Category - Date & Time

AGEReturns the age of a person given a birthday.
BUSDAYNEXTReturns the date of the next business day.
BUSDAYPREVIOUSReturns the date of the previous business day.
CONVERTTIMEReturns the time converted into decimal hours, minutes or seconds.
DATEDIFFERENCEReturns the difference between two dates.
DATESERIALReturns the date serial number given a date in text format.
DAYSINAMONTHReturns the number of days in a month and year.
DAYSINAYEARReturns the number of days in a year.
DAYSTOReturns the number of days (or other units) to a specific event.
DAYSTOCHRISTMASReturns the number of days to Christmas.
TIMENOWReturns the current time as a string (in the format "hh:mm:ss").
Returns the age of a person given a birthday.
Returns the date of the next business day.
Returns the date of the previous business day.
Returns the time converted into decimal hours, minutes or seconds.
Returns the difference between two dates.
Returns the date serial number given a date in text format.
Returns the number of days in a month and year.
Returns the number of days in a year.
Returns the number of days (or other units) to a specific event.
Returns the number of days to Christmas.
Returns the current time as a string (in the format "hh:mm:ss").

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