VBA Snippets
Copies a file from one folder to another.Public Sub File_Copy( _
ByVal sFolderFrom As String, _
ByVal sFileNameFrom As String, _
ByVal sFolderTo As String, _
ByVal sFileNameTo As String, _
Optional ByVal sExtensionFrom As String = "", _
Optional ByVal sExtensionTo As String = "")
Const sPROCNAME As String = "File_Copy"
On Error GoTo AnError
sFolderFrom = Folder_LineAdd(sFolderFrom)
sFolderTo = Folder_LineAdd(sFolderTo)
Call FileCopy(sFolderFrom & sFileNameFrom & sExtensionFrom, _
sFolderTo & sFileNameTo & sExtensionTo)
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Sub
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, Err.Number, Err.Description, _
"copy the file """ & sFileNameFrom & sExtensionFrom & """ from """ & vbCrLf & _
"""" & sFolderFrom & """" & vbclrf & _
"to the folder " & vbCrLf & _
"""" & sFolderTo & """" & vbCrLf & _
"with the name """ & sFileNameTo & sExtensionTo)
End Sub
Removes a file. Add an optional confirmation prompt.Public Sub File_Delete( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal sFileName As String)
Const sPROCNAME As String = "File_Delete"
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If Len(Dir(sFolderPath & sFileName)) > 0 Then
SetAttr sFolderPath & sFileName, vbNormal
Kill sFolderPath & sFileName
End If
Exit Sub
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, Err.Number, Err.Description, _
End Sub
Public Sub File_DeleteFSO( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal sFileName As String)
Const sPROCNAME As String = "File_DeleteFSO"
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Exit Sub
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, Err.Number, Err.Description, _
End Sub
Displays a dialog box to allow the user to browse to a file.Public Function File_DialogFilePicker( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal sDialogTitle As String, _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = True) _
As String
Const sPROCNAME As String = "File_DialogFilePicker"
Dim objFileDialog As FileDialog
Dim vfullpath As Variant
Dim sFullPath As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set objFileDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
objFileDialog.Title = sDialogTitle
objFileDialog.AllowMultiSelect = False
objFileDialog.InitialFileName = sFolderPath
For Each vfullpath In objFileDialog.SelectedItems
sFullPath = CStr(vfullpath)
If Len(sFullPath) = 0 Then
If bInformUser = True Then
Call MsgBox("No file has been selected !!", , "Better Solutions")
End If
End If
File_DialogFilePicker = sFullPath
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, Err.Number, Err.Description, _
End Function
Public Function File_Exists( _
ByVal sFileName As String) As Boolean
Const sPROCNAME As String = "File_Exists"
Dim sreturn As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
sreturn = VBA.Dir(sFileName)
If Len(sreturn) > 0 Then
File_Exists = True
File_Exists = False
End If
Exit Function
File_Exists = False
End Function
Public Function File_ExistsFSO( _
ByVal sFileName As String) As Boolean
Const sPROCNAME As String = "File_ExistsFSO"
Dim fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim sreturn As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
File_Exists = fso.FileExists(sFileName)
Set fso = Nothing
Exit Function
File_Exists = False
End Function
Adds a particular extension to a given filename if it does not have an extension.Public Function File_ExtAdd(
ByVal sFileName As String, _
ByVal sExtension As String) As String
Const sPROCNAME As String = "File_ExtAdd"
Dim balter As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
balter = False
If sFileName <> "" Then
If UCase(Right(sFileName, 4)) <> UCase(sExtension) Then balter = True
If balter = True Then
If InStr(sFileName, ".") > 0 Then
File_ExtAdd = sFileName
File_ExtAdd = sFileName & LCase(sExtension)
End If
End If
If balter = False Then _
File_ExtAdd = Left(sFileName, Len(sFileName) - 4) & LCase(sExtension)
File_ExtAdd = ""
End If
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle(sPROCNAME, msMODULENAME, 1,
"add the extension """ & sExtension & """ to the filename " & vbCrLf & _
"""" & sFileName & """")
End Function
Removes the file extension from a filename if it has one.Public Function File_ExtRemove(
ByVal sFileName As String, _
ByVal sExtension As String) As String
Const sPROCNAME As String = "File_ExtRemove"
Dim balter As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
balter = False
If sFileName <> "" Then
If UCase(Right(sFileName, 4)) <> UCase(sExtension) Then balter = True
If balter = True Then File_ExtRemove = sFileName
If balter = False Then File_ExtRemove = Left(sFileName, Len(sFileName) - 4)
File_ExtRemove = ""
End If
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle(sPROCNAME, msMODULENAME, 1,
"remove the extension """ & sExtension & """ from the filename " & _
vbCrLf & """" & sFileName & """")
End Function
Returns the filename of the first file in a folder with a particular extension. This is used when you want to manipulate all the files in a folder.Public Function File_GetFirst( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal sExtension As String) _
As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
File_GetFirst = Dir(sFolderPath & "*" & sExtension, vbNormal)
If File_GetFirst = "" Then
Call MsgBox( _
"There are no files with extension " & _
"""" & sExtension & """" & vbCrLf & _
"in the Directory : " & """" & sFolderPath & """")
End If
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle("File_GetFirst", msMODULENAME, 1, _
"return the first file in the folder" & vbCrLf & sFolderPath)
End Function
Returns the next filename in a folder. This is used when you have to manipulate all the files in a folder.Public Function File_GetNext( _
ByVal sCurrentFileName As String, _
Optional ByVal sFolderPath As String = "") _
As String
Dim snextfilename As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
snextfilename = Dir()
If (File_GetNext <> sCurrentFileName) Then
File_GetNext = snextfilename
End If
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
File_GetNext = ""
Call Error_Handle("File_GetNext", msMODULENAME, 1, _
"return the next file in the folder" & vbCrLf & sFolderPath & vbCrLf & _
"The last file obtained was """ & sCurrentFileName & """")
End Function
Returns the date that a file was last modified.Public Function File_LastModifiedDate( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal sFileName As String, _
ByVal sExtension As String) _
As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
File_DateLastModified = Left(FileDateTime(sFolderPath & sFileName & sExtension), 10)
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle("File_LastModifiedDate", msMODULENAME, 1,
End Function
Returns the time that a file was last modified.Public Function File_LastModifiedTime( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal sFileName As String, _
ByVal sExtension As String) _
As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
File_TimeLastModified = Right(FileDateTime(sFolderPath & sFileName & sExtension), 8)
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle("File_LastModifiedTime", msMODULENAME, 1,
End Function
Returns the unique filename with the corresponding number in brackets added to the end. This number ensures the filename is unique. If a file with the same name currently exists then the necessary number in the sequence is added to make it unique.Public Function File_NameUnique( _
ByVal sFileName As String) As String
Dim stempfilename As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
inooffiles = 2
'check whether the attachment already exists and if so then how many occurances
Do Until Dir(sFolderPath & stempfilename & sExtension) = ""
'the temporary file name is changed to produce a unique file name
stempfilename = sFileName & "(" & inooffiles & ")"
inooffiles = inooffiles + 1
File_NameUnique = stempfilename
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle("File_NameUnique", msMODULENAME, 1,
"return the unique filename" & _
" with the corresponding number in brackets added to the end")
End Function
Displays a dialog box to allow the user to open a file.Public Function File_OpenDialog( _
ByVal sDialogPrefix As String, _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal sFilterName As String, _
ByVal sFilterExtensions As String, _
Optional ByVal bExecute As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal bMultiSelect As Boolean = False) _
As String
Dim objFileDialog As Office.FileDialog
Dim objFileDialogFilters As Office.FileDialogFilters
Dim sFileName As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set objFileDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
With objFileDialog
.Title = sDialogPrefix & "File Open"
.InitialFileName = sFolderPath
.InitialView = msoFileDialogViewList
.Filters.Add sFilterName, sFilterExtensions
.AllowMultiSelect = bMultiSelect
If .Show = True Then
If bExecute = True Then
File_OpenDialog = "Opened"
File_OpenDialog = .SelectedItems(1)
End If
File_OpenDialog = ""
Exit Function
End If
End With
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle("File_OpenDialog", msMODULENAME, 1, _
"display the File Open dialog box.")
End Function
Determines if a file is already open. Returns True or False.Public Function File_OpenIsIt( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal sFileName As String, _
Optional ByVal sExtension As String = ".xlsx") _
As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Open sFolderPath & sFileName & sExtension For Binary Access Read Lock Read As #1
Close #1
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
File_GetNext = ""
Call Error_Handle("File_OpenIsIt", msMODULENAME, 1,
"determine if the file " & sFileName & sExtension & " is already open" & _
" in the folder" & vbCrLf & sFolderPath)
End Function
Determines if you only have read only access to a file. Returns True or False.Public Function File_ReadOnlyIsIt( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal sFileName As String, _
Optional ByVal sExtension As String = ".xlsx") _
As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle("File_ReadOnlyIsIt", msMODULENAME, 1,
"determine if the file " & sFileName & sExtension & " is Read Only" & _
" in the folder" & vbCrLf & sFolderPath)
End Function
Renames a file in a folder.Public Sub File_Rename( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal sOldFileName As String, _
ByVal sOldExtension As String, _
ByVal sNewFileName As String, _
ByVal sNewExtension As String)
Dim oFolder As Scripting.Folder
Dim oFile As Scripting.File
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set oFolder = objFilesys.GetFolder(sFolderPath)
For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
If (oFile.Name = sOldFileName & sOldExtension) Then
oFile.Name = sNewFileName & sNewExtension
End If
Next oFile
Set oFile = Nothing
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Sub
Call Error_Handle("File_Rename", msMODULENAME, 1,
End Sub
Displays a dialog box to save the current file.Public Function File_SaveAsDialog(
ByVal sDialogPrefix As String, _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal sDefaultFileName As String, _
Optional ByVal bExecute As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal bMultiSelect As Boolean = False) _
As String
Const sPROCNAME As String = "File_SaveAsDialog"
Dim objFileDialog As Office.FileDialog
Dim objFileDialogFilters As Office.FileDialogFilters
Dim sFileName As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set objFileDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs)
With objFileDialog
.Title = sDialogPrefix & "File Save As"
.InitialFileName = sFolderPath & sDefaultFileName
.InitialView = msoFileDialogViewList
If .Show = True Then
sFileName = Folder_PathRemove(.SelectedItems(1))
If Wbk_OpenIsIt(sFileName) = False Then
If bExecute = True Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
File_SaveAsDialog= "Saved"
'folder path and file are passed back to be processed
File_SaveAsDialog= .SelectedItems(1)
End If
Call MsgBox("You cannot save this workbook with the name '" & sFileName & "'." & _
vbCrLf & _
"There is a workbook already open with this name." & _
vbCrLf & _
"Please close the other workbook first.", _
vbInformation + vbOKOnly, _
"BET: Workbook Not Saved")
File_SaveAsDialog= "Workbook Open"
End If
File_SaveAsDialog= "Cancelled"
Exit Function
End If
End With
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle(sPROCNAME, msMODULENAME, 1, _
"display the File Save As dialog box.")
End Function
Returns the file size in kilobytes.Public Function File_Size( _
ByVal sFileName As String) _
As Long
Dim ifileno As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
ifileno = FreeFile
Open sFileName For Binary Access Read As #ifileno
File_Size= LOF(ifileno ) / 1024
Close #ifileno
'which method to use ???
File_Size= FileLen(intFile) / 1024
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
File_Size = 0
Call Error_Handle("File_Size", msMODULENAME, 1,
End Function
Public Function File_SizeReturn( _
ByVal lSizeInBytes As LongLong) _
As String
Dim kbytes As LongLong
Dim sreturn As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
kbytes = lSizeInBytes / 1024
sreturn = Format(kbytes, "###,###") & " KB"
File_SizeReturn = sreturn
Exit Function
File_SizeReturn = 0
End Function
Public Function File_TextReadToArray( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal sFilename As String, _
Optional ByVal sExtension As String = "", _
Optional ByVal sDelimiterChar As String = vbTab, _
Optional ByVal iNoOfColumns As Long = -1, _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = True) _
As Variant
Dim objFSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim scrText As Scripting.TextStream
Dim slineoftext As String
Dim stotalcontents As String
Dim vacontents As Variant
Dim lnooflines As Long
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set objFSO = New FileSystemObject
If (objFSO.FileExists(sFolderPath & sFilename & sExtension) = True) Then
Set scrText = objFSO.OpenTextFile(sFolderPath & sFilename & sExtension, ForReading)
If (bInformUser = True) Then
Call MsgBox("This file does not exist - unable to return the contents.")
Exit Function
End If
End If
stotalcontents = ""
lnooflines = 1
Do While Not scrText.AtEndOfStream
slineoftext = scrText.ReadLine
stotalcontents = stotalcontents & slineoftext & "^"
lnooflines = lnooflines + 1
Set scrText = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
ReDim vacontents(1 To lnooflines - 1) As Variant
'remove the last line seperator '^'
stotalcontents = Left(stotalcontents, Len(stotalcontents) - 1)
lnooflines = 1
Do While Len(stotalcontents) > 0
If InStr(1, stotalcontents, "^") > 0 Then
slineoftext = Left(stotalcontents, InStr(stotalcontents, "^") - 1)
stotalcontents = Right(stotalcontents, Len(stotalcontents) - Len(slineoftext) - 1)
slineoftext = stotalcontents
stotalcontents = ""
End If
vacontents(lnooflines) = slineoftext
lnooflines = lnooflines + 1
File_TextReadToArray = vacontents
Exit Function
Set scrText = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
End Function
Public Function File_TextWriteFSO( _
ByVal sMessage As String, _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal sFilename As String, _
Optional ByVal sExtension As String = "", _
Optional ByVal bDeleteExistingFile As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = True) _
As Boolean
Dim objFSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim scrText As Scripting.TextStream
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set objFSO = New FileSystemObject
If objFSO.FileExists(sFolderPath & sFilename & sExtension) = False Then
Set scrText = objFSO.OpenTextFile(sFolderPath & sFilename & sExtension, ForWriting, True)
Set scrText = objFSO.OpenTextFile(sFolderPath & sFilename & sExtension, ForAppending)
End If
scrText.WriteLine sMessage
Set scrText = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
File_TextWriteFSO = True
Exit Function
Set scrText = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
File_TextWriteFSO = False
End Function
You cannot use a For ifilecount = 1 to total Loop.Public Sub Files_LoopingFSO( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal sFileExtensionLIKE As String)
Const sPROCNAME As String = "Files_LoopingFSO"
Dim oFSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim oFolder As Scripting.Folder
Dim oFile As Scripting.File
Dim sFullPath As String
Dim sExtension As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set oFSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
sFullPath = oFolder.Path & "\" & oFile.Name
sExtension = oFSO.GetExtensionName(sFullPath)
If (sExtension Like sFileExtensionLIKE) Then
End If
Next oFile
Set oFSO = Nothing
Exit Sub
If g_bDEBUG = False Then Exit Sub
' Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, Err.Number, Err.Description,
Call MsgBox(Err.Number & "-" & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "Unable to " & _
End Sub
Public Sub Files_ToListCombo( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal sFileExtensionLIKE As String, _
ByVal oListComboBox As MSForms.control, _
Optional ByVal sExcludeFiles As String = "", _
Optional ByVal bClearList As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal bIncludePleaseSelect As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal bCheckFolderExists As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal bSelectAll As Boolean = False)
Const sPROCNAME As String = "Files_ToListCombo"
Dim sFullPath As String
Dim sExtension As String
Dim vFolder As Variant
Dim oFolder As Scripting.Folder
Dim oFile As Scripting.File
Dim arExcludeFiles() As String
Dim icount As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Call Tracer_AddSubroutineStart(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME)
If (sFolderPath = "") Then
Call modMessages.Message_FolderPathEmpty(sFolderPath)
Exit Sub
End If
Set g_objFSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set oFolder = g_objFSO.GetFolder(sFolderPath)
If (bCheckFolderExists = True) Then
End If
If (bClearList = True) Then
End If
If (bIncludePleaseSelect = True) Then
oListComboBox.AddItem g_sPLEASE_SELECT
End If
For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
sFullPath = oFolder.Path & "\" & oFile.Name
sExtension = g_objFSO.GetExtensionName(sFullPath)
If (Len(sExcludeFiles) = 0) Then
oListComboBox.List(icount, 0) = oFile.Name
oListComboBox.List(icount, 1) = File_SizeReturn(oFile.Size)
' arExcludeFiles = VBA.Split(sExcludeFiles, ";")
' If (modGeneral.Array_ItemExists(arExcludeFiles, oFile.Name) = False) Then
oListComboBox.List(icount, 0) = oFile.Name
oListComboBox.List(icount, 1) = File_SizeReturn(oFile.Size)
' End If
End If
Next oFile
If (bSelectAll = True) Then
For icount = 0 To oListComboBox.ListCount - 1
oListComboBox.Selected(icount) = True
Next icount
End If
If g_bDEBUG = False Then Exit Sub
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, Err.Number, Err.Description)
End Sub
Displays the dialog box to allow the user to browse to a folder.Public Function Folder_Browse() As String
Const sPROCNAME As String = "Folder_Browse"
Dim sFolderPath As String
Dim lreturn As Long
Dim x As Long
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
bInfo.pidlRoot = 0& 'root folder = desktop
bInfo.lpszTitle = "Select a folder"
bInfo.ulFlags = &H1 'type of directory to return
sFolderPath = Space(512) 'fill the string with spaces
lreturn = SHGetPathFromIDList(ByVal SHBrowseForFolder(bInfo), ByVal sFolderPath)
If lreturn = 1 Then
Folder_Browse = Left(sFolderPath, InStr(sFolderPath, Chr(0)) - 1) & "\"
Folder_Browse = ""
End If
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle("Folder_Browse", msMODULENAME, 1, _
"browse to a particular folder and return the path")
End Function
Public Function Folder_CanAccessFSO( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = True) _
As Boolean
Const sPROCNAME As String = "Folder_CanAccessFSO"
Dim objFSOObject As Scripting.FileSystemObject
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set objFSOObject = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Folder_CanAccess = objFSOObject.FolderExists(sFolderPath)
If Folder_CanAccess = False Then
Call MsgBox("You are unable to access the following folder:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"'" & sFolderPath & "'", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Title")
End If
Set objFSOObject = Nothing
Exit Function
Set objFSOObject = Nothing
Folder_CanAccess = False
If bInformUser = True Then
Call MsgBox("You are unable to access the following folder:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"'" & sFolderPath & "'", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Title")
End If
End Function
The VBA alternative would need to verify that the folder existed and then loop through all the files in that folder, copying each, one at a time.Public Function Folder_CopyFSO(ByVal source As String, _
ByVal destination As String)
Dim fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
fso.CopyFolder source, destination
Set fso = Nothing
Exit Sub
Exit Function
Creates a folder. This will create sub folders if necessary as it starts at the top level.Public Function Folder_Create( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = False) _
As Boolean
Const sPROCNAME As String = "Folder_Create"
Dim bexists As Boolean
Dim stempfolderpath As String
Dim inextbackwardsslash As Integer
Dim icount As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
sFolderPath = Folder_LineAdd(sFolderPath)
stempfolderpath = sFolderPath
inextbackwardsslash = InStr(stempfolderpath, "\")
Do While (inextbackwardsslash <= Len(sFolderPath))
stempfolderpath = Left(sFolderPath, inextbackwardsslash)
If Folder_Exists(stempfolderpath) = False Then
MkDir stempfolderpath
If bInformUser = True Then
Call MsgBox( _
"The Folder already exists: " & vbCrLf & _
"'" & stempfolderpath & "'")
End If
If (inextbackwardsslash = Len(sFolderPath)) Then Exit Function
End If
If (sFolderPath = stempfolderpath) Then Exit Do
inextbackwardsslash = inextbackwardsslash + _
InStr(Right(sFolderPath, _
Len(sFolderPath) - inextbackwardsslash), "\")
If gbDEBUG_ERRMSG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, _
"create the folder" & vbCrLf & sFolderPath & _
vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "There may be an invalid character.")
End Function
Public Function Folder_CreateFSO( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = False)
Const sPROCNAME As String = "Folder_CreateFSO"
Dim objFSOObject As Scripting.FileSystemObject
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set objFSOObject = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
'make sure folder ends in "\"
' If Right(sFolderPath, 1) <> "\" Then sFolderPath = sFolderPath & "\"
If objFSOObject.FolderExists(sFolderPath) = False Then
If bInformUser = True Then
Call MsgBox("The following folder does not exist and will be created:" & _
vbCrLf & vbCrLf & sFolderPath, vbCritical, _
End If
'remove any folder line from the end
If Right(sFolderPath, 1) = "\" Then sFolderPath = Left(sFolderPath, Len(sFolderPath) - 1)
Call Folder_Create(Left(sFolderPath, Len(sFolderPath) - InStr(StrReverse(sFolderPath), "\")))
objFSOObject.CreateFolder (sFolderPath & "\")
End If
Set objFSOObject = Nothing
Exit Function
Set objFSOObject = Nothing
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, _
Err.Number & " " & Err.Description)
End Function
Removes a folder. Do we have to delete the files in the first folder. Prompt to confirm you want to delete the files as well ??.Public Function Folder_Delete( _
ByVal sAllSubFolders As String, _
Optional ByVal sSeperateChar As String = ";", _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = False) _
As String
Const sPROCNAME As String = "Folder_Delete"
Dim inextcharpos As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If Len(sAllSubFolders) > 0 Then
inextcharpos = InStr(1, sAllSubFolders, sSeperateChar)
Folder_SubFolderRemove = Right(sAllSubFolders, Len(sAllSubFolders) - inextcharpos)
Folder_SubFolderRemove = ""
If bInformUser = True Then
Call MsgBox( _
"There are no more subfolders to remove")
End If
End If
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, _
"remove the folder and all its subfolders " & sAllSubFolders & _
" from the concatenated string")
End Function
Public Function Folder_Exists( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String) _
As Boolean
Dim iTemp As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
iTemp = GetAttr(sFolderPath)
'DirExists = (GetAttr(sDirName) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory
Folder_Exists = True
Exit Function
Folder_Exists = False
End Function
Public Function Folder_Exists( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = False) As Boolean
Const PROCNAME As String = "Folder_Exists"
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If Dir(sFolderPath, vbDirectory) = "" Then
Folder_Exists = False
If (bInformUser = True) Then _
Call MsgBox("The File or Folder does not exists : " & vbCrLf & _
"""" & sFolderPath & """")
Folder_Exists = True
End If
Exit Function
' Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, Err.Number, Err.Description,
Call MsgBox(Err.Number & "-" & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "Unable to " & _
"determine if the folder exists.")
End Function
Public Function Folder_ExistsFSO( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String) _
As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Exit Function
Folder_ExistsFSO = False
End Function
Returns the number of files in a folder with a particular extension.Public Function Folder_FilesNoOf( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal sExtension As String) _
As Long
Const sPROCNAME As String = "Folder_FilesNoOf"
Dim lnooffiles As Long
Dim snextfile As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
lnooffiles = 0
sFolderPath = Folder_LineAdd(sFolderPath)
snextfile = Dir(sFolderPath & "\*" & sExtension)
Do Until snextfile = ""
lnooffiles = lnooffiles + 1
snextfile = Dir()
Folder_FilesNoOf = lnooffiles
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, _
"return the total number of files with the extension '" & sExtension & "'" & _
" in the folder path" & vbCrLf & sFolderPath)
End Function
Transfers all the files in a folder with a particular extension to a multi dimensional array.Public Sub Folder_FilesToArrayMulti( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal sExtension As String, _
ByVal sArrayName As String, _
ByVal vArrayName As Variant, _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = True)
Const sPROCNAME As String = "Folder_FilesToArrayMulti"
Dim itotalfiles As Integer
Dim ifilenumber As Integer
Dim snextfile As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
itotalfiles = Folder_NoOfFiles(sFolderPath, sExtension)
If itotalfiles = 0 Then
If bInformUser = True Then
Call MsgBox( _
"There are no files with extension " & _
"""" & sExtension & """ in this folder !")
End If
vArrayName = Empty
snextfile = Dir(sFolderPath & "*" & sExtension)
ifilenumber = 1
ReDim vArrayName(1,itotalfiles)
Do While snextfile <> ""
vArrayName(1,ifilenumber) = snextfile
snextfile = Dir()
ifilenumber = ifilenumber + 1
End If
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Sub
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, _
"transfer the list of all the files with the extension """ & sExtension & _
""" in the folder path" & vbCrLf & sFolderPath & _
"to the multi dimensional array """ & sArrayName & """")
End Sub
Transfers all the files in a folder with a particular extension to a single dimensional array What is the difference between this and the above ?????.Public Sub Folder_FilesToArraySingle( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal sExtension As String, _
ByVal sArrayName As String, _
ByVal vArrayName As Variant, _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = True)
Const sPROCNAME As String = "Folder_FilesToArraySingle"
Dim itotalfiles As Integer
Dim ifilenumber As Integer
Dim snextfile As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
itotalfiles = Folder_FilesNoOf(sFolderPath, sExtension)
If itotalfiles = 0 Then
If bInformUser = True Then
Call MsgBox( _
"There are no files with extension " & _
"""" & sExtension & """ in this folder !")
End If
vArrayName = Empty
snextfile = Dir(sFolderPath & "*" & sExtension)
ifilenumber = 1
ReDim vArrayName(itotalfiles)
Do While snextfile <> ""
vArrayName(ifilenumber) = snextfile
snextfile = Dir()
ifilenumber = ifilenumber + 1
End If
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Sub
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, _
"transfer the list of all the files with the extension """ & sExtension & _
""" in the folder path" & vbCrLf & sFolderPath & _
"to the single dimensional array """ & sArrayName & """")
End Sub
Public Sub Folder_FilesToListBox( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal sExtension As String, _
ByVal lstBoxName As Control, _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal bSort As Boolean = True)
Const sPROCNAME As String = "Folder_FilesToListBox"
Dim vArrayName As Variant
Dim iarraycount As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If Folder_Valid(sFolderPath) = False Then Exit Sub
Call Folder_FilesToArraySingle(sFolderPath, sExtension, "", vArrayName, bInformUser)
If Array_Check(vArrayName) = True Then
lstBoxName.AddItem ""
For iarraycount = 0 To UBound(vArrayName)
lstBoxName.AddItem vArrayName(iarraycount)
Next iarraycount
End If
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Sub
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, _
"transfer the list of all the files with the extension '" & sExtension & "'" & _
" in the folder path" & vbCrLf & sFolderPath & _
"to the listbox '" & lstBoxName.Name & "'.")
End Sub
Transfers all the files with a particular extension in a folder to a string concatenation.Public Function Folder_FilesToStr( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal sExtension As String, _
Optional ByVal sSeperateChar As String = ";") _
As String
Const sPROCNAME As String = "Folder_FilesToStr"
Dim sconfiles As String
Dim sfile As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
sconfiles = ""
sfile = File_GetFirst(sFolderPath, sExtension)
Do While Len(sfile) > 0
sconfiles = sconfiles & sSeperateChar & sfile
sfile = File_GetNext(sfile)
If Len(sconfiles) > 1 Then Folder_ToStr = Right(sconfiles, Len(sconfiles) - 1)
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, _
"transfer the list of all the files with the extension """ & sExtension & """" & _
" in the folder """ & sFolderPath & vbCrlf " to a string concatenation")
End Function
Transfers all the files with a particular extension to a textfile.Public Sub Folder_ToTextFile()
Const sPROCNAME As String = "Folder_ToTextFile"
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Sub
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, _
End Sub
Returns a string concatenation of all the immediate sub folders within a given folder.Public Function Folder_FoldersAllToString( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
Optional ByVal sSeparateChar As String = ";", _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = False) _
As String
Const sPROCNAME As String = "Folder_FoldersAllToString"
Dim smainfolders As String
Dim smainfolderstemp As String
Dim ssubfolders As String
Dim ssubfolderstemp As String
Dim inextcharpos As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If Folder_Exists(sFolderPath, bInformUser) = True Then
smainfolders = ""
If Folder_SubFoldersAny(sFolderPath, bInformUser) = True Then _
smainfolders = Folder_SubFoldersGetAll(sFolderPath, sSeparateChar, bInformUser)
smainfolderstemp = smainfolders
Do While smainfolderstemp <> ""
inextcharpos = Str_FindPositionofNextChar(smainfolderstemp, 1, sSeparateChar)
If inextcharpos > -1 Then
ssubfolders = Left(smainfolderstemp, inextcharpos - 1)
smainfolderstemp = _
Right(smainfolderstemp, Len(smainfolderstemp) - Len(ssubfolders) - 1)
ssubfolders = smainfolderstemp
smainfolderstemp = ""
End If
ssubfolderstemp = Folder_SubFoldersAll(ssubfolders, sSeparateChar, bInformUser)
If ssubfolderstemp <> "" Then _
smainfolders = smainfolders & sSeparateChar & ssubfolderstemp
Else: Folder_SubFoldersAll = ""
End If
Folder_SubFoldersAll = smainfolders
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, _
"get all the immediate folders contained within the folder path" & vbCrLf & _
sFolderPath & vbCrLf & "and concatenate them all into a string")
End Function
Public Function Folder_FoldersHasAny( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
Optional ByVal bCheckLineAdd As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = True) _
As Boolean
Const sPROCNAME As String = "Folder_FoldersHasAny"
Dim lnooffiles As Long
Dim snextitem As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
lnooffiles = 0
If bCheckLineAdd = True Then sFolderPath = Folder_LineAdd(sFolderPath)
snextitem = Dir(sFolderPath, vbDirectory)
Do Until (snextitem = "")
If (snextitem <> ".") And (snextitem <> "..") And _
(GetAttr(sFolderPath & snextitem) = vbDirectory Or _
GetAttr(sFolderPath & snextitem) = vbArchive + vbDirectory Or _
GetAttr(sFolderPath & snextitem) = vbArchive + vbDirectory + vbReadOnly) Then
Exit Do
End If
snextitem = Dir()
If Len(snextitem) = 0 Then Folder_FoldersHasAny = False
If Len(snextitem) > 0 Then Folder_FoldersHasAny = True
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
If bInformUser = True Then
Call MsgBox( _
"Access is denied to the folder path """ & sFolderPath & """")
Folder_FoldersHasAny = False
Exit Function
End If
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, _
"determine if there are any sub folders in the folder path" & _
vbCrLf & sFolderPath)
End Function
Returns the number of immediate sub folders contained within a folder.Public Function Folder_FoldersNoOf( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String) _
As Long
Const sPROCNAME As String = "Folder_FoldersNoOf"
Dim lnooffolders As Long
Dim snextitem As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
lnooffolders = 0
sFolderPath = Folder_LineAdd(sFolderPath)
snextitem = Dir(sFolderPath, vbDirectory)
Do Until Len(snextitem) = 0
If (snextitem <> ".") And (snextitem <> "..") And _
(GetAttr(sFolderPath & snextitem) = vbDirectory Or _
GetAttr(sFolderPath & snextitem) = vbArchive + vbDirectory Or _
GetAttr(sFolderPath & snextitem) = vbArchive + vbDirectory + vbReadOnly) Then
lnooffolders = lnooffolders + 1
End If
snextitem = Dir(, vbDirectory)
Folder_FoldersNoOf = lnooffolders
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, _
"return the total number of sub folders" & _
" in the folder path" & vbCrLf & sFolderPath)
End Function
Public Sub Folder_FoldersToComboBox( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByRef cboBoxName As Control, _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal bSort As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal bAddThreeDots As Boolean = False)
Const sPROCNAME As String = "Folder_FoldersToComboBox"
Dim vArrayName As Variant
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Call Folder_FoldersToArraySingle(sFolderPath, "", vArrayName, bInformUser, bAddThreeDots)
If Array_Check(vArrayName, False) = True Then
cboBoxName.List = vArrayName
End If
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Sub
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, _
"transfer the list of all the folders" & _
" in the folder path" & vbCrLf & sFolderPath & _
"to the combobox '" & cboBoxName.Name & "'.")
End Sub
Returns the first sub folder within a folder.Public Function SubFoldersConCat_GetFirst( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = False) _
As String
Const sPROCNAME As String = "SubFoldersConCat_GetFirst"
Dim snextitem As String
Dim larraycounter As Long
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
SubFoldersConCat_GetFirst= ""
snextitem = Dir(sFolderPath, vbDirectory)
Do While snextitem <> ""
If (snextitem <> ".") And (snextitem <> "..") And _
(GetAttr(sFolderPath & snextitem) = vbDirectory Or _
GetAttr(sFolderPath & snextitem) = vbArchive + vbDirectory) Then
Folder_SubFolderGetFirst = Folder_LineAdd(sFolderPath & snextitem)
Exit Function
End If
snextitem = File_GetNext(snextitem, sFolderPath)
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, _
"return the first sub folder from the folder path" & vbCrLf & sFolderPath)
End Function
Returns the next sub folder within a folder. If there are no subfolders then an empty string is returned ' SHOULD USE Str_GetNext.Public Function SubFoldersConCat_GetNext( _
ByVal sAllSubFolders As String, _
Optional ByVal sSeperateChar As String = ";", _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = False) _
As String
Const sPROCNAME As String = "SubFoldersConCat_GetNext"
Dim inextcharpos As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If sAllSubFolders <> "" Then
inextcharpos = InStr(sAllSubFolders, sSeperateChar)
If inextcharpos > -1 Then
SubFoldersConCat_GetNext = Left(sAllSubFolders, inextcharpos - 1)
SubFoldersConCat_GetNext = sAllSubFolders
sAllSubFolders = ""
End If
Folder_SubFolderGet = ""
If bInformUser = True Then
Call MsgBox( _
"There are no more subfolders to get")
End If
End If
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, _
"return the next folder from the concatenated string")
End Function
Public Function Folder_SubFoldersGetAllToString( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
Optional ByVal sSeparateChar As String = ";", _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = False) _
As String
Const sPROCNAME As String = "Folder_SubFoldersGetAllToString"
Dim smainfolders As String
Dim smainfolderstemp As String
Dim ssubfolders As String
Dim ssubfolderstemp As String
Dim inextcharpos As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If Folder_Exists(sFolderPath, bInformUser) = True Then
smainfolders = ""
If (Folder_SubFoldersHasAny(sFolderPath, bInformUser) = True) Then
smainfolders = Folder_FoldersAllToString(sFolderPath, sSeparateChar, bInformUser)
End If
smainfolderstemp = smainfolders
Do While smainfolderstemp <> ""
inextcharpos = Str_CharFindPositionofNext(smainfolderstemp, 1, sSeparateChar)
If (inextcharpos > -1) Then
ssubfolders = Left(smainfolderstemp, inextcharpos - 1)
smainfolderstemp = _
Right(smainfolderstemp, Len(smainfolderstemp) - Len(ssubfolders) - 1)
ssubfolders = smainfolderstemp
smainfolderstemp = ""
End If
ssubfolderstemp = Folder_FoldersAllToString(ssubfolders, sSeparateChar, bInformUser)
If (ssubfolderstemp <> "") Then
smainfolders = smainfolders & sSeparateChar & ssubfolderstemp
End If
Folder_FoldersAllToString = ""
End If
Folder_FoldersAllToString = smainfolders
If g_bDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
' Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, Err.Number, Err.Description,
Call MsgBox(Err.Number & "-" & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "Unable to " & _
"get all the immediate folders contained within the folder path" & vbCrLf & _
sFolderPath & vbCrLf & "and concatenate them all into a string")
End Function
Public Function SubFolders_AllLevelsGet( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
Optional ByVal sSeperateChar As String = ";", _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = False) _
As String
Const sPROCNAME As String = "SubFolders_AllLevelsGet"
Dim ssubfolders As String
Dim snextitem As String
Dim larraycounter As Long
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
ssubfolders = ""
snextitem = Folder_SubFolderGetFirst(sFolderPath)
If (snextitem = "") Then
If (bInformUser = True) Then
Call Msgbox ( _
"There are no sub folders in the folder " & _
"""" & sFolderPath & """")
End If
ssubfolders = snextitem
snextitem = File_GetNext(snextitem, sFolderPath)
End If
Do While (snextitem <> "")
If (snextitem <> ".") And (snextitem <> "..") And _
(GetAttr(sFolderPath & snextitem) = vbDirectory Or _
GetAttr(sFolderPath & snextitem) = vbArchive + vbDirectory) Then
ssubfolders = ssubfolders & sSeperateChar & Folder_LineAdd(sFolderPath & snextitem)
End If
snextitem = File_GetNext(snextitem, sFolderPath)
SubFolders_AllLevelsGet = ssubfolders
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, _
"get all the folders (inc. subfolders) contained within the folder path" & _
vbCrLf & sFolderPath & vbCrLf & "and concatenate them all into a string")
End Function
Public Function Folder_SubFoldersGetOneLevel( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
Optional ByVal sSeperateChar As String = ";", _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = False) _
As String
Const sPROCNAME As String = "Folder_SubFoldersGetOneLevel"
'Dim fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim oFolder As Scripting.Folder
Dim oFolder1 As Scripting.Folder
Dim ssubfolders As String
Dim lfoldercount As Long
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If (g_oFSO Is Nothing) Then
Set g_oFSO = New FileSystemObject
End If
Set oFolder = g_oFSO.GetFolder(sFolderPath)
If (oFolder.SubFolders.Count = 0) Then
If (bInformUser = True) Then
Call MsgBox( _
"There are no sub folders in the folder " & "'" & sFolderPath & "'")
End If
End If
lfoldercount = 0
For Each oFolder1 In oFolder.SubFolders
lfoldercount = lfoldercount + 1
ssubfolders = ssubfolders & sSeperateChar & sFolderPath & oFolder1.Name & "\"
'Call UpdateProgress(lfoldercount, oFolder.SubFolders.Count, 100, oFolder1.Name)
Next oFolder1
'remove the first seperatechar
ssubfolders = Right(ssubfolders, Len(ssubfolders) - 1)
Folder_SubFoldersGetOneLevel = ssubfolders
If g_bDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
' Application.StatusBar = False
' Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, Err.Number, Err.Description,
Call MsgBox(Err.Number & "-" & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "Unable to " & _
"get all the immediate subfolders under the folder path" & _
vbCrLf & sFolderPath & vbCrLf & "and concatenate them all into a string")
End Function
Public Function SubFolders_OneLevelGet(ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
Optional ByVal sSeperateChar As String = ";", _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = False) As String
Const sPROCNAME As String = "SubFolders_OneLevelGet"
Dim smainfolders As String
Dim smainfolderstemp As String
Dim ssubfolders As String
Dim ssubfolderstemp As String
Dim inextcharpos As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If Folder_Exists(sFolderPath, bInformUser) = True Then
smainfolders = ""
If Folder_SubFoldersAny(sFolderPath, bInformUser) = True Then
smainfolders = Folder_SubFoldersGetAll(sFolderPath, sSeperateChar, bInformUser)
End If
smainfolderstemp = smainfolders
Do While smainfolderstemp <> ""
inextcharpos = Str_FindPositionofNextChar(smainfolderstemp, 1, sSeperateChar)
If (inextcharpos > -1) Then
ssubfolders = Left(smainfolderstemp, inextcharpos - 1)
smainfolderstemp = _
Right(smainfolderstemp, Len(smainfolderstemp) - Len(ssubfolders) - 1)
ssubfolders = smainfolderstemp
smainfolderstemp = ""
End If
ssubfolderstemp = Folder_SubFoldersAll(ssubfolders, sSeperateChar, bInformUser)
If ssubfolderstemp <> "" Then
smainfolders = smainfolders & sSeperateChar & ssubfolderstemp
End If
SubFolders_OneLevelGet= ""
End If
SubFolders_OneLevelGet = smainfolders
Exit Function
' Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, 1, _
' "get all the immediate folders contained within the folder path" & vbCrLf & _
' sFolderPath & vbCrLf & "and concatenate them all into a string")
End Function
Public Function Folder_SubFoldersHasAny( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
Optional ByVal bCheckLineAdd As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = True) _
As Boolean
Const sPROCNAME As String = "Folder_SubFoldersHasAny"
Dim lnooffiles As Long
Dim snextitem As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
lnooffiles = 0
If bCheckLineAdd = True Then
sFolderPath = Folder_LineAdd(sFolderPath)
End If
snextitem = Dir(sFolderPath, vbDirectory)
Do Until (snextitem = "")
If (snextitem <> ".") And (snextitem <> "..") And _
(GetAttr(sFolderPath & snextitem) = vbDirectory Or _
GetAttr(sFolderPath & snextitem) = vbArchive + vbDirectory Or _
GetAttr(sFolderPath & snextitem) = vbArchive + vbDirectory + vbReadOnly) Then
Exit Do
End If
snextitem = File_GetNext(snextitem)
If Len(snextitem) = 0 Then Folder_SubFoldersHasAny = False
If Len(snextitem) > 0 Then Folder_SubFoldersHasAny = True
If g_bDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
If bInformUser = True Then
Call MsgBox( _
"Access is denied to the folder path """ & sFolderPath & """")
Folder_SubFoldersHasAny = False
Exit Function
End If
' Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, Err.Number, Err.Description,
Call MsgBox(Err.Number & "-" & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "Unable to " & _
"determine if there are any sub folders in the folder path" & _
vbCrLf & sFolderPath)
End Function
Public Function SubFolders_HasAny( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
Optional ByVal bCheckLineAdd As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = True) _
As Boolean
Const sPROCNAME As String = "SubFolders_HasAny"
Dim lnooffiles As Long
Dim snextitem As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
lnooffiles = 0
If bCheckLineAdd = True Then sFolderPath = Folder_LineAdd(sFolderPath)
snextitem = Dir(sFolderPath, vbDirectory)
Do Until (snextitem = "")
If (snextitem <> ".") And (snextitem <> "..") And _
(GetAttr(sFolderPath & snextitem) = vbDirectory Or _
GetAttr(sFolderPath & snextitem) = vbArchive + vbDirectory Or _
GetAttr(sFolderPath & snextitem) = vbArchive + vbDirectory + vbReadOnly) Then
Exit Do
End If
snextitem = Dir()
If Len(snextitem) = 0 Then Folder_FoldersHasAny = False
If Len(snextitem) > 0 Then Folder_FoldersHasAny = True
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
If bInformUser = True Then
Call MsgBox( _
"Access is denied to the folder path """ & sFolderPath & """")
Folder_FoldersHasAny = False
Exit Function
End If
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, _
"determine if there are any sub folders in the folder path" & _
vbCrLf & sFolderPath)
End Function
Public Sub SubFolders_OneLevelToListBox( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal lstBoxName As Control, _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal bSort As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal bAddThreeDots As Boolean = False)
Const sPROCNAME As String = "SubFolders_OneLevelToListBox"
Dim vArrayName As Variant
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Call Folder_FoldersToArraySingle(sFolderPath, "", vArrayName, bInformUser, bAddThreeDots)
If Array_Check(vArrayName, False) = True Then
lstBoxName.List = vArrayName
End If
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Sub
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, _
"transfer the list of all the sub folders" & _
" in the folder path" & vbCrLf & sFolderPath & _
"to the listbox '" & lstBoxName.Name & "'.")
End Sub
Transfers all the files in a folder with a particular extension to a listbox or combobox.Public Sub SubFolders_OneLevelToListBoxFSO( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal lstBoxName As Control, _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = True)
Const sPROCNAME As String = "SubFolders_OneLevelToListBoxFSO"
Dim oFolder As Scripting.Folder
Dim oFolder1 As Scripting.Folder
Dim itotalfiles As Integer
Dim ifilenumber As Integer
Dim snextfile As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set oFolder = objFilesys.GetFolder(sFolderPath)
For Each oFolder1 In oFolder.SubFolders
lstBoxName.AddItem oFolder1.Name
Next oFolder1
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Sub
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, _
"transfer the list of sub folders to " & _
""" to the list box " & vbCrLf & sFolderPath)
End Sub
Public Function Folder_Valid( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String) _
As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If Dir(sFolderPath, vbDirectory) = "" Then
End If
Folder_Valid = True
Exit Function
Folder_Valid = False
End Function
Public Function FolderPath_GetFileName( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
Optional ByVal bRemoveExtension As Boolean = False) _
As String
Const sPROCNAME As String = "FolderPath_GetFileName"
Dim icharpos As Integer
Dim stemp As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If sFolderPath <> "" Then
icharpos = InStrRev(sFolderPath, "\")
stemp = Right(sFolderPath, Len(sFolderPath) - icharpos)
If (bRemoveExtension = True) Then
stemp = Left(stemp, Len(stemp) - 4)
End If
FolderPath_GetFileName= stemp
FolderPath_GetFileName= ""
End If
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, _
"return just the file from the full folder path" & _
vbCrLf & sFolderPath)
End Function
Public Function FolderPath_GetLast( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String) _
As String
Const sPROCNAME As String = "FolderPath_GetLast"
Dim ichar As Integer
Dim sremaining As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If Right(sFolderPath, 1) = "\" Then
sFolderPath = Left(sFolderPath, Len(sFolderPath) - 1)
End If
If Right(sFolderPath, 1) = ":" Then
FolderPath_GetLast = ""
Exit Function
End If
ichar = InStr(1, sFolderPath, "\")
Do While ichar > 0
sremaining = sremaining & Left(sFolderPath, ichar)
sFolderPath = Right(sFolderPath, Len(sFolderPath) - ichar)
ichar = InStr(1, sFolderPath, "\")
FolderPath_GetLast = sFolderPath
If g_bDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
' Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, Err.Number, Err.Description,
Call MsgBox(Err.Number & "-" & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "Unable to " & _
"remove the last item from the folder.")
End Function
Public Function FolderPath_LineAdd( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String) As String
Const sPROCNAME As String = "FolderPath_LineAdd"
Dim balter As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Call Tracer_AddSubroutineStart(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME)
If sFolderPath <> "" Then
balter = False
If Right(sFolderPath, 1) <> "\" Then
balter = True
End If
If balter = True Then FolderPath_LineAdd= sFolderPath & "\"
If balter = False Then FolderPath_LineAdd= sFolderPath
FolderPath_LineAdd= ""
End If
If g_bDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, Err.Number, Err.Description)
End Function
Public Function FolderPath_RemoveFileName( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String) _
As String
Const sPROCNAME As String = "FolderPath_RemoveFileName"
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
FolderPath_RemoveFileName = ""
If g_bDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, Err.Number, Err.Description, _
"remove the file from the end of a folder path.")
End Function
Public Function FolderPath_RemoveLastSubfolder( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String) _
As String
Const sPROCNAME As String = "FolderPath_RemoveLastSubfolder"
Dim ichar As Integer
Dim sremaining As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
sFolderPath = Left(sFolderPath, Len(sFolderPath) - 1)
If (Right(sFolderPath, 1) = ":") Then
FolderPath_RemoveLastSubfolder = ""
Exit Function
End If
ichar = InStr(1, sFolderPath, "\")
Do While (ichar > 0)
sremaining = sremaining & Left(sFolderPath, ichar)
sFolderPath = Right(sFolderPath, Len(sFolderPath) - ichar)
ichar = InStr(1, sFolderPath, "\")
FolderPath_RemoveLastSubfolder = sremaining
If g_bDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, Err.Number, Err.Description, _
"remove the last item from the folder.")
End Function
Transfers all the sub folders in a particular folder with a given extension to a single dimensional array.Public Sub Folder_FoldersToArraySingle(ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal sArrayName As String, _
ByRef vArrayName As Variant, _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal bAddThreeDots As Boolean = False)
Dim itotalfiles As Integer
Dim ifoldernumber As Integer
Dim snextitem As String
On Error GoTo AnError
If Folder_FoldersHasAny(sFolderPath, False) = True Then
ifoldernumber = 0
snextitem = Dir(sFolderPath, vbDirectory)
ReDim vArrayName(10000)
If bAddThreeDots = True Then
vArrayName(ifoldernumber) = "[...]"
ifoldernumber = ifoldernumber + 1
End If
Do Until snextitem = ""
If (snextitem <> ".") And (snextitem <> "..") And _
(GetAttr(sFolderPath & snextitem) = vbDirectory Or _
GetAttr(sFolderPath & snextitem) = vbArchive + vbDirectory Or _
GetAttr(sFolderPath & snextitem) = vbArchive + vbDirectory + vbReadOnly) Then
vArrayName(ifoldernumber) = snextitem
ifoldernumber = ifoldernumber + 1
End If
snextitem = Dir(, vbDirectory)
ReDim Preserve vArrayName(ifoldernumber - 1)
vArrayName = Empty
If bAddThreeDots = True Then
ReDim vArrayName(0)
vArrayName(0) = "[...]"
ifoldernumber = ifoldernumber + 1
End If
If bInformUser = True Then
Call MsgBox("There are no folders in this folder !")
End If
End If
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Sub
Call Error_Handle("Folder_FoldersToArraySingle", msMODULENAME, 1, _
"transfer the list of all the files with the extension '" & _
"' in the folder path" & vbCrLf & sFolderPath & _
"to the single dimensional array '" & sArrayName & "'")
End Sub
Public Sub Message_FileDoesNotExist( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal sFileName As String)
Dim sMessage As String
sMessage = "This file does not exist: " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "'" & sFolderPath & sFileName & "'"
Call MsgBox(sMessage, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, modConstants.g_sCOMPANYNAME & " (" & g_sVERSION & ") - " & "File Missing")
Call Tracer_Add("MESSAGE", sMessage)
End Sub
Public Sub Message_FolderDoesNotExist( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String)
Dim sMessage As String
sMessage = "This folder path does not exist: " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "'" & sFolderPath & "'"
Call MsgBox(sMessage, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, modConstants.g_sCOMPANYNAME & " (" & g_sVERSION & ") - " & "Folder Missing")
Call Tracer_Add("MESSAGE", sMessage)
End Sub
Public Sub Message_FolderPathEmpty( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String)
Dim sMessage As String
sMessage = "This folder path is empty: " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "'" & sFolderPath & "'"
Call MsgBox(sMessage, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, modConstants.g_sCOMPANYNAME & " (" & g_sVERSION & ") - " & "Folder Path Empty")
Call Tracer_Add("MESSAGE", sMessage)
End Sub
Adds text to an existing text file.Public Sub TextFile_Add(ByVal sText As String, _
ByVal iFileNo As Integer)
On Error GoTo AnError
Print #iFileNo, sText
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Sub
Call Error_Handle("TextFile_Add", msMODULENAME, 1, _
End Sub
Closes a text file from being read or written to.Public Sub TextFile_Close(ByVal iFileNo As Integer)
On Error GoTo AnError
Close #iFileNo
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Sub
Call Error_Handle("TextFile_Close", msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, 1, _
"close the text file !")
End Sub
Returns the full contents a text file.Public Function TextFile_GetContents( _
ByVal iFileNo As Integer) _
As String
Dim seachline As String
Dim swholefile As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Do While Not EOF(iFileNo)
Line Input #iFileNo, seachline
swholefile = swholefile & vbCrLf & seachline
TextFile_GetContents = swholefile
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle("TextFile_GetContents", msMODULENAME, 1, _
End Function
What is the difference between this and the one above.Public Function TextFile_GetEntire( _
ByVal iFileNo As Integer) _
As String
On Error GoTo AnError
'since InputB function returns an ANSI string need to convert it
TextFile_GetEntire = StrConv(InputB(LOF(iFileNo), iFileNo), vbUnicode)
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle("TextFile_GetEntire", msMODULENAME, 1, _
End Function
Returns all the text in a text file after it finds the first occurrence of a text string.Public Function TextFile_GetLinesAfter( _
ByVal iFileNo As Integer, _
ByVal sSearchText As String) _
As String
Dim seachline As String
Dim swholefile As String
On Error GoTo AnError
Do While Not EOF(iFileNo)
Line Input #iFileNo, seachline
If InStr(1, seachline, sSearchText) > 0 Then swholefile = ""
swholefile = swholefile & vbCrLf & seachline
TextFile_GetLinesAfter = swholefile
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle("TextFile_GetLinesAfter", msMODULENAME, 1, _
End Function
Creates or opens a text file for reading or writing.Public Function TextFile_Open(ByVal sMethod As String, _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal sFileName As String, _
Optional ByVal sExtension As String = ".txt", _
Optional ByVal iRecordLength As Integer) _
As Integer
Dim ifilenumber As Integer
On Error GoTo AnError
ifilenumber = FreeFile 'obtains the next available file number
If sMethod = "Seq_Read" Then _
Open sFolderPath & sFileName & sExtension For Input As #ifilenumber
If sMethod = "Seq_Write" Then _
Open sFolderPath & sFileName & sExtension For Output As #ifilenumber
' If sMethod = "Bin_Read" Then _
' Open sFolderPath & sFileName & sExtension For Binary Access Write As #ifilenumber
' If sMethod = "Bin_Write" Then _
' Open sFolderPath & sFileName & sExtension For Binary Access Write As #ifilenumber
' If sMethod = "Random_Read" Then _
' Open sFolderPath & sFileName & sExtension For Random As #ifilenumber Len = iRecordLength
' If sMethod = "Random_Write" Then _
' Open sFolderPath & sFileName & sExtension For Random As #ifilenumber Len = iRecordLength
TextFile_Open = ifilenumber
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle("TextFile_Open", msMODULENAME, 1, _
"open the file:" & _
vbCrLf & """" & sFolderPath & sFileName & sExtension & """" & _
vbCrLf & "and return the corresponding file number")
End Function
Transfers the contents of a text file to a multi dimensional array.Public Function TextFile_ToArrayMulti( _
ByVal sArrayName As String, _
ByVal vArrayName As Variant, _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal iNoOfCols As Integer, _
ByVal sTextFile As String, _
Optional ByVal sExtension As String = ".txt", _
Optional ByVal bBlankLine As Boolean = True) _
As Integer
Dim iFileNo As Integer
Dim lNoOfRecords As Long
Dim lReadRecords As Long
Dim icolcount As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
iFileNo = FreeFile
sTextFile = sFolderPath & sTextFile & sExtension
Open sTextFile For Input As #iFileNo
lNoOfRecords = 0
While Not EOF(iFileNo)
Line Input #iFileNo, sReadLine
lNoOfRecords = lNoOfRecords + 1
Close #iFileNo
If lNoOfRecords = 0 Then TextFile_ToArray = 0
If lNoOfRecords = 0 Then Exit Function
If lNoOfRecords > 0 Then
ReDim vArrayName(iNoOfCols, lNoOfRecords)
Open sTextFile For Input As #iFileNo
lReadRecords = 1
While Not EOF(iFileNo)
For icolcount = 1 To iARRAYINTERNAL_TOTAL
Line Input #iFileNo, vArrayName(icolcount, iReadRecords + 1)
Next icolcount
If (bBlankLine = True) And (iNoOfRecords > iReadRecords) Then _
Line Input #iFileNo, sBlankLine
iReadRecords = iReadRecords + 1
TextFile_ToArray = iReadRecords
End If
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle("TextFile_ToArrayMulti", msMODULENAME, 1, _
"read all the information from the text file" & _
vbCrLf & sERRORMESSAGE, vbCritical, "AddressBook_Read")
End Function
Transfers the contents of a text file to a single dimensional array.Public Sub TextFile_ToArraySingle()
On Error GoTo AnError
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Sub
Call Error_Handle("TextFile_ToArraySingle", msMODULENAME, 1, _
End Sub
Transfers the contents of a text file to a listbox or combobox.Public Sub TextFile_ToListComboBox()
On Error GoTo AnError
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Sub
Call Error_Handle("TextFile_ToListComboBox", msMODULENAME, 1, _
End Sub
Transfers the contents of a text file to a string concatenation.Public Function TextFile_ToStringFSO( _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal sTextFileName As String, _
Optional ByVal sExtension As String = ".txt", _
Optional ByVal sSeparateChar As String = "#", _
Optional ByVal bInformUser As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal lNoOfLinesMax As Long = 50) _
As String
Const sPROCNAME As String = "TextFile_ToStringFSO"
Dim objFSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim scrText As Scripting.TextStream
Dim arlines() As String
Dim llineno As Long
Dim slineoftext As String
Dim stotalcontents As String
Dim vacontents As Variant
Dim lnooflines As Long
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Call Tracer_AddSubroutineStart(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME)
Set objFSO = New FileSystemObject
If objFSO.FileExists(sFolderPath & sTextFileName & sExtension) = True Then
Set scrText = objFSO.OpenTextFile(sFolderPath & sTextFileName & sExtension, IOMode.ForReading)
If bInformUser = True Then
Call MsgBox("This file does not exist - unable to return the contents.")
Exit Function
End If
End If
stotalcontents = ""
If (lNoOfLinesMax > -1) Then
arlines = VBA.Split(scrText.ReadAll, vbCrLf)
If (lNoOfLinesMax < UBound(arlines)) Then
For llineno = (UBound(arlines) - lNoOfLinesMax) To UBound(arlines)
stotalcontents = stotalcontents & arlines(llineno) & sSeparateChar
Next llineno
For llineno = 0 To UBound(arlines)
stotalcontents = stotalcontents & arlines(llineno) & sSeparateChar
Next llineno
End If
lnooflines = 1
Do While Not scrText.AtEndOfStream
slineoftext = scrText.ReadLine
stotalcontents = stotalcontents & slineoftext & sSeparateChar
lnooflines = lnooflines + 1
If (lNoOfLinesMax <> -1) And (lnooflines > lNoOfLinesMax) Then
Exit Do
End If
End If
TextFile_ToStringFSO = stotalcontents
Set scrText = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
Exit Function
Set scrText = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, Err.Number, Err.Description, _
"read all the information from the text file" & vbCrLf & _
"'" & sFolderPath & sTextFileName & sExtension & "'" & vbCrLf & _
"and return it as a string concatenation")
End Function
Writes / adds text to a text file.Public Function TextFile_Write( _
ByVal sMethod As String, _
ByVal sFolderPath As String, _
ByVal sFileName As String, _
ByVal sTextToAdd As String, _
Optional ByVal bReplaceAll As Boolean) _
As String
Dim ifilenumber As Integer
Dim swholefile As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
swholefile = ""
If (bReplaceAll = False) Then
ifilenumber = TextFile_Open("Seq_Read", sFolderPath, sFileName)
swholefile = TextFile_GetEntire(ifilenumber)
MsgBox swholefile
Close #ifilenumber
End If
ifilenumber = TextFile_Open("Seq_Write", sFolderPath, sFileName)
If (sMethod = "Seq") Then
Print #ifilenumber, swholefile & sTextToAdd
End If
Close #ifilenumber
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle("TextFile_Write", msMODULENAME, 1, _
"add the text" & vbCrLf & """" & sTextToAdd & """" & vbCrLf & "to the >>>")
End Function
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