AutoSize | Specifies whether an object automatically resizes to display its entire contents. |
AutoTab | Specifies whether an automatic tab occurs when a user enters the maximum allowable number of characters into the control |
AutoWordSelect | Specifies whether a word or a character is the basic unit used to extend a selection. |
BackColor | Specifies the background color of the object. |
BackStyle | Returns or sets the background style for an object. |
BorderColor | Specifies the color of an object's border. |
BorderStyle | Specifies the type of border used by a control or a form. |
CanPaste | Specifies whether the Clipboard contains data that the object supports. |
CurLine | Specifies the current line of a control. (Control must have the focus) |
CurTargetX | (Rea Only) Retrieves the preferred position, measured in himetric units. A himetric is 0.0001 meter. |
CurX | Specifies the current horizontal position of the insertion point in a multiline control. (Control must have the focus) |
DragBehaviour | Specifies whether the system enables the drag-and-drop feature for a control. |
Enabled | Specifies whether a control can receive the focus and respond to user-generated events. |
EnterFieldBehaviour | Specifies the selection behavior when entering a control. |
EnterKeyBehaviour | Defines the effect of pressing ENTER in a control. |
Font | Defines the font name, size and style of the displayed text. |
ForeColor | Specifies the foreground color of an object. |
Height | Gets or sets the height of the specified object in twips. |
HideSelection | Specifies whether selected text remains highlighted when a control does not have the focus. |
IMEMode | Specifies the default run time mode of the Input Method Editor (IME) for a control. |
IntegralHeight | Indicates whether a control displays full lines of text in a list or partial lines. |
Left | Specifies the distance of the object from the left of the parent control in twips. |
LineCount | (Read Only) Returns the number of text lines in a control. (Not displayed in Properties window) |
Locked | Specifies whether a control can be edited. |
MaxLength | Specifies the maximum number of characters a user can enter in a control. |
MouseIcon | Assigns a custom icon to an object. |
MousePointer | Specifies the type of pointer displayed when the user positions the mouse over a particular object. |
MultiLine | Specifies whether a control can accept and display multiple lines of text. |
PasswordChar | Specifies whether placeholder characters are displayed instead of the characters actually entered in a textbox. |
ScrollBars | Specifies whether a control, form, or page has vertical scroll bars, horizontal scroll bars, or both. |
SelectionMargin | Specifies whether the user can select a line of text by clicking in the region to the left of the text. |
SelLength | The number of characters selected in a control. |
SelStart | Indicates the starting point of selected text, or the insertion point if no text is selected. |
SelText | Returns or sets the selected text of a control. |
SpecialEffect | Specifies the visual appearance of an object. |
TabKeyBehaviour | Determines whether tabs are allowed in the edit region. |
Text | Returns or sets the text in a TextBox. |
TextAlign | Specifies how text is aligned in a control. |
TextLength | (Read Only) Returns the length, in characters, of text in the edit region of a control. |
Top | Specifies the distance of the object from the top of the parent control in twips. |
Value | Specifies the state or content of a given control. |
Width | Gets or sets the width of the specified object in twips. |
WordWrap | Indicates whether the contents of a control automatically wrap at the end of a line. |