Options - Excel

All these options are application specific and will effect all the files in the current session.

Calculate on Opening

Will my workbook automatically calculate when it opens ?
The answer will actually depend on the First Workbook that is opened in that Excel Session.
If a default blank workbook is being displayed when you open Excel, this is your first workbook.
If the calculation in your first workbook is set to automatic then your files will be automatically calculate when they are opened.

Other Options

Default file location - Lets you change the directory that the (File > Open) and (File > Save As) dialog boxes default to.
Recently used files list - Lets you change the number of workbooks displayed at the bottom of the File menu.
Sheets in new workbook - Lets you change the default number of worksheets in a new workbook.
User Name - Lets you enter your username. This will automatically appear in the (File > Properties)(Summary tab) when you create a new workbook. It enables you to keep track of who creates the workbooks.
Save Excel files as - Lets you change the type of file that the (File > Save As) dialog box defaults to.
Windows in task bar - Displays all your workbooks and windows as separate items on the task bar.

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