CheckBox (chb)
 | CheckBox - This control allows the user to either select or deselect an option. |
To return a checkbox or option box selection in lower case use Format(chkSelectedOnly.Value,"<").
When the checkbox is checked it has a value of True and when it is not checked it has a value of False.
Very useful when you want to give the user a choice of yes or no. On or off.
chbCheckbox1.Value = True
chbCheckbox1.Value = False
Accelerator | Sets or retrieves the accelerator key. |
Alignment | Specifies the position of the checkbox relative to its caption. (either frmAlignmentRight or frmAlignmentLeft) |
AutoSize | Specifies whether an object automatically resizes to display its entire contents. (true or false) |
BackColor | Specifies the background color. |
BackStyle | Sets or retrieves the background style. (either fmBackStyleTransparent or fmBackStyleOpaque) |
Caption | The text that appears next to the checkbox. |
ControlTipText | |
Enabled | Specifies whether the control can receive the focus and respond to user-generated events. (true or false) |
Font | Specifies the font used to display the caption text. Tahoma, regular, 8 (default) |
ForeColor | Specifies the foreground color. |
GroupName | Creates a group of mutually exclusive OptionButton controls. |
Height | 18 is the default but 15 is sufficient. |
Locked | Specifies whether the control can be edited. |
MouseIcon | Assign a custom icon that appears when the user moves the mouse over this control. The MousePointer property must be set to fmMousePointerCustom.
MousePointer | Specifies the type of pointer displayed when the user positions the mouse over a particular object. fmMousePointerDefault is the default.
Picture | Specifies a picture that is displayed instead of the text caption. |
PicturePosition | Specifies the location of the picture relative to the text caption.
fmPicturePositionAboveCenter is the default
SpecialEffect | Specifies the visual appearance of an object. (either fmButtonEffectSunken or fmButtonEffectFlat) |
TabIndex | The index number in the tab order |
TabStop | Indicates whether the control can receive focus when the user tabs to it. (true or false). The default is True
TextAlign | Specifies how the text is aligned. (fmTextAlignLeft, fmTextAlignCenter or fmTextAlignRight) |
TripleState | Determines whether the control can accept the Null state. The default is false
Value | Specifies the status or content of the control |
Width | |
WordWrap | Indicates whether the text caption will automatically wrap at the end of the line. |
AfterUpdate | |
BeforeUpdate | |
BeforeDragOver | Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress. |
BeforeDropOrPaste | Occurs when the user is about to drop or paste data onto an object. |
Change | Occurs when the Value property changes. |
Click | Occurs when the user clicks on the control |
DblClick | Occurs when the user points to an object and then clicks a mouse button twice. |
Enter | |
Exit | |
Error | Occurs when a control detects an error and cannot return the error information to a calling program. |
KeyDown | Occurs in sequence when a user presses a key. |
KeyPress | Occurs when the user presses an ANSI key. |
KeyUp | Occurs in sequence when a user releases a key. |
MouseDown | Occur when the user presses the mouse button. |
MouseMove | Occurs when the user moves the mouse. |
MouseUp | Occur when the user releases the mouse button. |
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