Step Through Code
You can step through code when you are in Break mode.
There are several commands on the Debug menu that appear automatically when you are in Debug mode.
When you are testing code it is very useful to be able to step through the code one line at a time.
This can help you see what each line of code is doing and can be very helpful when trying to understand a complicated bit of code.
As each line of code is executed the appropriate action is taken and the corresponding line is highlighted in yellow.
Pressing F8 will execute the code one line at a time.
Immediately before a line of code is executed the line will appear with a yellow background.
Stepping Into
This is the term used that refers to moving to the first line of code inside another subroutine or function
This should be used when you want to step through all the lines of code including nested subroutines and functions.
If a subroutine or function only contains code that is commented out then it will be stepped over.
Sub One
Call Two()
End Sub
Sub Two
Dim svalue As string
End Sub
Stepping Over
This is the term that refers to moving to the first line after a subroutine or function.
This should be used when you just want to execute a nested subroutine or function without stepping through it.
This is used when you are confident the code will execute successfully.
Sub One
Call Two()
End Sub
Sub One
Call Two()
End Sub
Stepping Out
This is the term that refers to jumping to the first line of code that will execute after this subroutine or function.
This should be used when you have stepped into a subroutine or function and want to return to the subroutine or function that called it without stepping through the remaining lines of code.
Sub Two
sValue1 = "text"
sValue2 = "more"
Call Three
End Sub
Sub Three
Call Two
sValue = "hello"
End Sub
Run To Cursor
Right click a line of code that occurs after the line that is currently being executed and select "Run to cursor"
This will execute all the code between the line that is currently being executed and the new cursor location
Set Next Statement
Right click a line of code that occurs after the line that is currently being executed and select "Set next statement"
This will ignore all the code between the line that is currently being executed and the new cursor location.
Just My Code
Introduced in Visual Studio 2005
This allows you to only step through code that you have written.
Any automatically generated code or code from any referenced assemblies is executed without stepping through it.
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