Calculation - Full

Performing a FULL Calculation - Excel 2002 & Excel 2003

Pressing (Ctrl + Alt + F9) recalculates all cells in all open workbooks regardless of whether they need to be recalculated.
This was introduced in Excel 2002.


For all open workbooks, forces a full calculation of the data and rebuilds the dependencies.
Dependencies are the formulas that depend on other cells. For example, the formula "=A1" depends on cell A1. The CalculateFullRebuild method is similar to re-entering all formulas.


Performing a FULL Calculation - Excel 97 & Excel 2000

You can also use the EnableCalculation property to calculate all the formulas on a worksheet.
Changing this property from False to True will flag all the formulas as uncalculated so next time the worksheet is calculated a "full" calculation will take place.

Dim objWorksheet As Worksheet 
Application.Calculation = xlConstants.xlManual
objWorksheet = Worksheets(2)
objWorksheet.EnableCalculation = False
objWorksheet.EnableCalculation = True

If you wanted to recalculate all the cells in all the open workbooks then you could do the following for all the worksheets in the workbook.

Dim objWorksheet As Worksheet 
Application.Calculation = xlConstants.xlManual
For Each objWorksheet In Workbooks.Worksheets
   objWorksheet.EnableCalculation = False
   objWorksheet.EnableCalculation = True
Next objWorksheet

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