Remove Excess Shading

Sub ClearExcessRowsAndColumns() 
    Dim ar As Range
    Dim r As Double
    Dim c As Double
    Dim tr As Double
    Dim tc As Double
    Dim wksWks As Worksheet
    Dim ur As Range
    Dim arCount As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim blProtCont As Boolean
    Dim blProtScen As Boolean
    Dim blProtDO As Boolean
    Dim shp As Shape
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
' Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For Each wksWks In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
'Store worksheet protection settings and unprotect if protected.
      blProtCont = wksWks.ProtectContents
      blProtDO = wksWks.ProtectDrawingObjects
      blProtScen = wksWks.ProtectScenarios
      wksWks.Unprotect ""
      If Err.Number = 1004 Then
         MsgBox "'" & wksWks.Name & "' is protected with a password and cannot be checked.", vbInformation
         Application.StatusBar = "Checking " & wksWks.Name & ", Please Wait..."
         r = 0
         c = 0

'Determine if the sheet contains both formulas and constants
         Set ur = Union(wksWks.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants), wksWks.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas))
'If both fails, try constants only
         If Err.Number = 1004 Then
            Set ur = wksWks.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
         End If
'If constants fails then set it to formulas
         If Err.Number = 1004 Then
            Set ur = wksWks.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)
         End If
'If there is still an error then the worksheet is empty
         If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            If wksWks.UsedRange.Address <> "$A$1" Then
               Set ur = Nothing
            End If
         End If
'On Error GoTo 0
         If Not ur Is Nothing Then
            arCount = ur.Areas.Count
'determine the last column and row that contains data or formula
            For Each ar In ur.Areas
               i = i + 1
               tr = ar.Range("A1").Row + ar.Rows.Count - 1
               tc = ar.Range("A1").Column + ar.Columns.Count - 1
               If tc > c Then c = tc
               If tr > r Then r = tr
'Determine the area covered by shapes
'so we don't remove shading behind shapes
            For Each shp In wksWks.Shapes
               tr = shp.BottomRightCell.Row
               tc = shp.BottomRightCell.Column
               If tc > c Then c = tc
               If tr > r Then r = tr
            Application.StatusBar = "Clearing Excess Cells in " & wksWks.Name & ", Please Wait..."
            Set ur = wksWks.Rows(r + 1 & ":" & wksWks.Rows.Count)
'Reset row height which can also cause the lastcell to be innacurate
               ur.EntireRow.RowHeight = wksWks.StandardHeight

            Set ur = wksWks.Columns(ColLetter(c + 1) & ":" & ColLetter(wksWks.Columns.Count))
'Reset column width which can also cause the lastcell to be innacurate
                ur.EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = wksWks.StandardWidth
         End If
      End If
'Reset protection.
      wksWks.Protect "", blProtDO, blProtCont, blProtScen
    Application.StatusBar = False
' Application.SendKeys "%(oe)~{TAB}~"

    Application.CommandBars.ExecuteMso "PicturesCompress"
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Exit Sub

End Sub

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