User FAQs

If you have a question, please send it to us.

1) What is the difference between the System.Net namespace and the System.Web
System.Web - is used for creating web services on the server.
System.Net - is used for consuming the web services on the client.
System.Web heavily depends on IIS web server, which can only be hosted on a Windows machine.
System.Net is independent of IIS features and is deployable to different platforms.

2) What do SOAP and REST stand for ?
SOAP = Simple Object Access Protocol
REST = REpresentational State Transfer

3) What is the differences between a SOAP Web Service and a REST Web Service ?
SOAP - describes itself using a wsdl (web description language) and has a defined contract
REST - lightweight http protocol that can return different formats (text, html, xml)

4) How can you return an error from a SOAP Web Service ?
Make sure the exception raised is derived from the SOAPException class.

5) Write a function that takes a date and returns the quarter that the date is in ?

public static int GetQuarter(System.DateTime myDateTime) 
   return System.Convert.ToInt32(System.Math.Ceiling(myDateTime.Month(3D));

The "D" literal number suffix tells the compiler that the literal value passed to the Month method is of data type double.
You can use this when you want an integer number to be treated as a double.

6) What is the relationship between WCF, Rest and SOAP?
WCF is a messaging framework for building distributed systems. Distributed systems is mostly just another word for web services.
The WCF programming model provides various capabilities, such as SOAP services, REST services, web HTTP services, data services, rich internet application (RIA) services, and workflow services.

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