering
American term for Offer for Sale
Insider Dealing
The buying and selling of securities by someone with inside information.
Unable to meet your financial obligations/debts.
If contrasted with assurance, this is the business other than life assurance
Insured Bonds
InterBank Market
Bank lending and borrowing to one another
Inter-Dealer Broker
An offical broker in the government securities (gilts and treasury bills) market.
A payment made in return for the use of money.
Interest Only
A mortgage backed security where the holder receives only interest cash flows on the underlying mortgage pool.
Interest Rate Cap
Interest Rate Collar
A combination to an interest-rate cap and an interest rate floor
Interest Rate Derivative
A derivative whose payoffs are dependend on future interest rates.
Interest Rate Floor
An option that provides a payoff when an interest rate is below a certain level.
Interest Rate Option
An option where the payoff is dependent on the level of interest rates
Interest Rate Swap
An exchange of a fixed rate of interest on a certain notional principa for a floating rate of interest on the same notional principal.
Interest Yield
Flat Yield
International Bond
Bond issued by a borrower in a foreign country
International Monetary Fund
Supranatural organisation which plays an important role in troubled economies ??
In-The-Money Option
Either - a call option where the asset price is greater than the strike price or - a put option where the asset price is less than the strike price.
Intrinsic Value
The amount by which a call option exercise price is below the market price (or a put option exercise price is above).
Inverted Market
A market where the futures price decreases with maturity.
Investment Asset
An asset held by at least some individuals for investment purposes.
Investment Grade
Investment Trust
A company whose whole business is running a wide portfolio of shares. A "closed-ended" fund.
Iron Butterfly
A short straddle combined with a long strangle on the same underlying and with the same time to expiry.
International Securities and Derivatives Association
Issue by Prospectus
Method of selling shares in a company.
Issuer Warrant
Offering a security in the market in the first instance, primary market

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