VBA Snippets
Public Function DetailedLogging_Read() As Boolean
DetailedLogging_Read = False
' DetailedLogging_Read = CBool(Registry_Read(g_sCOMPANYNAME, g_sSOLUTIONNAME, "DetailedLogging", "False"))
End Function
Public Sub DetailedLogging_Save(bvalue As Boolean)
' Call Registry_Save(g_sCOMPANYNAME, g_sSOLUTIONNAME, "DetailedLogging", bvalue)
End Sub
Public Function LogFile_WriteError( _
ByVal sModuleName As String, _
ByVal sRoutineName As String, _
ByVal smessage As String) As Boolean
Dim stext As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If (g_oFSO Is Nothing) Then
Set g_oFSO = New FileSystemObject
End If
If (g_scrText Is Nothing) Then
If (modGeneral.Folder_Exists(g_sERROR_LOGFOLDER, False) = False) Then
Call modGeneral.Folder_Create(g_sERROR_LOGFOLDER, False)
End If
If g_oFSO.FileExists(g_sERROR_LOGFOLDER & g_sERROR_LOGFILENAME & ".txt") = False Then
Set g_scrText = g_oFSO.OpenTextFile(g_sERROR_LOGFOLDER & g_sERROR_LOGFILENAME & ".txt", IOMode.ForWriting, True)
Set g_scrText = g_oFSO.OpenTextFile(g_sERROR_LOGFOLDER & g_sERROR_LOGFILENAME & ".txt", IOMode.ForAppending)
End If
End If
stext = stext & "" & vbCrLf
stext = stext & Format(Date, "dd MMM yyyy") & " - " & Time() & ": EXCEPTION_MESSAGE" & vbCrLf
stext = stext & " " & sModuleName & " - " & sRoutineName & vbCrLf
stext = stext & " " & smessage & vbCrLf
g_scrText.WriteLine stext
Set g_scrText = Nothing
LogFile_WriteError = True
Exit Function
Set g_scrText = Nothing
LogFile_WriteError = False
Call MsgBox("Unable to write the error message to the log file." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
sModuleName & " - " & sRoutineName & vbCrLf & _
smessage & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Please send a screen shot of this message in an e-mail to 'support@bettersolutions.com'.", _
vbCritical Or vbOKOnly, _
g_sCOMPANYNAME & " (" & g_sVERSIONNO & ") " & "modGeneral - LogFile_WriteError")
End Function
Public Sub Tracer_Add( _
ByVal sCategory As String, _
ByVal sTracerMessage As String, _
Optional ByVal bAlwaysLogged As Boolean = False)
Const sPROCNAME As String = "Tracer_Add"
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If ((bAlwaysLogged = False) And (DetailedLogging_Read = False)) Then
Exit Sub
End If
If (g_objFSO Is Nothing) Then
Set g_objFSO = New FileSystemObject
End If
sTracerMessage = Replace(sTracerMessage, vbCrLf & vbCrLf, vbCrLf)
If (g_scrText Is Nothing) Then
If (Folder_Exists(g_sERROR_LOGFOLDER, False) = False) Then
Call Folder_Create(g_sERROR_LOGFOLDER, False)
End If
If g_oFSO.FileExists(g_sERROR_LOGFOLDER & g_sERROR_LOGFILENAME & ".txt") = False Then
Set g_scrText = g_oFSO.OpenTextFile(g_sERROR_LOGFOLDER & g_sERROR_LOGFILENAME & ".txt", ForWriting, True)
Set g_scrText = g_oFSO.OpenTextFile(g_sERROR_LOGFOLDER & g_sERROR_LOGFILENAME & ".txt", ForAppending)
End If
End If
If Len(sCategory) > 0 Then
g_scrText.WriteLine Format(Date, "dd MMM yyyy") & " - " & Time() & ": " & sCategory & ": " & sTracerMessage
If (sCategory = "MESSAGE") Or (sCategory = "QUESTION") Then
g_scrText.WriteLine ""
End If
If Len(sTracerMessage) > 0 Then
g_scrText.WriteLine Format(Date, "dd MMM yyyy") & " - " & Time() & ": " & sTracerMessage
g_scrText.WriteLine ""
End If
End If
Set g_scrText = Nothing
Exit Sub
Set g_scrText = Nothing
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, Err.Number, Err.Description)
End Sub
This can be added immediately after the "On Error GoTo ErrorHandler" to track exactly which subroutines and functions are called.Public Sub Tracer_AddSubroutineStart( _
ByVal sModuleName As String, _
ByVal sRoutineName As String, _
Optional ByVal sAdditionalText As String = "")
Const sPROCNAME As String = "Tracer_AddSubroutineStart"
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If (DetailedLogging_Read = True) Then
Call Tracer_Add("SUB", "(" & sModuleName & " - " & sRoutineName & ") start " & sAdditionalText)
End If
Exit Sub
Call Error_Handle(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME, Err.Number, Err.Description)
End Sub
Public Sub Testing()
Const sPROCNAME As String = "Testing"
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Call Tracer_AddSubroutineStart(msMODULENAME, sPROCNAME)
End Sub
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