OptionButton (opt)
 | OptionButton - This control allows the user to select from a list of possible choices. These controls are usually placed within a Frame. |
These should be used when you want the user to pick from a small number of mutually exclusive choices
These are always used in groups of at least two as when one is selected the others are unselected automatically.
If you dialog box contains more than one set of Option Buttons then each set must have the same GroupName otherwise they all become part of the same set
Alternatively you can place your option buttons in a Frame that automatically groups them.
Accelerator | |
Alignment | |
AutoSize | |
BackColor | |
BackStyle | |
Caption | |
Enabled | |
Font | |
ForeColor | |
GroupName | |
Locked | |
MouseIcon | |
MousePointer | |
Picture | |
PicturePosition | |
SpecialEffect | |
TextAlign | |
TripleState | |
Value | |
WordWrap | |
BeforeDragOver | |
BeforeDragOrPaste | |
Change | |
Click | |
DblClick | |
Error | |
KeyDown | |
KeyPress | |
KeyUp | |
MouseDown | |
MouseMove | |
MouseUp | |
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