
Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of a number.

numberThe angle.

* For an illustrated example refer to the Hyperbolic Functions page.
* The hyperbolic cotangent of a number is 1/TANH.
* The hyperbolic arctangent of a number is the inverse of the TANH.
* If Abs(number) > 2^27, then #NUM is returned.
* If "number" is not numeric, then #VALUE is returned.
* You can use the TANH function to return the hyperbolic tangent.
* You can use the SECH function to return the hyperbolic secant.
* You can use the CSCH function to return the hyperbolic cosecant.
* You can use the ACOTH function to return the hyperbolic arc-cotangent.
* This function was added in Excel 2013.
* For the Microsoft documentation refer to
* For the Google documentation refer to

1=COTH(0.5) = 2.16395341373865
2=COTH(-0.5) = -2.16395341373865
3=COTH(1) = 1.31303528549933
4=COTH(-1) = -1.31303528549933
5=COTH(2.3) = 1.02030780218113
6=1/TANH(2.3) = 1.02030780218113
7=COTH(ACOTH(0.5)) = #NUM!
8=COTH(0) = #DIV/0!

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