
I want to use my templates from earlier versions of Word.

If you have modified templates that came with an earlier version of Word, you can continue to use them, but you should also keep the newer version of the templates on your hard drive. The Word 2002 wizards are designed to work with the Word 2002 templates.
If you added your own toolbars, macros, styles, or AutoText entries to templates that came with earlier versions of Word, you can copy these items to Word 2002 templates. Rename your former templates, install the new templates, and then use the Organizer to copy these items to the new templates.
Macros in templates from earlier versions of Word will work in Word 2002. However, if you are using a version of Word that is earlier than Word 97 and you open a template and then save it in Word 2000 format, you will not be able to use it in previous versions of Word without converting it.

Macros, AutoText entries, and custom toolbar, menu, and shortcut key settings that I've used are missing.

This might occur for either of the following reasons:
You moved or copied a document to a different computer or file server location, and now Microsoft Word can't find the template that contains the missing items. Macros, AutoText entries, and customized toolbars, menus, and shortcut keys that you can use in a Word document can be stored in the template attached to the document or in the Normal template. When you move or copy a document to another location, copy the items you need to use - except for AutoText entries, which can be stored in the template only - to the new document by using the Organizer. Or copy the items to the attached template, and then distribute the template with the document. The template should be placed in the folder that each user has specified as the User Templates or Workgroup Templates location (Tools menu, Options command, File Locations tab).
The missing items might be stored in a template that's no longer attached to the active document. Or they might be stored in a template that was previously loaded as a global template.

When saving my work, I can't change the file type from "Document Template" to "Word Document."

You may have inadvertently opened or created a template file. You cannot change the file type of a template. To save your work as a Microsoft Word document instead of a template, save the template, and then create a new document: On the File menu, click New, and then click the template you want to base the new document on. Under Create New, click Document, and then click OK. Copy all of your work from the template to the new document. Save the new document, making sure that you click Word Document in the Save as type box.
If the file you are saving is a document, not a template, the problem could be the Concept Virus, a macro virus that prevents you from saving a file as any file type other than Document Template.

My new documents have text such as "{ MACROBUTTON ...}," and clicking on "HERE" doesn't select all the text I want replaced.

Field codes are displayed, which prevents the MACROBUTTON field from working properly. To show or hide field codes for a specific field, click the field code or the field results, and then press SHIFT+F9. To show or hide field codes for all fields in the document, press ALT+F9.

I can't copy items to a template.

If you attempt to copy styles, macros, or other items to a template that's protected in some manner, you might not be allowed to save changes to the template, or the Copy button might be unavailable in the Organizer dialog box. This might occur if:
The template is protected for tracked changes, comments, or forms.
The template is protected with a password that has been assigned on the Save tab (Tools menu, Options command).
The file attributes are set to read-only.
The file is on a file server you don't have access to.
To save changes to the template, the protection must be removed from the template, or you must acquire access permission.

I want to change the template attached to my document.

Changing the template that's attached to a document - either by modifying the currently attached template or by attaching a different template - has the following effects:
Macros, AutoText entries, and custom toolbar and command settings in a modified template are available for use in any document based on the template, including existing documents. If you attach a different template to a document, items stored in the newly attached template are then available to the document.
If you add or modify styles in a template, styles in an existing document based on that template are not immediately updated to match the template styles.
To have Microsoft Word update styles in an existing document to match the styles in its attached template, first open the document. On the Tools menu, click Templates and Add-Ins, and then select the Automatically update document styles check box. If the document text is formatted with styles that have the same names as styles in the attached template, Word updates the text formatting to match the template's style formats.
If you change the boilerplate text and graphics in a template or change document formats - for example, page margins and page size, headers and footers, or the number of columns per page - these changes affect only new documents that you subsequently base on the template. Existing documents based on the template aren't affected.

Built-in wizards, templates, or custom commands no longer work, or I get a message that macros are disabled.

If some items - such as templates, wizards, or custom commands - do not function the way you expect, you may be running a Microsoft Office program with the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) shared feature disabled. Many features in Office are created in VBA or depend on VBA support to function correctly. If you choose not to install the VBA feature, these dependent applications and features will be disabled or not installed.
For additional information about the effects of disabling VBA, see the Microsoft Office Resource Kit Web site.
To re-enable VBA, follow these steps:
Run the Office Setup program again.
Quit all programs.
Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon in the Microsoft Windows Control Panel.
Do one of the following:
For Microsoft Windows 2000 and Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition:
If you installed your Office program as part of Microsoft Office, click Microsoft Office in the Currently installed programs box, and then click the Change button.
If you installed your Office program individually, click the name of your program in the Currently installed programs box, and then click the Change button.
For Microsoft Windows 98 and Microsoft Windows NT 4.0:
If you installed your Office program as part of Microsoft Office, click Microsoft Office on the Install/Uninstall tab, and then click the Add/Remove button.
If you installed your Office program individually, click the name of your program on the Install/Uninstall tab, and then click the Add/Remove button.
On the Features to install screen in the Setup program, click the plus sign (+) next to Office Shared Features.
Select Visual Basic for Applications, click the arrow next to your selection, and then click Run from My Computer.
If someone else set up your Office installation for you, contact your system administrator or Information Technology (IT) professional to see whether you are running Office with VBA disabled.

I get a warning when I try to open an installed add-in or a template.

You may have cleared the Trust all installed add-ins and templates check box. Depending on your macro security setting, when you open a macro, you will receive a warning, and the macro may be disabled for installed templates and add-ins (including wizards).
Note All templates, add-ins, and macros shipped with Microsoft Office XP are digitally signed by Microsoft. Once you add Microsoft to your list of trusted sources for one of these installed files, all subsequent interaction with these files will not generate messages.

My custom templates aren't appearing on the correct tab.

Save your custom templates in the Templates folder. Template files that you save in the Templates folder appear in the Templates dialog box, which you display by clicking New on the File menu, and then clicking General Templates in the New Document task pane.
You can typically find the Templates folder in the following location, unless you have changed this setting on the File Locations tab (Options command, Tools menu):
Root\OS\Profiles\User_name\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates
where Root is a server location or a directory on a drive from which all other folders branch (for example, C:\), OS is the operating system folder (for example, Windows or Winnt), and User_name is your user name.
Templates in the Templates folder appear on the General tab; templates in subfolders of the Templates folder appear on tabs with the same names as the subfolders. For example, if you create a subfolder under the Templates folder called Reports, a Reports tab will appear in the Templates dialog box.

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