VBA Code

Future Value

Write a function that returns the future value of an investment that is compounded n times a year.

Public Function FutureValue( _ 
         ByVal PresentValue As Double, _
         ByVal AnnualInterestRate As Double, _
         ByVal NumberOfYears as Integer, _
         ByVal NumberOfCompounds As Integer)

   FutureValue = PresentValue * (1 + AnnualInterestRate / NumberOfCompounds) ^ (NumberOfCompounds * NumberOfYears)
End Function

Effective Interest Rate

Write a function that returns the annual effective interest rate given a nominal interest rate.

Public Function EffectiveInterestRate( _ 
         ByVal NominalInterestRate As Double, _
         ByVal NumberOfCompounds As Integer)

   EffectiveInterestRate = ( (1 + NominalInterestRate) ^ NumberOfCompounds ) - 1
End Function

Effective Interest Rate

Write a function that returns the annual effective interest rate given a continuously componded nominal interest rate.

Public Function EffectiveInterestRateContinuous( _ 
         ByVal NominalInterestRate As Double)

   EffectiveInterestRateContinuous = VBA.Exp(NominalInterestRate) - 1
End Function

Net Present Value

Write a function that is equivalent to the Excel NPV worksheet function.
The first argument should be an array of cash flows.
The second argument should be the discount rate.

Public Function NetPresentValue( _ 
         ByVal arCashFlows As Variant, _
         ByVal DiscountRate As Double)

Dim I As Integer
   For I = 1 to Application.Count(arCashFlows)
      NetPresentValue = NetPresentValue + arCashFlows(i) / (1 + DiscountRate) ^ (I - 1)
   Next i
End Function


Strategy to hedge interest rate risk
buy corporate bonds
sell equivalent amount of treasury bonds

Public Function BuySellHoldStrategy( _ 
         ByVal rgePrices As Range, _
         ByVal rgeClosingPrice As Range, _
         ByVal iInterval As Integer) As String

Dim lrowno As Long
Dim inumber As Integer
Dim dbtotal As Double
   Application.Volatile (True)
   ReDim arresult(rgePrices.Rows.Count - 1)
   For lrowno = 1 To (iInterval - 1)
      arresult(lrowno - 1) = 0
   Next lrowno
   For lrowno = 1 To (rgePrices.Rows.Count - iInterval + 1)
      dbtotal = 0
      For inumber = 1 To iInterval
         dbtotal = dbtotal + rgePrices(lrowno, 1).Offset(inumber - 1, 0).Value
      Next inumber

      If (dbtotal / iInterval) > rgeClosingPrice.Value Then
         BuySellHoldStrategy = "Buy 50"
         Exit Function
      End If
   Next lrowno
   If Application.WorksheetFunction.StDev(rgePrices) + 2 > rgeClosingPrice.Value Then
      BuySellHoldStrategy = "Sell 40"
      Exit Function
   End If
   BuySellHoldStrategy = "Hold"
End Function

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