Ctrl + Numbers

Ctrl + 0Hides the columns in the current selection.
Ctrl + 1Displays the Format Cells dialog box (not using the keypad).
Ctrl + 2Toggles bold on the current selection.
Ctrl + 3Toggles italics on the current selection.
Ctrl + 4Toggles underlying on the current selection.
Ctrl + 5Toggles the strikethrough of text on the current selection.
Ctrl + 6Toggles between showing all objects or showing no objects in the active workbook. This option can be found under (Advanced, Display options for this workbook - For objects show).
Ctrl + 7Allows you to move/reposition the entire Excel window using the arrow keys.
Ctrl + 8Toggles the display of Outline Symbols on the active worksheet.
Ctrl + 9Hides the rows in the current selection.
Ctrl + Shift + 0Unhides the columns in the current selection.
Ctrl + Shift + 1Applies the Comma separated format "#,##0.00" to the selection.
Ctrl + Shift + 2Enters the value from the cell directly above into the active cell.
Ctrl + Shift + 4Applies the Currency format "£#,##0.00" to the selection.
Ctrl + Shift + 5Applies the Percentage format "0%" to the selection.
Ctrl + Shift + 6Applies the Exponential format "#,##E+02" to the selection.
Ctrl + Shift + 7Applies a thin black border around the outside of the selected cells.
Ctrl + Shift + 8Selects the Current Region (surrounded by blank rows and columns).
Ctrl + Shift + 9Unhides the rows in the current selection.
Ctrl + 0
Hides the columns in the current selection.
Ctrl + 1
Displays the Format Cells dialog box (not using the keypad).
Ctrl + 2
Toggles bold on the current selection.
Ctrl + 3
Toggles italics on the current selection.
Ctrl + 4
Toggles underlying on the current selection.
Ctrl + 5
Toggles the strikethrough of text on the current selection.
Ctrl + 6
Toggles between showing all objects or showing no objects in the active workbook. This option can be found under (Advanced, Display options for this workbook - For objects show).
Ctrl + 7
Allows you to move/reposition the entire Excel window using the arrow keys.
Ctrl + 8
Toggles the display of Outline Symbols on the active worksheet.
Ctrl + 9
Hides the rows in the current selection.
Ctrl + Shift + 0
Unhides the columns in the current selection.
Ctrl + Shift + 1
Applies the Comma separated format "#,##0.00" to the selection.
Ctrl + Shift + 2
Enters the value from the cell directly above into the active cell.
Ctrl + Shift + 4
Applies the Currency format "£#,##0.00" to the selection.
Ctrl + Shift + 5
Applies the Percentage format "0%" to the selection.
Ctrl + Shift + 6
Applies the Exponential format "#,##E+02" to the selection.
Ctrl + Shift + 7
Applies a thin black border around the outside of the selected cells.
Ctrl + Shift + 8
Selects the Current Region (surrounded by blank rows and columns).
Ctrl + Shift + 9
Unhides the rows in the current selection.

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