BackColor | Specifies the background color of the object (Long) |
BorderColor | Specifies the color of an object's border (Long) |
BorderStyle | Specifies the type of border used by a control or a form (fmBorderStyle) either fmBorderStyleNone or fmBorderStyleSingle |
Caption | Descriptive text that appears on an object to identify or describe it. (String) |
Cycle | Specifies the action to take when the user leaves the last control on a Frame or Page. (fmCycle) either fmCycleAllForms or fmCycleCurrentForm |
DrawBuffer | Specifies the number of pixels set aside for off-screen memory in rendering a frame. |
Enabled | Specifies whether a control can receive the focus and respond to user-generated events. |
Font | Defines the characteristics of the text used by a control or form. |
ForeColor | Specifies the foreground color of an object. |
Height | The height in points, of an object. |
HelpContextID | The HelpContextID property associates a specific topic in a custom Microsoft Windows Help file with a specific control. (Long) |
KeepScrollBarsVisible | Specifies whether scroll bars remain visible when not required. (fmScrollBars) either fmScrollBarsNone, fmScrollBarsHorizontal, fmScrollBarsVertical or fmScrollBarsBoth |
Left | |
MouseIcon | Assigns a custom icon to an object. |
MousePointer | Specifies the type of pointer displayed when the user positions the mouse over a particular object. |
Picture | Specifies the bitmap to display on an object. |
PictureAlignment | Specifies the location of a background picture. |
PictureSizeMode | Specifies how to display the background picture on a control, form, or page. |
PictureTiling | Lets you tile a picture in a form or page. |
RightToLeft | Returns a Boolean value that indicates the text display direction and controls the visual appearance on a bidirectional system. |
ScrollBars | Specifies whether a control, form, or page has vertical scroll bars, horizontal scroll bars, or both. (fmScrollBars) |
ScrollHeight | Specify the height, in points, of the total area that can be viewed by moving the scroll bars on the control, form, or page. |
ScrollLeft | Specify the distance, in points, of the left or top edge of the visible form from the left or top edge of the logical form, page, or control. |
ScrollTop | Specify the distance, in points, of the left or top edge of the visible form from the left or top edge of the logical form, page, or control. |
ScrollWidth | Specify the height, in points, of the total area that can be viewed by moving the scroll bars on the control, form, or page. |
ShowModal | Sets a UserForm to be modal or modeless in its display. Read-only at run time. |
SpecialEffect | Specifies the visual appearance of an object. Either fmSpecialEffectFlat, fmSpecialEffectRaised, fmSpecialEffectSunken, fmSpecialEffectEtched, fmSpecialEffectBump |
StartUpPosition | Returns or sets a value specifying the position of a UserForm when it first appears. You can use one of four settings for StartUpPosition: Manual, CenterOwner, CenterScreen or WindowsDefault. |
Tag | Stores additional information about an object. |
Top | The distance between a control and the left or top edge of the form that contains it. |
WhatsThisButton | Returns a Boolean value that determines whether the What's This button appears on the title bar of a UserForm object. Read-only at run time. This property does not apply to the Macintosh. |
WhatsThisHelp | Returns a Boolean value that determines whether context-sensitive Help uses the pop-up window provided by Windows 95 Help or the main Help window. Read-only at run time. This property does not apply to the Macintosh. |
Width | The width, in points, of an object. |
Zoom | Specifies how much to change the size of a displayed object. |
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