Pivot Table Tools - Analyze Tab
In Excel 2007 and 2010 this tab was called Options.
Pivot Table
PivotTable Name - The name given to this Pivot Table. It is used when ?
Options - Button with Drop-Down. The button displays the "PivotTable Options" dialog box, Layout & Format tab. The drop-down contains the commands: Options which display Options dialog box, Show Report Filter Pages, Generate GetPivotData.
Active Field
The whole group also appears on the Pivot Chart Tools Analyze Tab
Active Field - The name of the active field.
Field Settings - Displays the "Value Field Settings" dialog box.
Drill Down - (Added in 2013). Drop-Down. Show this item's children. You can also double click on the field. The drop-down contains the commands:
Drill Up - (Added in 2013). Drop-Down. Show the level above. The drop-down contains the commands:
Expand Field - Expands all items of the active field. (Expand Entire Field in 2010).
Collapse Field - Collapses all items of the active field. (Collapse Entire Field in 2010).
Group Selection - Creates a group containing the currently selected items.
Ungroup Selection - (Shift + Alt + Left). Ungroups a range of cells that are currently grouped.
Group Field - Groups numeric or date fields.
The whole group also appears on the Pivot Chart Tools Analyze Tab
Insert Slicer - (Added in 2010). Button with Drop-Down. Displays the "Insert Slicers" dialog box allowing you to quickly filter data.
Insert Timeline - (Added in 2013). Allows you to quickly filter your dates and choose specific time periods.
Filter Connections - (Added in 2013). Manage which filters the pivot table is connected to.
Sort Smallest to Largest - (Removed in 2013). Sorts the current selection so the smallest items are at the top. In Excel 2013 this command is accessible from the shortcut menu.
Sort Largest to Smallest - (Removed in 2013). Sorts the current selection so the largest items are at the top. In Excel 2013 this command is accessible from the shortcut menu.
Sort - (Removed in 2013). Displays the Sort by Value dialog box. In Excel 2013 this command is accessible from the shortcut menu.
The whole group also appears on the Pivot Chart Tools Analyze Tab
Refresh - (Alt + F5). Button with Drop-Down. Refresh - update all the information in this workbook that is coming from external data sources. Refresh All (Ctrl + Alt + F5). Refresh Status, Cancel Refresh. Connection Properties.
Change Data Source - Button with Drop-Down. The button displays the Change PivotTable Data Source lets you change the source data for this PivotTable. The drop-down also contains the Connection Properties command.
Clear - Drop-Down. The drop-down contains the commands: Clear All, Clear Filters.
Select - Drop-Down. The drop-down contains the commands: Labels and Values, Labels, Values, Entire PivotTable, Enable Selection.
Move Pivot Table - Displays the "Move PivotTable" dialog box.
The whole group also appears on the Pivot Chart Tools Analyze Tab
Fields, Items & Sets - (Added in 2010). Drop-Down. The drop-down contains the commands: Calculated Field, Calculated Item, Solve Order, List Formulas, Create Set Based on Row Items, Create Set Based on Column Items and Manage Sets.
OLAP Tools - (Moved in 2013). Drop-Down. (Tools group in 2010).
Relationships - Displays the "Manage Relationships" dialog box.
Summarize Values By - (Removed in 2013). (Added in 2010). Drop-Down. The drop-down contains the commands: Sum, Count, Average, Max, Min, Product and More Options. In Excel 2010 this command appeared before the Fields, Items & Sets drop-down.
Show Values As - (Removed in 2013). (Added in 2010). Drop-Down. The drop-down contains the commands: Show Values As - No Calculation, % of Grand Total, % of Column Total, % of Row Total, % Of, % of Parent Row Total, % of Parent Column Total, % of Parent Total, Difference From, % Difference From, Running Total In, % Running Total In, Rank Smallest to Largest, Rank Largest to Smallest, Index, More Options. In Excel 2010 this command appeared before the Fields, Items & Sets drop-down.
PivotChart - Creates a Pivot Chart based on the data in this pivot table.
Recommended PivotTables - (Added in 2013). Displays the "Recommended Pivot Tables" dialog box.
What-If Analysis - (Removed in 2013). (Added in 2010). Drop-Down. The drop-down contains the commands: Scenario Manager, Goal Seek and Data Table. This drop-down also appears on the Data Tab, Forecast group.
Formulas - (Removed in 2010). Drop-Down. The drop-down contains the commands: Calculated Field, Calculated Item, Solve Order, List Formulas.
Field List - Toggles the display of the PivotTable Field List task pane.
Buttons - Toggles the display of the expand and collapse buttons on the pivot table.
Field Headers - Toggles the display of the field headings for rows and columns.
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