TextBox (txt)

TextBox - This control allows you to display text and to allow the user to enter information.

Allows the user to enter some text or numbers.
The minimum height needed to display all characters is 17 points
A multiline text box will not show a scroll bar unless the control has the focus
The mouse scroll wheel cannot be used in a textbox control


AutoSizeSpecifies whether an object automatically resizes to display its entire contents.
AutoTabSpecifies whether an automatic tab occurs when a user enters the maximum allowable number of characters into the control
AutoWordSelectSpecifies whether a word or a character is the basic unit used to extend a selection.
BackColorSpecifies the background color of the object.
BackStyleReturns or sets the background style for an object.
BorderColorSpecifies the color of an object's border.
BorderStyleSpecifies the type of border used by a control or a form.
CanPasteSpecifies whether the Clipboard contains data that the object supports.
CurLineSpecifies the current line of a control. (Control must have the focus)
CurTargetX(Rea Only) Retrieves the preferred position, measured in himetric units. A himetric is 0.0001 meter.
CurXSpecifies the current horizontal position of the insertion point in a multiline control. (Control must have the focus)
DragBehaviourSpecifies whether the system enables the drag-and-drop feature for a control.
EnabledSpecifies whether a control can receive the focus and respond to user-generated events.
EnterFieldBehaviourSpecifies the selection behavior when entering a control.
EnterKeyBehaviourDefines the effect of pressing ENTER in a control.
FontDefines the font name, size and style of the displayed text.
ForeColorSpecifies the foreground color of an object.
HeightGets or sets the height of the specified object in twips.
HideSelectionSpecifies whether selected text remains highlighted when a control does not have the focus.
IMEModeSpecifies the default run time mode of the Input Method Editor (IME) for a control.
IntegralHeightIndicates whether a control displays full lines of text in a list or partial lines.
LeftSpecifies the distance of the object from the left of the parent control in twips.
LineCount(Read Only) Returns the number of text lines in a control. (Not displayed in Properties window)
LockedSpecifies whether a control can be edited.
MaxLengthSpecifies the maximum number of characters a user can enter in a control.
MouseIconAssigns a custom icon to an object.
MousePointerSpecifies the type of pointer displayed when the user positions the mouse over a particular object.
MultiLineSpecifies whether a control can accept and display multiple lines of text.
PasswordCharSpecifies whether placeholder characters are displayed instead of the characters actually entered in a textbox.
ScrollBarsSpecifies whether a control, form, or page has vertical scroll bars, horizontal scroll bars, or both.
SelectionMarginSpecifies whether the user can select a line of text by clicking in the region to the left of the text.
SelLengthThe number of characters selected in a control.
SelStartIndicates the starting point of selected text, or the insertion point if no text is selected.
SelTextReturns or sets the selected text of a control.
SpecialEffectSpecifies the visual appearance of an object.
TabKeyBehaviourDetermines whether tabs are allowed in the edit region.
TextReturns or sets the text in a TextBox.
TextAlignSpecifies how text is aligned in a control.
TextLength(Read Only) Returns the length, in characters, of text in the edit region of a control.
TopSpecifies the distance of the object from the top of the parent control in twips.
ValueSpecifies the state or content of a given control.
WidthGets or sets the width of the specified object in twips.
WordWrapIndicates whether the contents of a control automatically wrap at the end of a line.


CopyCopies the contents of an object to the Clipboard.
CutRemoves selected information from an object and transfers it to the Clipboard.
PasteTransfers the contents of the Clipboard to an object.


BeforeDragOverOccurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress.
BeforeDragOrPasteOccurs when the user is about to drop or paste data onto an object.
ChangeOccurs when the Value property changes.
DblClickOccurs when the user points to an object and then clicks a mouse button twice.
DropButtonClickOccurs whenever the drop-down list appears or disappears.
ErrorOccurs when a control detects an error and cannot return the error information to a calling program.
KeyDownOccurs when the user presses a key on a running form while that form or a control on it has the focus.
KeyPressOccurs when the user presses an ANSI key.
KeyUpOccurs when the user releases a key on a running form while that form or a control on it has the focus.
MouseDownOccurs when the user presses the mouse button.
MouseMoveOccurs when the user moves the mouse.
MouseUpOccurs when the user releases the mouse button.

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