VBA Snippets


Public Function Cell_FormulaExtract(ByVal sformulas As String, _
ByVal lResultsFirstRow As Long, _
ByVal lrowno As Long) As String

Dim iopenbracket As Integer
Dim iopenbracketcurly As Integer
Dim iclosebracket As Integer
Dim sfunction As String
Dim sinsidefunction As String
Dim ifindspeechmark As Integer
Dim sfoundrange As String
Dim sopenbracket As String
Dim sclosebracket As String

Dim smodified As String

Dim ifindseperator As Integer
Dim ifindampersand As Integer
Dim ifindcomma As Integer
Dim ifindclosingspeech As Integer

'check for string concatenations
If (g_bInsideFunction = True) Then
If Left(sformulas, 1) = """" Then
ifindclosingspeech = InStr(Right(sformulas, Len(sformulas) - 1), """")
If (ifindclosingspeech > -1) Then

ifindampersand = InStr(Right(sformulas, Len(sformulas) - 1), "&")
If (ifindampersand = 0) Then

If (Factset_StringArgument(sformulas) = False) Then

'then its a string
' Cells(g_lRowNo, g_lColNo).Value = UCase(sformulas)
g_vExtractFunctions(g_lArrayRowNo, enCOLUMNS_TABLE2.e3FactSetArg1 + g_lColNo) = UCase(sformulas)
g_lColNo = g_lColNo + 1

'split the argument into different columns

ifindcomma = InStr(sformulas, ",") - 1
g_vExtractFunctions(g_lArrayRowNo, enCOLUMNS_TABLE2.e3FactSetArg1 + g_lColNo) = UCase(Left(sformulas, ifindcomma))
g_lColNo = g_lColNo + 1

End If

End If
If (ifindampersand > -1) Then
If (ifindclosingspeech + 1 = ifindampersand) Then

' Cells(g_lRowNo, g_lColNo).Value = UCase(Left(sformulas, ifindampersand))
g_vExtractFunctions(g_lArrayRowNo, enCOLUMNS_TABLE2.e3FactSetArg1 + g_lColNo) = UCase(Left(sformulas, ifindampersand))
g_lColNo = g_lColNo + 1

End If
End If
End If
End If
End If

If IsNumeric(sformulas) = True Or _
UCase(sformulas) = "TRUE" Or UCase(sformulas) = "FALSE" Then

sformulas = Replace(sformulas, ", ", ",")
sformulas = Replace(sformulas, ",", ", ")

Cell_FormulaExtract = sformulas 'just return the value

ifindseperator = Str_CharsFindPositionofNext(sformulas, _
"""", ";", "(", "&", "{", ",", "+", "^", "-", "*", "/", "=", "<", ">")
iopenbracket = InStr(1, sformulas, "(")
'stupid function returns 0 when no match
If iopenbracket = 0 Then iopenbracket = -1
iopenbracketcurly = InStr(1, sformulas, "{")
'stupid function returns 0 when no match
If iopenbracketcurly = 0 Then iopenbracketcurly = -1

If (iopenbracket >= 1) And (iopenbracketcurly >= 1) Then
If (iopenbracket < iopenbracketcurly) Then
iopenbracketcurly = -1
iopenbracket = -1
End If
End If

If (ifindseperator < iopenbracket) And (ifindseperator < iopenbracketcurly) Then
iopenbracket = -1
iopenbracketcurly = -1
End If

If ((iopenbracket >= 1) And (iopenbracket <= ifindseperator)) Or _
((iopenbracketcurly >= 1) And (iopenbracketcurly <= ifindseperator)) Then
If (iopenbracket >= 1) Then
sopenbracket = "("
sclosebracket = ")"
End If

If (iopenbracketcurly >= 1) Then
sopenbracket = "{"
sclosebracket = "}"
iopenbracket = iopenbracketcurly
End If

iclosebracket = Cell_FormulaCloseBracketPos(sformulas, sopenbracket, sclosebracket)
sfunction = Mid(sformulas, 1, iopenbracket - 1)

' Debug.Print "Function-" & sfunction
If (Trim(sfunction) = "FDS") Or _
(Trim(sfunction) = "FDSB") Or _
(Trim(sfunction) = "FDSC") Or _
(Trim(sfunction) = "FDSZ") Then

g_lArrayRowNo = g_lArrayRowNo + 1
g_lColNo = 0

'Cells(g_lRowNo, g_lColNo).Value = lrowno + lResultsFirstRow
g_vExtractFunctions(g_lArrayRowNo, enCOLUMNS_TABLE2.e1Table1RowNo) = lrowno

'Cells(g_lRowNo, g_lColNo + 1).Value = Trim(sfunction)
g_vExtractFunctions(g_lArrayRowNo, enCOLUMNS_TABLE2.e2FactSetFunction) = Trim(sfunction)

' Cells(g_lRowNo, g_lColNo + 3).Value = ""
' Cells(g_lRowNo, g_lColNo).Interior.Color = g_lSHADING_ExtractFunctions
g_bInsideFunction = True
End If

sinsidefunction = Mid(sformulas, iopenbracket + 1, iclosebracket - iopenbracket - 1)

If Len(sinsidefunction) > 0 Then
smodified = Cell_FormulaExtract(sinsidefunction, lResultsFirstRow, lrowno)
End If

If iclosebracket < Len(sformulas) Then
g_bInsideFunction = False
smodified = Cell_FormulaExtract(Right(sformulas, Len(sformulas) - iclosebracket), lResultsFirstRow, lrowno)
End If

smodified = ""

ifindspeechmark = Str_CharsFindPositionofNext(sformulas, """")
ifindseperator = Str_CharsFindPositionofNext(sformulas, _
";", "&", ",", "+", "-", "^", "*", "/", "=", "<", ">", " ") 'added a space

If ifindspeechmark > -1 And ifindspeechmark < ifindseperator Then
ifindseperator = Str_FindSingleSpeechmark(sformulas) + 1
End If

If ifindseperator = 1 Then
Select Case Left(sformulas, 1)

'check there are spaces after every comma
Case ",":
If (Left(sformulas, 2) <> ", ") Then
smodified = smodified & ", "
smodified = smodified & ","
End If

Case "<":
smodified = smodified & "<"
Case ">":
smodified = smodified & ">"
Case Else:
smodified = smodified & Left(sformulas, 1)
End Select

smodified = smodified & Cell_FormulaExtract(Right(sformulas, Len(sformulas) - 1), lResultsFirstRow, lrowno)

ElseIf ifindseperator > 1 Then
sfoundrange = Left(sformulas, ifindseperator - 1)

If Cell_RangeIsIt(sfoundrange) = True Then

If (g_bInsideFunction = True) Then
'Cells(g_lRowNo, g_lColNo).Value = Replace(sfoundrange, "$", "")
g_vExtractFunctions(g_lArrayRowNo, enCOLUMNS_TABLE2.e3FactSetArg1 + g_lColNo) = Replace(sfoundrange, "$", "")
g_lColNo = g_lColNo + 1
End If

smodified = sfoundrange
smodified = smodified & Cell_FormulaExtract(Right(sformulas, Len(sformulas) - ifindseperator + 1), lResultsFirstRow, lrowno)

smodified = smodified & Left(sformulas, ifindseperator - 1)
smodified = smodified & Cell_FormulaExtract(Right(sformulas, Len(sformulas) - ifindseperator + 1), lResultsFirstRow, lrowno)
End If
End If

End If

Cell_FormulaExtract = smodified

End If
Exit Function

Call MsgBox(Err.Number + " " & Err.Description)
End Function


Public Sub Formulas_ExtractFunctions()
Dim oProgressBar As frmProgressBar

Dim wbk_active As Excel.Workbook
Dim wsh_active As Excel.Worksheet
Dim lStartRow As Long
Dim llastrow As Long
Dim sFormula As String
Dim lColNo As Long
Dim lrowno As Long
Dim lResultsFirstRow As Long
Dim oColumnRange As Range
Dim llastrow_array As Long

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

Set wbk_active = ActiveWorkbook
Set wsh_active = wbk_active.ActiveSheet

Set oProgressBar = frmProgressBar
Load oProgressBar
oProgressBar.Show (VBA.FormShowConstants.vbModeless)
Call UpdateProgress(oProgressBar, 0.4, "Data")

llastrow = Range(Range("A" & g_lEXTRACT_FUNCTIONS_STARTROW).End(XlDirection.xlDown).Address).Row
' llastrow = wsh_active.Range("A" & modConstants.g_lEXTRACT_FUNCTIONS_STARTROW).SpecialCells(XlCellType.xlCellTypeLastCell).Row

lResultsFirstRow = modConstants.g_lEXTRACT_FUNCTIONS_STARTROW

Dim scolfirst As String
Dim scollast As String
scolfirst = Col_Letter(enCOLUMNS_TABLE1.e8Blank + 1)
scollast = Col_Letter(enCOLUMNS_TABLE1.e8Blank + 1 + enCOLUMNS_TABLE2.e30Description)
Range(scolfirst & modConstants.g_lEXTRACT_FUNCTIONS_STARTROW & ":" & scollast & "20000").ClearContents

ReDim g_vExtractFunctions(1 To llastrow * 3, 1 To (enCOLUMNS_TABLE2.e30Description))

g_lArrayRowNo = 0

For lrowno = lResultsFirstRow To llastrow

sFormula = Range("A" & lrowno).Value
g_lColNo = 0

g_bInsideFunction = False

If (Len(sFormula) > 0) Then
Call Cell_FormulaExtract(sFormula, modConstants.g_lEXTRACT_FUNCTIONS_STARTROW, lrowno)
End If

Call UpdateProgress(oProgressBar, lrowno / llastrow, "Formulas")

Next lrowno

Unload oProgressBar

scolfirst = Col_Letter(enCOLUMNS_TABLE1.e8Blank + 1)
scollast = Col_Letter(enCOLUMNS_TABLE1.e8Blank + 1 + enCOLUMNS_TABLE2.e11FactSetArg9)

If (UBound(g_vExtractFunctions, 1) < wsh_active.Cells.Rows.Count) Then
llastrow_array = UBound(g_vExtractFunctions, 1)
llastrow_array = wsh_active.Cells.Rows.Count
End If

Range(scolfirst & modConstants.g_lEXTRACT_FUNCTIONS_STARTROW & ":" & scollast & llastrow_array).Value = g_vExtractFunctions

With wsh_active.Range("D" & modConstants.g_lEXTRACT_FUNCTIONS_STARTROW - 1 & ":" & _
"G" & modConstants.g_lEXTRACT_FUNCTIONS_STARTROW - 1)

.Value = Array("FactSet", "LSEG", "Factset Sample", "LSEG Sample")
.Font.Bold = True
End With

' wsh_active.Columns("C:D").ColumnWidth = 4
Set oColumnRange = wsh_active.Columns(Col_Letter(enCOLUMNS_TABLE1.e8Blank + enCOLUMNS_TABLE2.e1Table1RowNo) & ":" & _
Col_Letter(enCOLUMNS_TABLE1.e8Blank + enCOLUMNS_TABLE2.e11FactSetArg9))

oColumnRange.HorizontalAlignment = XlHAlign.xlHAlignLeft

Set oColumnRange = wsh_active.Columns("H:H")

'Call modMessages.Message_Cells_FunctionsExtracted

Exit Sub

MsgBox (Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description)
End Sub

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