VBA Code
Shading Cells
The best way to shade cells is to define the ColorIndex property and assign it to the corresponding colour palette number.
Range("A1:B10").Interior.ColorIndex = 17
Range("A1:B10").Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndex.xlColorIndexAutomatic
Range("A1:B10").Interior.ColorIndex = Excel.xlAutomatic
The second line is only made available for backwards compatibility.
objRange.ClearContents 'values and formulas
objRange.Clear 'values, formulas and formatting
objRange.ClearFormats 'clears just formatting (inc conditional formatting)
Using Colours
Range("A1:B10").Interior.Color = RGB(153,51,102)
Checking for any shading
If (ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex <> xlNone) Then
Removing Shading
Range("A1:B10").Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndex.xlColorIndexNone
Range("A1:B10").Interior.ColorIndex = Excel.xlNone
The second line is only made available for backwards compatibility.
Adding Patterns
The default Pattern is solid.
Range("A1:B10").Interior.Pattern = xlPattern.xlSolid
Merging Cells
Range("A1:B1").MergeCells = True
Also see the Format Dialog Box page
MergeArea Property
Returns a Range object that represents the merged range containing the specified cell
If the specified cell isn't in a merged range, this property returns the specified cell
This property only works on a single cell range
Dim objMergeArea As Range
Set objMergeArea = Range("A3").MergeArea
If objMergeArea.Address = "$A$3" Then
Call MsgBox (not merged")
objMergeArea.Cells(1,1).Value = "hello"
End If
Wrapping Text
Range("A1").WrapText = True
Range("A2").Font.Italic = False
Range("D10").Font.Bold = True
Rows(3).Font.Bold = True
Cells(2,4).BorderAround Weight:=xlMedium
ActiveSheet.Rows(5).Font.Size = 10
ActiveSheet.Rows(2:10).Font.Name = "Arial"
The available font size using VBA is 1 to 127 although the formatting toolbar only lists 8 to 72. If you do not have the chosen font installed then Excel will substitute the closest match.
When formatting text, there is a font.fontstyle property but I would not suggest using this. It is better to explicitly specify whether bold, italics etc.
When you change the background or font colour of a cell, Excel does not consider this to be changing the value of the cell and will not generate a Worksheet_Change() event.
Clears the formulas and formatting
The Colors property returns or sets the colours defined in the colour palette.
The colour palette has 56 colours.
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(1) = RGB(50, 100, 150)
If the Index property is not specified then the Colors property will return an array containing all 56 colours.
Dim avArray As Variant
avArray = ActiveWorkbook.Colors()
You can quickly reset all the colours in a workbook.
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