Version 3.0
The Custom Text feature has been extended with new functionality that is available in the Add Custom Cross-reference Text dialog boxes for Headings and Captions. You can now insert style tags to specify special part(s) of a custom text to which you want to automatically apply a character style. Insert a 'Start Style' tag where you want the character style to start. Insert a 'Style End' tag where you want the character style to end. You may insert more than one pair of style tags in a custom text. For further details, please refer to the "style tag" help available directly in the dialog box. The style tags:
<$> Style Start - insert where you want the character style to start
</$> Style End - insert where you want the character style to end
Two new commands added to the Cross-reference Tools menu:
Apply Blue Highlight to All Cross-reference Bookmarks: Applies blue highlight to all cross-reference bookmarks, i.e. bookmarks whose names start with _Ref.
Note that any manually added bookmarks used by cross-reference fields with other types of names will not be marked.
Remove Highlight from All Cross-reference Bookmarks: Removes highlight from all cross-reference bookmarks, i.e. bookmarks whose names start with _Ref.
Fixed an issue where cross-references to caption label number included both the label and number.
This occurred, for example, if the caption label included spaces or if the caption label ended with e.g. a period or colon.
The group in the DocTools tab has been renamed to CrossReferenceManager instead of Cross-references.
Note that this change does not influence the functionality.
DocTools CrossReferenceManager version 2.8 is not compatible with Word 2007.
However, earlier versions work with Word 2007. If you are using Word 2007, you can purchase license(s) to the newest version.
A new command, Restore Position of Insert Cross-reference Dialog Box, has been added to the Cross-reference Tools menu.
You can use the command to fix the problem if the Insert Cross-reference dialog box doesn't seem to open when selecting the command.
For example, the dialog box may be positioned outside the visible area if you are using another monitor setup than last time you used the Insert Cross-reference command, e.g. switched form two to a single monitor.
If the selection is at the end of a row in a table - regardless of whether or not the end of row marker is selected - pressing Enter will now insert a new table row below the selection even if the option Automatically fix bookmarks when typing Enter (to prevent certain cross-reference errors) in the Set Cross-Reference Defaults dialog box is turned on.
In previous versions, pressing Enter in that situation had no effect if the Automatically fix bookmarks when typing Enter (to prevent certain cross-reference errors) option was turned on.
In order to make sure that all options plus the OK and Cancel buttons in the Set Cross-Reference Defaults dialog box can always be made visible on the screen, the dialog box will show a scroll bar to the right if the dialog box is too high for the screen.
This may be the case with a small screen and/or a low screen resolution.
The help text has been updated as appropriate.
Revised help text about text boxes and cross-references to captions, headings and numbered paragraphs.
Added extra info about how you can handle cross-references to headings and numbered paragraphs found in text boxes.
The functionality of the add-in is unchanged from version 2.6.
Added new option in Set Cross-Reference Defaults: Go to Filter field instead of first field when opening the Insert Cross-reference dialog box.
When the option is turned on, the cursor will automatically be positioned in the Filter field each time you open the Insert Cross-reference dialog box, ready for quickly filtering the list.
Extended the option for selecting which Heading / outline levels to show the target items list in the Insert Cross-reference dialog box.
Previously, you could select to show all levels or level 1. Now that dialog box lets you show all levels or reduce the target list to show only Heading / outline level 1, 1-2, 1-3, or 1-4 if you select one of the heading types as the target type.
This is practical in long documents with many headings. Note that the changed setting has also been added to the Set Cross-reference Defaults dialog box.
Added further handling in case of errors caused by Word bug that may result in missing headings in case empty paragraph.
Add more misc. extra help in the Tips & Troubleshooting tab of the Help dialog box.
Fixed a problem that was introduced in version 2.51. In a few cases, the result of inserting a cross-reference using a custom cross-reference text could appear with the last characters in an incorrect order.
Fixed problem (error 5941) that could occur when inserting a cross-reference in a document using a non-Roman alphabet.
The problem occurred in case of a bookmark name consisting of e.g. Hebrew letters.
Fixed problem (runtime error 94) that occurred in some language versions of Word (e.g. Dutch and French) when attempting to insert a cross-reference.
Improved storage of information that "remembers" your most recently applied settings for any type of cross-reference you have inserted in a specific document.
Now all settings for each type of cross-reference will be stored. In earlier versions, some of the settings were not stored.
If you update to this version from an earlier version of the add-in, you will be asked to redefine the cross-reference defaults the first time you insert a cross-reference after the update.
The checks that take place before the Insert Cross-reference dialog box opens in documents with tracked changes have been changed to make the dialog box load faster in Word 2013 and Word 2016 (some macro actions in Word 2013 and Word 2016 are extremely slow compared to earlier versions of Word).
Instead, a new button, Fix Missing Headings, will now appear in the Insert Cross-reference dialog box if the document contains deletions marked with track changes.
Additional information is found in the dialog box and in the help.
The functionality of the Check and Repair Cross-references command has been extended to detect trailing spaces and tabs found in e.g. cross-referenced headings and let you automatically delete such characters.
In addition, the command will now ignore a cross-reference bookmark as a possible problem if the bookmark is missing only the first character of the paragraph and if that character is a page break or another type of break.
Changed to handle bug in Word 2013 and Word 2016 that resulted in "Compile error" when Language for non-Unicode programs was set to e.g. Chinese or Korean.
The language setting is set via Control Panel > Region dialog box > Administrative tab > Change system locale.
Define Custom Cross-reference Texts: To make the special characters work with e.g. Asian system language settings, all buttons for special characters now insert a visible placeholder as was the case for most of the characters in earlier versions. Nonbreaking Space now inserts <s>, En Dash inserts <en> and Em Dash inserts <em>. Previously, those characters were inserted as normal characters.
This change also makes it possible to distinguish those special characters from normal spaces and hyphens in the dialog boxes.
All the placeholders are automatically replaced with the real characters when using the custom texts to insert cross-references. You can see an overview of all the placeholders via the dialog box.
Custom texts you have defined in an earlier version of DocTools CrossReferenceManager will still work.
You may, however, edit existing custom texts to use the new placeholders it you wish.
In addition, the changes described above, corrections have been made to fix a few minor issues.
Correction made to make the add-in fully compatible with 64-bit versions of Word.
New option added: "Set Cross-reference Defaults" > "Inserted cross-reference replaces selection when possible". The option lets you determine what happens to selected text when you insert a cross-reference via the "Insert Cross-reference" dialog box
Correction of handling of some types of cross-references to certain custom headings.
Correction of handling of trial version in order to prevent problems with too short trial period in certain regions. This change only affects the trial version.
Minor change to allow insertion of paragraph using Enter key in form fields in documents protected for forms with a password (no influence on other documents).
Correction to handling of check box and text box for "Separator numbers with" (only related to cross-references to "Number (full context)".
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