Text Files

Text files are also sometimes known as sequential files

Accessing Files

There are three ways you can access file:
Sequential - This allows reading and writing of individual characters or entire lines. You can start at the beginning and read forwards until you reach the end.
Random - This allows you to read and write record that all have the same length.
Binary - This allows you to read and write to specific byte positions within a file.

Private Function FileNameOnly(sFullPath As String) As String 
Dim I As Integer
Dim length As Integer
Dim temp As String
Length = Len(sFullPath)
temp = ""

For I = length to 1 Step -1
   If Mid(sFullPath,I,1) = Application.PathSeparator Then
      FileNameOnly = temp
      Exit Function
   End If
   temp = Mid(sFullPath,I,1) & temp
Next i
FileNameOnly = sFullPath
End Function


The Dir function attempts to match its input argument against existing files.
This function can be used with valid wild cards under Windows for matches such as "*.xls".
If it finds a match, it returns the first match found and can be called again without an input argument to get subsequent matches.

Does a file exist

If Dir("C:\Temp.xls") <> "" Then 
'then the file exists
End If

Dim sFolderPath As String 
If Dir(sFolderPath, vbDirectory) <> "" Then 'folder path exists

'folder path does not exist
End If

Text Streams

There are three ways to access a file

Sequential Access

This methods starts reading from the start and reads a line at a time
The Open statement is used to open your file.


You can specify the exact position in a file using the Seek() function.

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