Category - Other
COMMENTGET | Returns the comment associated with a particular cell. |
COMPARECELLS | Returns a description of whether two ranges are identical or not. |
DUPLICATECELLS | Returns the cell addresses of all the items that appear more than once. |
DUPLICATEVALUES | Returns the list of items that appear more than once. |
EMAILVALID | Returns whether a string is a valid email address. |
EXTRACTFILENAME | Returns only the file name from a full file path. |
EXTRACTFOLDERPATH | Returns only the folder path from a full file path. |
HYPERLINKGET | Returns the hyperlink associated with a particular cell. |
MERGECELLS | Returns the contents from all the cells and combines them to return a single string. |
RANDOMPASSWORD | Returns a specific number of random ASCII characters. |
COMMENTGET Returns the comment associated with a particular cell. |
COMPARECELLS Returns a description of whether two ranges are identical or not. |
DUPLICATECELLS Returns the cell addresses of all the items that appear more than once. |
DUPLICATEVALUES Returns the list of items that appear more than once. |
EMAILVALID Returns whether a string is a valid email address. |
EXTRACTFILENAME Returns only the file name from a full file path. |
EXTRACTFOLDERPATH Returns only the folder path from a full file path. |
HYPERLINKGET Returns the hyperlink associated with a particular cell. |
MERGECELLS Returns the contents from all the cells and combines them to return a single string. |
RANDOMPASSWORD Returns a specific number of random ASCII characters. |