Ctrl + Function

Ctrl + F1Toggles the display of the Ribbon.
Ctrl + F2Displays the Print Options on the File tab.
Ctrl + F3Displays the Name Manager dialog box.
Ctrl + F4Closes the active workbook or window (saving first).
Ctrl + F5Restores the size of the active workbook or window.
Ctrl + F6Moves to the next open workbook or window.
Ctrl + F7Activates the Move window command.
Ctrl + F8Activates the Resize window command.
Ctrl + F9Minimises the active workbook or window to the task bar.
Ctrl + F10Toggles between maximising and restoring the size of the active workbook or window.
Ctrl + F11Redundant see last table below.
Ctrl + F12Displays the Open dialog box.
Ctrl + F1
Toggles the display of the Ribbon.
Ctrl + F2
Displays the Print Options on the File tab.
Ctrl + F3
Displays the Name Manager dialog box.
Ctrl + F4
Closes the active workbook or window (saving first).
Ctrl + F5
Restores the size of the active workbook or window.
Ctrl + F6
Moves to the next open workbook or window.
Ctrl + F7
Activates the Move window command.
Ctrl + F8
Activates the Resize window command.
Ctrl + F9
Minimises the active workbook or window to the task bar.
Ctrl + F10
Toggles between maximising and restoring the size of the active workbook or window.
Ctrl + F11
Redundant see last table below.
Ctrl + F12
Displays the Open dialog box.

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