Third Party Add-ins

FactSet Shortcut Keys

Ctrl + MShow/Hide Sidebar
Ctrl + JSwitch between Excel and Sidebar
Ctrl + Shift + BBorder Smart Cycle
Ctrl + Shift + CCenter Smart Cycle
Ctrl + Shift + DSmart Copy Down. The built-in shortcut key (Ctrl + D) copies the value from the cell directly above into the active cell.
Ctrl + Shift + RSmart Copy Right. The built-in shortcut key (Ctrl + R) copies the value from the cell directly the left into the active cell.
Ctrl + Shift + UUnderline Smart Cycle
Ctrl + Shift + (.)Reduce Decimal. Moves the decimal point one place to the right. Multiplying by 10.
Ctrl + Shift + (,)Increase Decimal - Moves the decimal point one place to the left. Dividing by 10.
Ctrl + Shift + 4 ($)Currency Smart Cycle
Ctrl + Shift + 5 (%)Percent Smart Cycle
Ctrl + Shift + ' (@)Date Smart Cycle
Ctrl + Shift + 8 (*)Multiples Smart Cycle
Ctrl + Alt + AAutocolor any selection
Ctrl + Alt + SAutocolor an entire worksheet
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 7Format Tab
Alt + Shift + QRefresh Workbook
Alt + Shift + XRefresh Worksheet
Alt + Shift + SRefresh Selection
Ctrl + M
Show/Hide Sidebar
Ctrl + J
Switch between Excel and Sidebar
Ctrl + Shift + B
Border Smart Cycle
Ctrl + Shift + C
Center Smart Cycle
Ctrl + Shift + D
Smart Copy Down. The built-in shortcut key (Ctrl + D) copies the value from the cell directly above into the active cell.
Ctrl + Shift + R
Smart Copy Right. The built-in shortcut key (Ctrl + R) copies the value from the cell directly the left into the active cell.
Ctrl + Shift + U
Underline Smart Cycle
Ctrl + Shift + (.)
Reduce Decimal. Moves the decimal point one place to the right. Multiplying by 10.
Ctrl + Shift + (,)
Increase Decimal - Moves the decimal point one place to the left. Dividing by 10.
Ctrl + Shift + 4 ($)
Currency Smart Cycle
Ctrl + Shift + 5 (%)
Percent Smart Cycle
Ctrl + Shift + ' (@)
Date Smart Cycle
Ctrl + Shift + 8 (*)
Multiples Smart Cycle
Ctrl + Alt + A
Autocolor any selection
Ctrl + Alt + S
Autocolor an entire worksheet
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 7
Format Tab
Alt + Shift + Q
Refresh Workbook
Alt + Shift + X
Refresh Worksheet
Alt + Shift + S
Refresh Selection

Macabacus Shortcut Keys

Ctrl + Shift + RFast Fill Right
Ctrl + Shift + DFast Fill Down
Ctrl + Shift + EError Wrap
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + VSimplify Formula
Ctrl + Alt + IPaste Insert
Ctrl + Alt + DPaste Duplicate
Ctrl + Alt + TPaste Transpose
Ctrl + Shift + [Overwrite) Pro Precedents
Ctrl + Shift + ](Overwrite) Pro Dependents
Ctrl + Alt + [Show All Precedents
Ctrl + Alt + ]Show All Dependents
Ctrl + Alt + \Clear Arrows
Ctrl + Q(Overwrite) Uniformulas
Ctrl + Alt + =Zoom In
Ctrl + Alt + -Zoom Out
Ctrl + Alt + GToggle Gridlines
Ctrl + Alt + BHide Page Breaks
Alt + Shift + PgUpRow Height Cycle
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + PgUpColumn Width Cycle
Alt + Shift + RightGroup Row
Alt + Shift + DownGroup Column
Alt + Shift + LeftUngroup Row
Alt + Shift + UpUngroup Column
Alt + Shift + =Expand All Rows
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + =Expand All Columns
Alt + Shift + -Collapse All Rows
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + -Collapse All Columns
Ctrl + Alt + LeftExport Match Width
Ctrl + Alt + DownExport Match Height
Ctrl + Alt + RightExport Match None
Ctrl + Alt + UpExport Match Both
Ctrl + Shift + SQuick Save
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + SQuick Save All
Alt + F12Quick Save As
Shift F12Quick Save Up
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + DDelete Comments & Notes
Ctrl + Shift + R
Fast Fill Right
Ctrl + Shift + D
Fast Fill Down
Ctrl + Shift + E
Error Wrap
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + V
Simplify Formula
Ctrl + Alt + I
Paste Insert
Ctrl + Alt + D
Paste Duplicate
Ctrl + Alt + T
Paste Transpose
Ctrl + Shift + [
Overwrite) Pro Precedents
Ctrl + Shift + ]
(Overwrite) Pro Dependents
Ctrl + Alt + [
Show All Precedents
Ctrl + Alt + ]
Show All Dependents
Ctrl + Alt + \
Clear Arrows
Ctrl + Q
(Overwrite) Uniformulas
Ctrl + Alt + =
Zoom In
Ctrl + Alt + -
Zoom Out
Ctrl + Alt + G
Toggle Gridlines
Ctrl + Alt + B
Hide Page Breaks
Alt + Shift + PgUp
Row Height Cycle
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + PgUp
Column Width Cycle
Alt + Shift + Right
Group Row
Alt + Shift + Down
Group Column
Alt + Shift + Left
Ungroup Row
Alt + Shift + Up
Ungroup Column
Alt + Shift + =
Expand All Rows
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + =
Expand All Columns
Alt + Shift + -
Collapse All Rows
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + -
Collapse All Columns
Ctrl + Alt + Left
Export Match Width
Ctrl + Alt + Down
Export Match Height
Ctrl + Alt + Right
Export Match None
Ctrl + Alt + Up
Export Match Both
Ctrl + Shift + S
Quick Save
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S
Quick Save All
Alt + F12
Quick Save As
Shift F12
Quick Save Up
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + D
Delete Comments & Notes

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