Calculation Options
Formulas > Calculation Options
Multi Threaded Calculation
Formulas > Calculation - Multi Threading
Calculation Engine
Excel has a very complicated algorithm for choosing which cells to calculate in order to return the correct value from a formula.
The calculation algorithm was changed in Excel 2000 and again in Excel 2002.
Excel will always try and calculate the minimum number of cells possible and will only recalculate cells when:
1) cells, formulas, values or names have changed.
2) cells have been flagged as needing a recalculation.
3) cells dependent on other cells, formulas, names or values that need recalculating.
Calculating all the open workbooks
Pressing F9 recalculates any cells that have changed in all the open workbooks.
Application.Calculate returns an error if there are no workbooks open.
If Workbooks.Count > 0 Then
End If
Calculating all the worksheets in a Workbook
There is no quick way to do this so you have to loop through each worksheet in that particular workbook.
For Each WshName in ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
'copy from depository and/or put in depository
Calculating all the cells on just a particular worksheet
Pressing (Shift + F9) is the same as pressing F9 except that it only recalculates cells on the active worksheet.
Calculating a particular range on a particular worksheet
This will fail if calculation is set to manual and iteration is enabled.
If calculation is Manual, using the Dirty method instructs Excel to identify the specified cell to be recalculated.
If calculation is Automatic, using the Dirty method instructs Excel to perform a recalculation.
This is used to add the specified cells to the list of cells requiring calculation at the next recalculation
Indicates whether Excel calculations are in progress, pending or done
Application.CalculationState = xlCalculationState.xlPending
Returns the Excel version and calculation engine version used when the file was last saved.
Stops any recalculations in an Excel application
If a calculation find more than 65,536 dependencies then a full calculation is performed.
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