Category - Counting

COUNTBETWEENReturns the number of cells that have a value that is between a range.
COUNTFORMATReturns the number of cells that have a particular cell color or font color.
COUNTHIDDENSHEETSReturns the total number of hidden sheets in the active workbook.
COUNTSUBSTRINGReturns the number of times a substring occurs in a longer string.
COUNTVISIBLEReturns the number of visible, non blank cells in a range.
COUNTVISIBLEIFSReturns the number of non blank cells that satisfies multiple conditions.
Returns the number of cells that have a value that is between a range.
Returns the number of cells that have a particular cell color or font color.
Returns the total number of hidden sheets in the active workbook.
Returns the number of times a substring occurs in a longer string.
Returns the number of visible, non blank cells in a range.
Returns the number of non blank cells that satisfies multiple conditions.

Better Solutions Ltd

London, N20 8LU

Incorporated 2004

VAT No 840-0533-67

Company No 05155080