New Objects in 2010

AxesRepresents a collection of all the Axis objects in the specified chart.
AxisRepresents a single axis in a chart.
AxisTitleRepresents a chart axis title.
ChartRepresents a chart in a document.
ChartAreaRepresents the chart area of a chart.
ChartBorderRepresents the border of an object.
ChartCharactersRepresents characters in an object that contains text.
ChartColorFormatRepresents the color of a one-color object or the foreground or background color of an object with a gradient or patterned fill.
ChartDataRepresents access to the linked or embedded data associated with a chart.
ChartFontContains the font attributes (font name, font size, color, and so on) for an object chart.
ChartFormatProvides access to the OfficeArt formatting for chart elements.
ChartGroupRepresents one or more series plotted in a chart with the same format.
ChartGroupsRepresents one or more series plotted in a chart with the same format.
ChartTitleRepresents the chart title.
CoAuthLockRepresents a lock within the document. The CoAuthLock object is a member of the CoAuthLocks collection.
CoAuthLocksA collection of CoAuthLock objects.
CoAuthorRepresents a single co-author in the document. The CoAuthor object is a member of the CoAuthors collection. The CoAuthors collection contains all the co-authors in the document (authors that are actively editing the document).
CoAuthoringProvides the primary entry point to the co-authoring object model.
CoAuthorsA collection of all the CoAuthor objects in the document.
CoAuthUpdateRepresents a range of text that has been updated by a co-author.
CoAuthUpdatesA collection of CoAuthUpdate objects that represent the available updates in the document.
ConflictRepresents a conflicting edit in a co-authored document. The type of a Conflict object is specified by the WdRevisionType enumeration.
ConflictsA collection of Conflict objects that represents the conflicts in a document. The type of a Conflict object is specified by the WdRevisionType enumeration.
DataLabelRepresents the data label on a chart point or trendline.
DataLabelsA collection of all the DataLabel objects for the specified series.
DataTableRepresents a chart data table.
DisplayUnitLabelRepresents a unit label on an axis in the specified chart.
DownBarsRepresents the down bars in a chart group.
DropLinesRepresents the drop lines in a chart group.
ErrorBarsRepresents the error bars on a chart series.
FloorRepresents the floor of a 3-D chart.
GridlinesRepresents major or minor gridlines on a chart axis.
HiLoLinesRepresents the high-low lines in a chart group.
InteriorRepresents the interior of an object.
LeaderLinesRepresents leader lines on a chart. Leader lines connect data labels to data points.
LegendRepresents the legend in a chart. Each chart can have only one legend.
LegendEntriesA collection of all the LegendEntry objects in the specified chart legend.
LegendEntryRepresents a legend entry in a chart legend.
LegendKeyRepresents a legend key in a chart legend.
PlotAreaRepresents the plot area of a chart.
PointRepresents a single point in a series in a chart.
PointsA collection of all the Point objects in the specified series in a chart.
ProtectedViewWindowRepresents a protected view window.
ProtectedViewWindowsA collection of all the ProtectedViewWindow objects that are currently open in Word 2010.
SeriesRepresents a series in a chart.
SeriesCollectionRepresents a collection of all the Series objects in the specified chart or chart group.
SeriesLinesRepresents series lines in a chart group.
TickLabelsRepresents the tick-mark labels associated with tick marks on a chart axis.
TrendlineRepresents a trendline in a chart.
TrendlinesRepresents a collection of all the Trendline objects for the specified series.
UndoRecordProvides an entry point into the undo stack.
UpBarsRepresents the up bars in a chart group.
WallsRepresents the walls of a 3-D chart.

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