Complete List

xlAboveBelowSpecifies if the values are above or below average.
xlActionTypeSpecifies the action that should be performed.
xlAllocationSpecifies when to calculate changes when performing what-if analysis on a PivotTable based on an OLAP data source.
xlAllocationMethodSpecifies the method to use to allocate values when performing what-if analysis on a PivotTable report based on an OLAP data source.
xlAllocationValueSpecifies what value to allocate when performing what-if analysis on a PivotTable report based on an OLAP data source.
xlApplicationInternationalSpecifies country/region and international settings.
xlApplyNamesOrderSpecifies which range name is listed first when a cell reference is replaced by a row-oriented and column-oriented range name.
xlArabicModesSpecifies spelling rules for the Arabic spelling checker.
xlArrangeStyleSpecifies how windows are arranged on the screen.
xlArrowHeadLengthSpecifies the length of the arrowhead at the end of a line.
xlArrowHeadStyleSpecifies the type of arrowhead to apply to the line end.
xlArrowHeadWidthSpecifies the width of the arrowhead at the line end.
xlAutoFillTypeSpecifies how the target range is to be filled, based on the contents of the source range.
xlAutoFilterOperatorSpecifies the operator to use to associate two criteria applied by a filter.
xlAxisCrossesSpecifies the point on the specified axis where the other axis crosses.
xlAxisGroupSpecifies the type of axis group.
xlAxisTypeSpecifies the axis type.
xlBackgroundSpecifies the background type for text in charts.
xlBarShapeSpecifies the shape used with the 3-D bar or column chart.
xlBinsTypeSpecifies the values passed to and returned from the ChartGroup.BinsType property.
xlBordersIndexSpecifies the border to be retrieved.
xlBorderWeightSpecifies the weight of the border around a range.
xlBuiltInDialogSpecifies which dialog box to display.
xlCalcForSpecifies what should be calculated.
xlCalcMemNumberFormatTypeSpecifies the format of cell values that are based on the calculated member.
xlCalculatedMemberTypeSpecifies the type of a calculated member in a pivot table.
xlCalculationSpecifies the calculation mode.
xlCalculationInterruptKeySpecifies which key interrupts recalculation.
xlCalculationStateSpecifies the calculation state of the application.
xlCategoryLabelLevelSpecifies the category labels for the category label levels.
xlCategorySortOrderSpecifies the sort order for the category.
xlCategoryTypeSpecifies the type of the category axis.
xlCellChangedStateSpecifies whether a pivottable value cell has been edited or recalculated since the pivottable report was created or the last commit operation was performed.
xlCellInsertionModeSpecifies the way rows on the specified worksheet are added or deleted to accommodate the number of rows in a recordset returned by a query.
xlCellTypeSpecifies the type of cells.
xlChartElementPositionSpecifies the position of the chart element.
xlChartGallerySpecifies a chart gallery.
xlChartItemSpecifies the type of the chart item.
xlChartLocationSpecifies where to relocate a chart.
xlChartPicturePlacementSpecifies the placement of a user-selected picture on a bar in a 3-D bar or column.
xlChartPictureTypeSpecifies how pictures are displayed on a column, bar picture chart, or legend key.
xlChartSplitTypeSpecifies the values displayed in the second chart in a pie chart or a bar of pie chart.
xlChartTypeSpecifies the chart type.
XlCheckInVersionTypeSpecifies the type of version for the document checked in when using the CheckIn method.
xlClipboardFormatSpecifies the format of an item on the Windows clipboard.
xlCmdTypeSpecifies the value of the commandtext property.
xlColorIndexSpecifies the colour of the interior pattern as an index into the current colour palette.
xlColumnDataTypeSpecifies how a column is to be parsed.
xlCommandUnderlinesSpecifies the state of the command underlines in Excel for the Macintosh.
xlCommentDisplayModeSpecifies the way cells display comments and comment indicators.
xlConditionValueTypesSpecifies the types of condition values that can be used.
xlConnectionTypeSpecifies the type of database connection.
xlConsolidationFunctionSpecifies the subtotal function.
XlContainsOperatorSpecifies the operator used in a function.
xlCopyPictureFormatSpecifies the format of the picture being copied.
xlCorruptLoadSpecifies the processing for a file when it is opened.
xlCreatorSpecifies the 32-bit creator code for Excel for Macintosh (decimal 1480803660, Hex 5843454C, string XCEL).
xlCredentialsMethodSpecifies the type of credentials method used.
xlCubeFieldSubTypeSpecifies the subtype of the CubeField.
xlCubeFieldTypeSpecifies whether the OLAP field is a hierarchy, set, or measure field.
xlCutCopyModeSpecifies the status of the Cut Copy mode (Long).
xlCVErrorSpecifies the type of error you want to raise.
xlDataBarAxisPositionSpecifies the axis position for a range of cells with conditional formatting as data bars.
xlDataBarBorderTypeSpecifies the border of a data bar.
xlDataBarFillTypeSpecifies how a data bar is filled with color.
xlDataBarNegativeColorTypeSpecifies whether to use the same border and fill color as postive data bars.
xlDataLabelPositionSpecifies where the data label is positioned.
xlDataLabelSeparatorSpecifies the separator used with data labels.
xlDataLabelsTypeSpecifies the type of data label to apply.
xlDataSeriesDateSpecifies the type of date to apply to a data series.
xlDataSeriesTypeSpecifies the data series to create.
xlDeleteShiftDirectionSpecifies how to shift cells to replace deleted cells.
xlDirectionSpecifies the direction in which to move.
xlDisplayBlanksAsSpecifies how blank cells are plotted on a chart.
xlDisplayDrawingObjectsSpecifies how shapes are displayed.
xlDisplayUnitSpecifies the display unit label for an axis.
xlDupeUniqueSpecifies whether duplicate or unique values shoud be displayed.
xlDVAlertStyleSpecifies the icon used in message boxes displayed during validation.
xlDVTypeSpecifies the type of validation test to be performed in conjunction with values.
xlDynamicFilterCriteriaSpecifies the filter criterion.
xlEditionFormatSpecifies the format of the published edition.
xlEditionOptionsOptionThis enumeration is for Macintosh only and should not be used.
xlEditionTypeSpecifies the type of edition to be changed.
xlEnableCancelKeySpecifies how Microsoft Excel handles Ctrl + Break (or Esc or Command + Period) user interruptions to the running procedure.
xlEnableSelectionSpecifies what can be selected on the sheet.
xlEndStyleCapSpecifies the end style for error bars.
xlErrorBarDirectionSpecifies which axis values are to receive error bars.
xlErrorBarIncludeSpecifies which error bar parts to include.
xlErrorBarTypeSpecifies the range marked by error bars.
xlErrorChecksSpecifies the type of error object to be retrieved from the Errors collection.
xlFileAccessSpecifies the new access mode for the object.
xlFileFormatSpecifies the file format when saving the spreadsheet.
xlFileValidationPivotModeSpecifies how to validate the data caches for PivotTable reports.
xlFillWithSpecifies how to copy the range.
xlFilterActionSpecifies whether data is to be copied or left in place during a filter operation.
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodSpecifies how dates should be filtered in the specified period.
xlFilterStatusSpecifies the status of the filter.
xlFindLookInSpecifies the type of data to search.
xlFixedFormatQualitySpecifies the quality of speadsheets saved in different fixed formats.
xlFixedFormatTypeSpecifies the type of file format.
xlForecastAggregationSpecifies the type of aggregation to use for the forecast.
xlForecastChartTypeSpecifies the type of chart displayed for the forecast.
xlForecastDataCompletionSpecifies how data is completed for the forecast.
xlFormatConditionOperatorSpecifies the operator to use to compare a formula against the value in a cell or, for xlBetween and xlNotBetween, to compare two formulas.
xlFormatConditionTypeSpecifies whether the conditional format is based on a cell value or an expression.
xlFormatFilterTypesSpecifies the types of format filters.
xlFormControlSpecifies the type of the form control.
xlFormulaLabelSpecifies the formula label type for the specified range.
xlFormulaVersionSpecifies how you want formulas replaced when using Range.Replace.
xlGenerateTableRefsSpecifies the type of table references.
xlGeoMappingLevelSpecifies the geography mapping level for a series within a chart group.
xlGeoProjectionTypeSpecifies the geography projection type for a series within the chart group.
xlGradientFillTypeSpecifies the type of gradient fill.
xlGradientStopPositionTypeSpecifies the type of gradient stop position.
xlHAlignSpecifies the horizontal alignment for the object.
xlHebrewModesSpecifies the mode for the Hebrew spelling checker.
xlHighlightChangesTimeSpecifies which set of changes is shown in a shared workbook.
xlHtmlTypeSpecifies the type of HTML generated by Microsoft Excel when you save the specified item to a Web page and whether the item is static or interactive.
xlIconSpecifies the icon for a criterion in an icon set conditional formatting rule.
xlIconSetSpecifies the type of icon set.
xlIMEModeSpecifies the description of the Japanese input rules.
xlImportDataAsSpecifies the format in which to return data from a database.
xlInsertFormatOriginSpecifies from where to copy the format for inserted rows.
xlInsertShiftDirectionSpecifies the direction in which to shift cells during an insertion.
xlLayoutFormTypeSpecifies the way the specified PivotTable items appear in table format or in outline format.
xlLayoutRowTypeSpecifies the type of layout row.
xlLegendPositionSpecifies the position of the legend on a chart.
xlLineStyleSpecifies the line style for the border.
xlLinkSpecifies the type of link.
xlLinkedDataTypeStateSpecifies the state of cells that may contain Linked data types such as Stocks or Geography.
xlLinkInfoSpecifies the type of information to be returned.
xlLinkInfoTypeSpecifies the type of link.
xlLinkStatusSpecifies the status of a link.
xlLinkTypeSpecifies the type of link.
xlListConflictSpecifies the conflict resolution options for updating a list on a Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services site with the changes made to a list in a Microsoft Excel worksheet.
xlListDataTypeSpecifies the data type of a list column connected to a Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services site.
xlListObjectSourceTypeSpecifies the current source of the list.
xlLocationInTableSpecifies the part of the PivotTable report that contains the upper-left corner of a range.
xlLookAtSpecifies whether a match is made against the whole of the search text or any part of the search text.
xlLookForSpecifies what to look for in searches.
xlMailSystemSpecifies the mail system that is installed on the host machine.
xlMarkerStyleSpecifies the marker style for a point or series in a line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart.
xlMeasurementUnitsSpecifies the measurement units.
xlModelChangeSourceSpecifies the source of the change to the data model.
xlMouseButtonSpecifies which mouse button was pressed.
xlMousePointerSpecifies the appearance of the mouse pointer in Microsoft Excel.
xlMSApplicationSpecifies a Microsoft application.
xlOartHorizontalOverflowSpecifies the horizontal overflow setting for a text frame.
xlOartVerticalOverflowSpecifies the vertical overflow setting for a text frame.
xlObjectSizeSpecifies the way a chart is scaled to fit on a page.
xlOLETypeSpecifies the OLE object type.
xlOLEVerbSpecifies the verb that the server of the OLE object should act on.
xlOrderSpecifies the order in which cells are processed.
xlOrientationSpecifies the text orientation.
xlPageBreakSpecifies page break location in the worksheet.
xlPageBreakExtentSpecifies whether a page break is full screen or applies only within the print area.
xlPageOrientationSpecifies the page orientation when the worksheet is printed.
xlPaperSizeSpecifies the size of the paper.
xlParameterDataTypeSpecifies the data type of a query parameter.
xlParameterTypeSpecifies how to determine the value of the parameter for the specified query table.
xlParentDataLabelOptionsSpecifies the values passed to and returned from the Series.ParentDataLabelOption property.
xlPasteSpecialOperationSpecifies the operation you want to perform.
xlPasteTypeSpecifies the part of the range you want to paste.
xlPatternSpecifies the interior pattern of a cell or object.
xlPhoneticAlignmentSpecifies the alignment for phonetic text.
xlPhoneticCharacterTypeSpecifies the type of phonetic text in a cell.
xlPictureAppearanceSpecifies how the picture should be copied.
xlPictureConvertorTypeSpecifies how to convert a graphic.
xlPieSliceIndexSpecifies which position on the slice to return the coordinate of.
xlPieSliceLocationSpecifies the horizontal or vertical position of a point on a pie chart, in points, from the top or left edge of the object to the top or left edge of the chart area.
xlPivotCellTypeSpecifies the PivotTable entity the cell corresponds to.
xlPivotConditionScopeSpecifies the conditional formatting applied for filtering values from the PivotTable object.
xlPivotFieldCalculationSpecifies the type of calculation performed by a data PivotField when a custom calculation is used.
xlPivotFieldDataTypeSpecifies the type of data in the PivotTable field.
xlPivotFieldOrientationSpecifies the location of the field in a PivotTable report.
xlPivotFieldRepeatLabelsSpecifies whether to repeat all field item labels in a PivotTable report.
xlPivotFilterTypeSpecifies the type of filter applied.
xlPivotFormatTypeSpecifies the type of report formatting to be applied to the specified PivotTable report.
xlPivotLineTypeSpecifies the type of the PivotLine.
xlPivotTableMissingItemsSpecifies the maximum number of unique items per PivotField allowed.
xlPivotTableSourceTypeSpecifies the source of the report data.
xlPivotTableVersionListSpecifies the Excel version number.
xlPlacementSpecifies the way an object is attached to its underlying cells.
xlPlatformSpecifies the platform that a text file originated on.
xlPortugueseReformSpecifies the mode for checking the spelling of Portuguese.
xlPrintErrorsSpecifies the type of print error displayed.
xlPrintLocationSpecifies the way comments are printed with the sheet.
xlPrioritySpecifies the priority of a SendMailer message.
xlPropertyDisplayedInSpecifies where to display the property.
xlProtectedViewCloseReasonSpecifies how the protected view window was closed.
xlProtectedViewWindowStateSpecifies the state of the protected view window.
xlPTSelectionModeSpecifies what may be selected in a pivottable during a structured selection.
xlPublishToDocsDisclosureScopeSpecifies the disclosure type when publishing a workbook to a document.
xlPublishToPBINameConflictActionSpecifies the conflict action when publishing to Power BI.
xlPublishToPBIPublishTypeSpecifies the publishing type when publishing to Power BI.
xlQueryTypeSpecifies the type of query used to populate the query table or pivottable cache.
xlQuickAnalysisModeSpecifies which top level button the callout user interface is displayed.
xlRangeAutoFormatSpecifies the predefined format when a range is automatically formatted.
xlRangeValueDataTypeSpecifies the range value data type.
xlReferenceStyleSpecifies the reference style.
xlReferenceTypeSpecifies cell reference style when a formula is being converted.
xlRegionLabelOptionsSpecifies the region labelling behavior for a series within the chart group.
xlRemoveDocInfoTypeSpecifies the type information to be removed from the document information.
xlRgbColorSpecifies the RGB color.
xlRobustConnectSpecifies how the PivotTable cache connects to its data source.
xlRoutingSlipDeliverySpecifies the routing delivery method.
xlRoutingSlipStatusSpecifies the status of the routing slip.
xlRowColSpecifies whether the values corresponding to a particular data series are in rows or columns.
xlRunAutoMacroSpecifies the automatic macro to run.
xlSaveActionSpecifies during file close if the file will be saved.
xlSaveAsAccessModeSpecifies the access mode for the save as function.
xlSaveConflictResolutionSpecifies the way conflicts are to be resolved whenever a shared workbook is updated.
xlScaleTypeSpecifies the scale type of the value axis.
xlSearchDirectionSpecifies the search direction when searching a range.
xlSearchOrderSpecifies the order in which to search the range.
xlSearchWithinSpecifies the extent of the search for the range.
xlSeriesColorGradientStyleSpecifies the colour gradient style for a series.
xlSeriesNameLevelSpecifies the series labels for the series label levels.
xlSheetTypeSpecifies the type of sheet you can insert into a workbook.
xlSheetVisibilitySpecifies whether the worksheet is visible.
xlSizeRepresentsSpecifies what the bubble size represents on a bubble chart.
xlSlicerCacheTypeSpecifies the cache type to be used in the slicer.
xlSlicerCrossFilterTypeSpecifies the type of cross filtering used by the specified slicer cache and how it is visualized.
xlSlicerSortSpecifies whether items displayed in the slicer are sorted.
xlSmartTagControlType(Compatibility) Specifies the type of smart document control displayed in the document actions task pane.
xlSmartTagDisplayMode(Compatibility) Specifies the display features for smart tags.
xlSortDataOptionSpecifies how to sort text.
xlSortMethodSpecifies the type of sort.
xlSortMethodOldSpecifies how to sort when using East Asian sorting methods.
xlSortOnSpecifies the parameter on which the data should be sorted.
xlSortOrderSpecifies the sort order for the specified field or range.
xlSortOrientationSpecifies the sort orientation.
xlSortTypeSpecifies which elements are to be sorted in a pivottable report.
xlSourceTypeSpecifies the type of source object.
xlSpanishModesSpecifies the mode for checking the spelling of Spanish.
xlSparklineRowColSpecifies how to plot the sparkline when the data on which it is based is in a square-shaped range.
xlSparkScaleSpecifies how the minimum or maximum value of the vertical axis of the sparkline is scaled relative to other sparklines in the group.
xlSparkTypeSpecifies the type of sparkline.
xlSpeakDirectionSpecifies the order in which the cells are spoken.
xlSpecialCellsValueSpecifies cells with a particular type of value to include in the result.
xlStdColorScaleSpecifies the standard color scale.
xlSubscribeToFormatSpecifies the format to use when subscribing to a published edition.
xlSubtotalLocationTypeSpecifies where the subtotal will be displayed on the worksheet.
xlSummaryColumnSpecifies the location of the summary columns in the outline.
xlSummaryReportTypeSpecifies the location of the summary columns in the outline.
xlSummaryRowSpecifies the location of the summary rows in the outline.
xlTableStyleElementTypeSpecifies the table style element used.
xlTabPositionSpecifies the first or last tab position.
xlTextParsingTypeSpecifies the column format for the data in the text file that you are importing into a query table.
xlTextQualifierSpecifies the delimiter to use to specify text.
xlTextVisualLayoutTypeSpecifies whether the visual layout of the text being imported is left-to-right or right-to-left.
xlThemeColorSpecifies the theme color to be used.
xlThemeFontSpecifies the theme font to use.
xlThreadModeSpecifies the control over the multi-threaded calculation mode.
xlTickLabelOrientationSpecifies the text orientation for tick-mark labels.
xlTickLabelPositionSpecifies the position of tick-mark labels on the specified axis.
xlTickMarkSpecifies the position of major and minor tick marks for an axis.
xlTimelineLevelSpecifies the time line to be used in the slicer.
xlTimeMovingSpecifies the period of time moving. (Removed in 2016)
xlTimePeriodsSpecifies the time period.
xlTimeUnitSpecifies unit of time for chart axis and data series.
xlToolbarProtectionSpecifies which properties of a toolbar are restricted.
xlTopBottomSpecifies the top 10 values from the top or bottom of a series of values.
xlTotalsCalculationSpecifies the type of calculation in the Totals row of a list column.
xlTrendlineTypeSpecifies how the trendline that smoothes out fluctuations in the data is calculated.
xlUnderlineStyleSpecifies the type of underline applied to a font.
xlUpdateLinksSpecifies a workbook's setting for updating embedded OLE links.
xlVAlignSpecifies the vertical alignment for the object.
xlValueSortOrderSpecifies the sort order for the values.
xlWBATemplateSpecifies the type of workbook to create.
xlWebFormattingSpecifies how much formatting from a web page is applied when a web page is imported into a query table.
xlWebSelectionTypeSpecifies whether all the table(s) on an entire web page is imported into a query table.
xlWindowStateSpecifies the state of the window.
xlWindowTypeSpecifies how the chart is displayed.
xlWindowViewSpecifies the view showing in the window.
xlXLMMacroTypeSpecifies what type of macro a name refers to or whether the name refers to a macro.
xlXmlExportResultSpecifies the results of the save or export operation.
xlXmlImportResultSpecifies whether or not the first row contains headers.
xlXmlLoadOptionSpecifies how Excel opens the XML data file.
xlYesNoGuessSpecifies whether or not the first row contains headers.
Specifies if the values are above or below average.
Specifies the action that should be performed.
Specifies when to calculate changes when performing what-if analysis on a PivotTable based on an OLAP data source.
Specifies the method to use to allocate values when performing what-if analysis on a PivotTable report based on an OLAP data source.
Specifies what value to allocate when performing what-if analysis on a PivotTable report based on an OLAP data source.
Specifies country/region and international settings.
Specifies which range name is listed first when a cell reference is replaced by a row-oriented and column-oriented range name.
Specifies spelling rules for the Arabic spelling checker.
Specifies how windows are arranged on the screen.
Specifies the length of the arrowhead at the end of a line.
Specifies the type of arrowhead to apply to the line end.
Specifies the width of the arrowhead at the line end.
Specifies how the target range is to be filled, based on the contents of the source range.
Specifies the operator to use to associate two criteria applied by a filter.
Specifies the point on the specified axis where the other axis crosses.
Specifies the type of axis group.
Specifies the axis type.
Specifies the background type for text in charts.
Specifies the shape used with the 3-D bar or column chart.
Specifies the values passed to and returned from the ChartGroup.BinsType property.
Specifies the border to be retrieved.
Specifies the weight of the border around a range.
Specifies which dialog box to display.
Specifies what should be calculated.
Specifies the format of cell values that are based on the calculated member.
Specifies the type of a calculated member in a pivot table.
Specifies the calculation mode.
Specifies which key interrupts recalculation.
Specifies the calculation state of the application.
Specifies the category labels for the category label levels.
Specifies the sort order for the category.
Specifies the type of the category axis.
Specifies whether a pivottable value cell has been edited or recalculated since the pivottable report was created or the last commit operation was performed.
Specifies the way rows on the specified worksheet are added or deleted to accommodate the number of rows in a recordset returned by a query.
Specifies the type of cells.
Specifies the position of the chart element.
Specifies a chart gallery.
Specifies the type of the chart item.
Specifies where to relocate a chart.
Specifies the placement of a user-selected picture on a bar in a 3-D bar or column.
Specifies how pictures are displayed on a column, bar picture chart, or legend key.
Specifies the values displayed in the second chart in a pie chart or a bar of pie chart.
Specifies the chart type.
Specifies the type of version for the document checked in when using the CheckIn method.
Specifies the format of an item on the Windows clipboard.
Specifies the value of the commandtext property.
Specifies the colour of the interior pattern as an index into the current colour palette.
Specifies how a column is to be parsed.
Specifies the state of the command underlines in Excel for the Macintosh.
Specifies the way cells display comments and comment indicators.
Specifies the types of condition values that can be used.
Specifies the type of database connection.
Specifies the subtotal function.
Specifies the operator used in a function.
Specifies the format of the picture being copied.
Specifies the processing for a file when it is opened.
Specifies the 32-bit creator code for Excel for Macintosh (decimal 1480803660, Hex 5843454C, string XCEL).
Specifies the type of credentials method used.
Specifies the subtype of the CubeField.
Specifies whether the OLAP field is a hierarchy, set, or measure field.
Specifies the status of the Cut Copy mode (Long).
Specifies the type of error you want to raise.
Specifies the axis position for a range of cells with conditional formatting as data bars.
Specifies the border of a data bar.
Specifies how a data bar is filled with color.
Specifies whether to use the same border and fill color as postive data bars.
Specifies where the data label is positioned.
Specifies the separator used with data labels.
Specifies the type of data label to apply.
Specifies the type of date to apply to a data series.
Specifies the data series to create.
Specifies how to shift cells to replace deleted cells.
Specifies the direction in which to move.
Specifies how blank cells are plotted on a chart.
Specifies how shapes are displayed.
Specifies the display unit label for an axis.
Specifies whether duplicate or unique values shoud be displayed.
Specifies the icon used in message boxes displayed during validation.
Specifies the type of validation test to be performed in conjunction with values.
Specifies the filter criterion.
Specifies the format of the published edition.
This enumeration is for Macintosh only and should not be used.
Specifies the type of edition to be changed.
Specifies how Microsoft Excel handles Ctrl + Break (or Esc or Command + Period) user interruptions to the running procedure.
Specifies what can be selected on the sheet.
Specifies the end style for error bars.
Specifies which axis values are to receive error bars.
Specifies which error bar parts to include.
Specifies the range marked by error bars.
Specifies the type of error object to be retrieved from the Errors collection.
Specifies the new access mode for the object.
Specifies the file format when saving the spreadsheet.
Specifies how to validate the data caches for PivotTable reports.
Specifies how to copy the range.
Specifies whether data is to be copied or left in place during a filter operation.
Specifies how dates should be filtered in the specified period.
Specifies the status of the filter.
Specifies the type of data to search.
Specifies the quality of speadsheets saved in different fixed formats.
Specifies the type of file format.
Specifies the type of aggregation to use for the forecast.
Specifies the type of chart displayed for the forecast.
Specifies how data is completed for the forecast.
Specifies the operator to use to compare a formula against the value in a cell or, for xlBetween and xlNotBetween, to compare two formulas.
Specifies whether the conditional format is based on a cell value or an expression.
Specifies the types of format filters.
Specifies the type of the form control.
Specifies the formula label type for the specified range.
Specifies how you want formulas replaced when using Range.Replace.
Specifies the type of table references.
Specifies the geography mapping level for a series within a chart group.
Specifies the geography projection type for a series within the chart group.
Specifies the type of gradient fill.
Specifies the type of gradient stop position.
Specifies the horizontal alignment for the object.
Specifies the mode for the Hebrew spelling checker.
Specifies which set of changes is shown in a shared workbook.
Specifies the type of HTML generated by Microsoft Excel when you save the specified item to a Web page and whether the item is static or interactive.
Specifies the icon for a criterion in an icon set conditional formatting rule.
Specifies the type of icon set.
Specifies the description of the Japanese input rules.
Specifies the format in which to return data from a database.
Specifies from where to copy the format for inserted rows.
Specifies the direction in which to shift cells during an insertion.
Specifies the way the specified PivotTable items appear in table format or in outline format.
Specifies the type of layout row.
Specifies the position of the legend on a chart.
Specifies the line style for the border.
Specifies the type of link.
Specifies the state of cells that may contain Linked data types such as Stocks or Geography.
Specifies the type of information to be returned.
Specifies the type of link.
Specifies the status of a link.
Specifies the type of link.
Specifies the conflict resolution options for updating a list on a Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services site with the changes made to a list in a Microsoft Excel worksheet.
Specifies the data type of a list column connected to a Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services site.
Specifies the current source of the list.
Specifies the part of the PivotTable report that contains the upper-left corner of a range.
Specifies whether a match is made against the whole of the search text or any part of the search text.
Specifies what to look for in searches.
Specifies the mail system that is installed on the host machine.
Specifies the marker style for a point or series in a line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart.
Specifies the measurement units.
Specifies the source of the change to the data model.
Specifies which mouse button was pressed.
Specifies the appearance of the mouse pointer in Microsoft Excel.
Specifies a Microsoft application.
Specifies the horizontal overflow setting for a text frame.
Specifies the vertical overflow setting for a text frame.
Specifies the way a chart is scaled to fit on a page.
Specifies the OLE object type.
Specifies the verb that the server of the OLE object should act on.
Specifies the order in which cells are processed.
Specifies the text orientation.
Specifies page break location in the worksheet.
Specifies whether a page break is full screen or applies only within the print area.
Specifies the page orientation when the worksheet is printed.
Specifies the size of the paper.
Specifies the data type of a query parameter.
Specifies how to determine the value of the parameter for the specified query table.
Specifies the values passed to and returned from the Series.ParentDataLabelOption property.
Specifies the operation you want to perform.
Specifies the part of the range you want to paste.
Specifies the interior pattern of a cell or object.
Specifies the alignment for phonetic text.
Specifies the type of phonetic text in a cell.
Specifies how the picture should be copied.
Specifies how to convert a graphic.
Specifies which position on the slice to return the coordinate of.
Specifies the horizontal or vertical position of a point on a pie chart, in points, from the top or left edge of the object to the top or left edge of the chart area.
Specifies the PivotTable entity the cell corresponds to.
Specifies the conditional formatting applied for filtering values from the PivotTable object.
Specifies the type of calculation performed by a data PivotField when a custom calculation is used.
Specifies the type of data in the PivotTable field.
Specifies the location of the field in a PivotTable report.
Specifies whether to repeat all field item labels in a PivotTable report.
Specifies the type of filter applied.
Specifies the type of report formatting to be applied to the specified PivotTable report.
Specifies the type of the PivotLine.
Specifies the maximum number of unique items per PivotField allowed.
Specifies the source of the report data.
Specifies the Excel version number.
Specifies the way an object is attached to its underlying cells.
Specifies the platform that a text file originated on.
Specifies the mode for checking the spelling of Portuguese.
Specifies the type of print error displayed.
Specifies the way comments are printed with the sheet.
Specifies the priority of a SendMailer message.
Specifies where to display the property.
Specifies how the protected view window was closed.
Specifies the state of the protected view window.
Specifies what may be selected in a pivottable during a structured selection.
Specifies the disclosure type when publishing a workbook to a document.
Specifies the conflict action when publishing to Power BI.
Specifies the publishing type when publishing to Power BI.
Specifies the type of query used to populate the query table or pivottable cache.
Specifies which top level button the callout user interface is displayed.
Specifies the predefined format when a range is automatically formatted.
Specifies the range value data type.
Specifies the reference style.
Specifies cell reference style when a formula is being converted.
Specifies the region labelling behavior for a series within the chart group.
Specifies the type information to be removed from the document information.
Specifies the RGB color.
Specifies how the PivotTable cache connects to its data source.
Specifies the routing delivery method.
Specifies the status of the routing slip.
Specifies whether the values corresponding to a particular data series are in rows or columns.
Specifies the automatic macro to run.
Specifies during file close if the file will be saved.
Specifies the access mode for the save as function.
Specifies the way conflicts are to be resolved whenever a shared workbook is updated.
Specifies the scale type of the value axis.
Specifies the search direction when searching a range.
Specifies the order in which to search the range.
Specifies the extent of the search for the range.
Specifies the colour gradient style for a series.
Specifies the series labels for the series label levels.
Specifies the type of sheet you can insert into a workbook.
Specifies whether the worksheet is visible.
Specifies what the bubble size represents on a bubble chart.
Specifies the cache type to be used in the slicer.
Specifies the type of cross filtering used by the specified slicer cache and how it is visualized.
Specifies whether items displayed in the slicer are sorted.
(Compatibility) Specifies the type of smart document control displayed in the document actions task pane.
(Compatibility) Specifies the display features for smart tags.
Specifies how to sort text.
Specifies the type of sort.
Specifies how to sort when using East Asian sorting methods.
Specifies the parameter on which the data should be sorted.
Specifies the sort order for the specified field or range.
Specifies the sort orientation.
Specifies which elements are to be sorted in a pivottable report.
Specifies the type of source object.
Specifies the mode for checking the spelling of Spanish.
Specifies how to plot the sparkline when the data on which it is based is in a square-shaped range.
Specifies how the minimum or maximum value of the vertical axis of the sparkline is scaled relative to other sparklines in the group.
Specifies the type of sparkline.
Specifies the order in which the cells are spoken.
Specifies cells with a particular type of value to include in the result.
Specifies the standard color scale.
Specifies the format to use when subscribing to a published edition.
Specifies where the subtotal will be displayed on the worksheet.
Specifies the location of the summary columns in the outline.
Specifies the location of the summary columns in the outline.
Specifies the location of the summary rows in the outline.
Specifies the table style element used.
Specifies the first or last tab position.
Specifies the column format for the data in the text file that you are importing into a query table.
Specifies the delimiter to use to specify text.
Specifies whether the visual layout of the text being imported is left-to-right or right-to-left.
Specifies the theme color to be used.
Specifies the theme font to use.
Specifies the control over the multi-threaded calculation mode.
Specifies the text orientation for tick-mark labels.
Specifies the position of tick-mark labels on the specified axis.
Specifies the position of major and minor tick marks for an axis.
Specifies the time line to be used in the slicer.
Specifies the period of time moving. (Removed in 2016)
Specifies the time period.
Specifies unit of time for chart axis and data series.
Specifies which properties of a toolbar are restricted.
Specifies the top 10 values from the top or bottom of a series of values.
Specifies the type of calculation in the Totals row of a list column.
Specifies how the trendline that smoothes out fluctuations in the data is calculated.
Specifies the type of underline applied to a font.
Specifies a workbook's setting for updating embedded OLE links.
Specifies the vertical alignment for the object.
Specifies the sort order for the values.
Specifies the type of workbook to create.
Specifies how much formatting from a web page is applied when a web page is imported into a query table.
Specifies whether all the table(s) on an entire web page is imported into a query table.
Specifies the state of the window.
Specifies how the chart is displayed.
Specifies the view showing in the window.
Specifies what type of macro a name refers to or whether the name refers to a macro.
Specifies the results of the save or export operation.
Specifies whether or not the first row contains headers.
Specifies how Excel opens the XML data file.
Specifies whether or not the first row contains headers.

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