Whether you are working in connected or disconnected mode the first thing you have to do is to create a connection.
You can create a connection to a database by creating a Connection object.
This object is responsible for establishing a connection to the data source.
Dim objDataConnection As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
The connection string usually contains the following:
objDataConnection.ConnectionString = "Data Source=(local);User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=pubs"
objDataConnection.ConnectionString = "Server=betsol01;Database=prod;Trusted_Connection=True;"
The connection string usually contains the following:
Provider - Specifies the name of the provider you are using to connect to the database.
Data Source - Specified where the database is. It can be a folder path or the name of the machine where the database is located.
User ID and Password - Specifies a valid user name and password.
Initial Catalog - Specifies the name of the database when you are connecting to a SQL Server or Oracle database.
objDataConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Password=;User ID=Admin;" & _
"Data Source:=C:\Temp\Testing.mdb"
objDataConnection.ConnectionString = "Server=localhost;Uid=sa;Pwd=;Database=norwind"
objDataConnection.ConnectionString = "Server=localhost;Uid=sa;Pwd=;Database=norwind;Connection Timeout=30"
Creating a Connection Object
Dim objDataConnection As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
objDataConnection = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
objDataConnection.ConnectionString = "connectionstring"
Alternatively you could pass the connection string directly to the constructor.
Dim objDataConnection = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("connectionstring")
Closing a Connection
ConnectionString | The string used to connect to the database. |
ConnectionTimeout | Returns the number of seconds after which an unsuccessful connection will time out as specified in the ConnectionString property. The default is 15 seconds. This is read-only. |
Database | Returns the name of the database as specified in the ConnectionString property. |
DataSource | Returns the name of the data source attribute as specified in the ConnectionString property. |
ServerVersion | Returns the version of the connected server. |
State | Returns the current state of the database. Can be one or more of the following ConnectionState enumerated values: Closed, Connecting, Open, Executing, Fetching, Broken. |
BeginTransaction | Begins a database transaction. |
ChangeDatabase | Changes the name of the database for the current connection. |
Close | Closes the connection and releases all related resources. |
CreateCommand | Creates a Command object related to the current connection. |
Open | Opens the connection. |
InfoMessage | Fires when the database or the provider sends either an warning or an information message. |
StateChange | Fires when the State property changes. |
Changing the Timeout
The ConnectionTimeout property is readonly but can be changed by including a different value in the connection string.
objConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;
Persist Security Info=False;
User Id = sa;
Initial Catalog = dbName;
Data Source = localhost;
Connect Timeout = 20;
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