Returns the text after converting a number into words.

numberThe number you want to spell out.
unit_plural(Optional) The unit to use for whole numbers.
unit_single(Optional) The unit to use for 'single' whole numbers.
decimal_plural(Optional) The unit to use for decimal numbers.
decimal_single(Optional) The unit to use for 'single' decimal numbers.
display_fraction(Optional) A logical value indicating if the decimal is displayed as a fraction:
False = 0.5 is displayed as 50 (default)
True = 0.5 is displayed as 50/100
include_and(Optional) A logical value indicating if the text contains the 'and' word:
False = and is not included (default)
True = and is included
include_only(Optional) A logical value indicating if the text is appended with the word 'only':
False = only is not included (default)
True = only is included
include_commas(Optional) A logical value indicating if the text contains commas:
False = commas are not included
True = commas are included (default)


* At the moment this function only supports the English language.
* If a number contains more than two decimal places this function will spell out the number as if it was rounded to two decimal places.
* The equivalent VBA function is SPELLNUMBER
link - www.allmath.com/TexttoNumberConverter.php

1=_xldudf_JS_ID4_SPELLNUMBER(6) = #NAME?
2=_xldudf_JS_ID4_SPELLNUMBER(, 5) = #NAME?
3=_xldudf_JS_ID4_SPELLNUMBER(1, "pounds", "pound") = #NAME?
4=_xldudf_JS_ID4_SPELLNUMBER(2, "pounds", "pound") = #NAME?
5=_xldudf_JS_ID4_SPELLNUMBER(2.1, "pounds", "pound", "pence", "penny") = #NAME?
6=_xldudf_JS_ID4_SPELLNUMBER(2.01, "pounds", "pound", "pence", "penny") = #NAME?
7=_xldudf_JS_ID4_SPELLNUMBER(200) = #NAME?
8=_xldudf_JS_ID4_SPELLNUMBER(200.5) = #NAME?
9=_xldudf_JS_ID4_SPELLNUMBER(2017, "pounds") = #NAME?
10=_xldudf_JS_ID4_SPELLNUMBER(2004, "pounds", "pound") = #NAME?
11=_xldudf_JS_ID4_SPELLNUMBER(1000345) = #NAME?
12=_xldudf_JS_ID4_SPELLNUMBER(0.124, "Dollars", "Dollar", "Cents", "Cent") = #NAME?
13=_xldudf_JS_ID4_SPELLNUMBER(0.9, "Dollars", "Dollar", "Cents", "Cent") = #NAME?
14=_xldudf_JS_ID4_SPELLNUMBER(20.123, "Dollars", "Dollar", "Cents", "Cent") = #NAME?
15=_xldudf_JS_ID4_SPELLNUMBER(1000000) = #NAME?
16=_xldudf_JS_ID4_SPELLNUMBER(50000000) = #NAME?
17=_xldudf_JS_ID4_SPELLNUMBER(50003600) = #NAME?
18=_xldudf_JS_ID4_SPELLNUMBER(1001001100) = #NAME?
19=_xldudf_JS_ID4_SPELLNUMBER(1001001110) = #NAME?
20=_xldudf_JS_ID4_SPELLNUMBER(9999999999999, "Dollars", "Dollar", "Cents", "Cent") = #NAME?

1 - What is the number '6' converted to words.
What is the number '-5' converted to words.
2 - What is the number '6' converted to words with the pound unit attached.
3 - What is the number '1' converted to words.
4 - What is the number '200' converted to words.
5 - What is the number '2017' converted to words.
6 - What is the number '2017' converted to words with the pound until attached.
7 - What is the number '2004' converted to words.
8 - What is the number '1000345' converted to words.
What is '0.124' converted to words.
9 - What is the number '0.9' converted to words.
10 - What is the number '20.123' converted to words.
11 - What is the number '1000000' converted to words.
12 - What is the number '50000000' converted to words.
13 - What is the number '50003600' converted to words.
14 - What is the number '1001001100' converted to words.
15 - What is the number '1001001110' converted to words.
16 - What is the number '9999999999999' converted to words.

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