Readiness ToolKit

Released in September 2017

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This is a utility tool can be used help you identify compatibility problems with your VBA macros and add-ins.
This tool checks compatibility with Office 365 ProPlus and previous versions of Office (2013, 2010, 2007 and 2003)
This tool does not repair or fix code but will produce an Excel report giving you more information.

This Toolkit can help you identify compatibility issues with your VBA macros and add-ins.
It can be used to scan for VBA macros in Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, Project, Visio and Publisher.

Excel 2010 or later
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 or later

File Extensions Scanned:
Excel - xla, xlam, xls, xlsm, xlsx, xlt, xltm, xltx
Word - doc, docm, docx, dot, dotm, dotx
PowerPoint - pot, potm, potx, ppa, ppam, pps, ppsm, ppt, pptm, pptx, sldx, sldm
Outlook - otm

Password protected files will not be scanned

Add-in Types Identified:
Automation (Excel) - Excel-supported automation add-ins are built upon COM add-ins. Functions in Automation add-ins can be called from formulas in Excel worksheets.

COM (Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Word) - COM add-ins include add-ins usually written in C++ and Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO) developed using managed code.

VBA (Excel, PowerPoint, and Word) - VBA add-ins are application-specific files that contain VBA code. These include macro-enabled Word templates (.dotm), Excel add-ins (.xla, .xlam), and PowerPoint add-ins (.ppa, .ppam).

WLL (Word) - WLL (.wll) add-ins are specific to Word and built with any compiler that supports building DLLs.

XLL (Excel) - XLL add-ins (.xll) are specific to Excel and are built with any compiler that supports building DLLs (dynamic-link libraries). They do not have to be installed or registered. XLL add-ins also include DLLs that contain user-defined commands and functions.

XLS RTD (Excel) - XLS real-time data (RTD) add-ins are Excel worksheets that use the RealTimeData worksheet function to call an Automation server to retrieve data in real-time.

Readiness Report Creator
This is a UI wizard steps you through the process of creating a readiness report.

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