Category - Text

ACRONYMReturns the first letter of each word.
CONTAINSReturns whether a string is contained inside another string.
EXTRACTNUMBERSReturns only the numbers from a text string.
REMOVENUMBERSRemoves all numbers and spaces from a text string.
REVERSEReturns the characters of a text string in reverse.
SCRAMBLEReturns the characters of a text string with all the characters in a random order.
SPELLNUMBERReturns the word equivalent for a numerical number.
SPELLNUMBERREVERSEReturns the number equivalent for a number written as text.
Returns the first letter of each word.
Returns whether a string is contained inside another string.
Returns only the numbers from a text string.
Removes all numbers and spaces from a text string.
Returns the characters of a text string in reverse.
Returns the characters of a text string with all the characters in a random order.
Returns the word equivalent for a numerical number.
Returns the number equivalent for a number written as text.

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