
xlAxisCrossesSpecifies the point on the specified axis where the other axis crosses.
xlAxisGroupSpecifies the type of axis group.
xlAxisTypeSpecifies the axis type.
xlBinsTypeSpecifies the values passed to and returned from the ChartGroup.BinsType property.
xlCategoryTypeSpecifies the type of the category axis.
xlChartGallerySpecifies a chart gallery.
xlChartItemSpecifies the type of the chart item.
xlChartLocationSpecifies where to relocate a chart.
xlChartPicturePlacementSpecifies the placement of a user-selected picture on a bar in a 3-D bar or column.
xlChartPictureTypeSpecifies how pictures are displayed on a column, bar picture chart, or legend key.
xlChartSplitTypeSpecifies the values displayed in the second chart in a pie chart or a bar of pie chart.
xlChartTypeSpecifies the chart type.
xlDataLabelPositionSpecifies where the data label is positioned.
xlDataLabelSeparatorSpecifies the separator used with data labels.
xlDataLabelsTypeSpecifies the type of data label to apply.
xlDataSeriesDateSpecifies the type of date to apply to a data series.
xlDataSeriesTypeSpecifies the data series to create.
xlDisplayBlanksAsSpecifies how blank cells are plotted on a chart.
xlDisplayUnitSpecifies the display unit label for an axis.
xlEndStyleCapSpecifies the end style for error bars.
xlErrorBarDirectionSpecifies which axis values are to receive error bars.
xlErrorBarIncludeSpecifies which error bar parts to include.
xlErrorBarTypeSpecifies the range marked by error bars.
xlGeoMappingLevelSpecifies the geography mapping level for a series within a chart group.
xlGeoProjectionTypeSpecifies the geography projection type for a series within the chart group.
xlLegendPositionSpecifies the position of the legend on a chart.
xlMarkerStyleSpecifies the marker style for a point or series in a line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart.
xlObjectSizeSpecifies the way a chart is scaled to fit on a page.
xlPieSliceIndexSpecifies which position on the slice to return the coordinate of.
xlPieSliceLocationSpecifies the horizontal or vertical position of a point on a pie chart, in points, from the top or left edge of the object to the top or left edge of the chart area.
xlRegionLabelOptionsSpecifies the region labelling behavior for a series within the chart group.
xlRowColSpecifies whether the values corresponding to a particular data series are in rows or columns.
xlScaleTypeSpecifies the scale type of the value axis.
xlTickLabelOrientationSpecifies the text orientation for tick-mark labels.
xlTickLabelPositionSpecifies the position of tick-mark labels on the specified axis.
xlTickMarkSpecifies the position of major and minor tick marks for an axis.
xlTimeUnitSpecifies unit of time for chart axis and data series.
xlTrendlineTypeSpecifies how the trendline that smoothes out fluctuations in the data is calculated.
Specifies the point on the specified axis where the other axis crosses.
Specifies the type of axis group.
Specifies the axis type.
Specifies the values passed to and returned from the ChartGroup.BinsType property.
Specifies the type of the category axis.
Specifies a chart gallery.
Specifies the type of the chart item.
Specifies where to relocate a chart.
Specifies the placement of a user-selected picture on a bar in a 3-D bar or column.
Specifies how pictures are displayed on a column, bar picture chart, or legend key.
Specifies the values displayed in the second chart in a pie chart or a bar of pie chart.
Specifies the chart type.
Specifies where the data label is positioned.
Specifies the separator used with data labels.
Specifies the type of data label to apply.
Specifies the type of date to apply to a data series.
Specifies the data series to create.
Specifies how blank cells are plotted on a chart.
Specifies the display unit label for an axis.
Specifies the end style for error bars.
Specifies which axis values are to receive error bars.
Specifies which error bar parts to include.
Specifies the range marked by error bars.
Specifies the geography mapping level for a series within a chart group.
Specifies the geography projection type for a series within the chart group.
Specifies the position of the legend on a chart.
Specifies the marker style for a point or series in a line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart.
Specifies the way a chart is scaled to fit on a page.
Specifies which position on the slice to return the coordinate of.
Specifies the horizontal or vertical position of a point on a pie chart, in points, from the top or left edge of the object to the top or left edge of the chart area.
Specifies the region labelling behavior for a series within the chart group.
Specifies whether the values corresponding to a particular data series are in rows or columns.
Specifies the scale type of the value axis.
Specifies the text orientation for tick-mark labels.
Specifies the position of tick-mark labels on the specified axis.
Specifies the position of major and minor tick marks for an axis.
Specifies unit of time for chart axis and data series.
Specifies how the trendline that smoothes out fluctuations in the data is calculated.

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