C# Snippets


Public Sub Col_Align(ByVal sColFirst As String, _
Optional ByVal sColLast As String = "", _
Optional ByVal sDirection As String = "LEFT")

If clsError.ErrorFlag() = True Then Exit Sub

Dim objrange As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range

If (sColLast.Length = 0) Then sColLast = sColFirst

objrange = CType(gApplicationExcel.Columns(sColFirst & ":" & sColLast), _

If sDirection <> "LEFT" And sDirection <> "RIGHT" And sDirection <> "CENTER" Then
Call clszMessagesGeneral.Message( _
"Incorrect direction '" & sDirection & "' " & gsCRLF & _
"sDirection must be either 'LEFT', 'RIGHT' or 'CENTER'.")
End If
If sDirection = "LEFT" Then objrange.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlLeft
If sDirection = "RIGHT" Then objrange.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlRight
If sDirection = "CENTER" Then objrange.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter

Catch objCOMException As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
mobjCOMException = objCOMException
Catch objException As Exception
mobjException = objException

If gbDEBUG_EXCEL = True Or _
((Not mobjCOMException Is Nothing) Or (Not mobjException Is Nothing)) Then

Dim serrortext As String

If sColLast.Length = 0 Then serrortext = " column '" & sColFirst & "'"
If sColLast.Length > 0 Then serrortext = " columns '" & sColFirst & ":" & sColLast & "'"

Call clsError.Handle("WidthDefine", msCLASSNAME, _
"to align the" & serrortext & " in the '" & sDirection & "' direction.", _
mobjCOMException, mobjException)
End If
End Try
End Sub


Public Sub Col_AutoFit(ByVal sColFirst As String, _
Optional ByVal sColLast As String = "")

If clsError.ErrorFlag() = True Then Exit Sub

Dim objrange As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range

If (sColLast.Length = 0) Then sColLast = sColFirst

objrange = CType(gApplicationExcel.Columns(sColFirst & ":" & sColLast), _


Catch objCOMException As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
mobjCOMException = objCOMException
Catch objException As Exception
mobjException = objException

If gbDEBUG_EXCEL = True Or _
((Not mobjCOMException Is Nothing) Or (Not mobjException Is Nothing)) Then

Dim serrortext As String

If sColLast.Length = 0 Then serrortext = " column '" & sColFirst & "'"
If sColLast.Length > 0 Then serrortext = " columns '" & sColFirst & ":" & sColLast & "'"

Call clsError.Handle("AutoFit", msCLASSNAME, _
"autofit the" & serrortext & ".", _
mobjCOMException, mobjException)
End If
End Try
End Sub


Public Sub Col_Copy(ByVal sColFirst As String, _
Optional ByVal sColLast As String = "", _
Optional ByVal sFromWshName As String = "", _
Optional ByVal sFromWbkName As String = "")

If clsError.ErrorFlag() = True Then Exit Sub

Dim objworkbookbefore As Excel.Workbook
Dim objworkbook As Excel.Workbook

Dim objworksheetbefore As Excel.Worksheet
Dim objworksheet As Excel.Worksheet

Dim objrange As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range

If sFromWbkName.Length > 0 Then
objworkbookbefore = gApplicationExcel.ActiveWorkbook

objworkbook = gApplicationExcel.Workbooks(sFromWbkName)
CType(objworkbook, Excel._Workbook).Activate()
End If

If sFromWshName.Length > 0 Then
objworksheetbefore = CType(gApplicationExcel.ActiveSheet, Excel.Worksheet)

objworksheet = CType(gApplicationExcel.Worksheets(sFromWshName), Excel.Worksheet)
End If

If (sColLast.Length = 0) Then sColLast = sColFirst

objrange = CType(gApplicationExcel.Columns(sColFirst & ":" & sColLast), _


If sFromWbkName.Length > 0 Then CType(objworkbookbefore, Excel._Workbook).Activate()
If sFromWshName.Length > 0 Then objworksheetbefore.Select()

Catch objCOMException As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
mobjCOMException = objCOMException
Catch objException As Exception
mobjException = objException

If gbDEBUG_EXCEL = True Or _
((Not mobjCOMException Is Nothing) Or (Not mobjException Is Nothing)) Then

Dim serrortext As String

If sColLast.Length = 0 Then serrortext = " column '" & sColFirst & "'"
If sColLast.Length > 0 Then serrortext = " columns '" & sColFirst & ":" & sColLast & "'"
If sFromWshName.Length = 0 Then serrortext = serrortext & "from the active worksheet"
If sFromWshName.Length > 0 Then serrortext = serrortext & "from worksheet '" & sFromWshName & "'"
If sFromWbkName.Length > 0 Then serrortext = serrortext & "in the workbook '" & sFromWbkName & "'"

Call clsError.Handle("Copy", msCLASSNAME, _
"copy the" & serrortext & ".", _
mobjCOMException, mobjException)
End If
End Try
End Sub


Public Shared Function Col_LastUsedCol(Optional ByVal sWshName As String = "") _
As String

Dim objWorksheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim objRange As Excel.Range

If clsError.ErrorFlag() = True Then Exit Function

objWorksheet = CType(gApplicationExcel.ActiveSheet, Excel.Worksheet)
objRange = CType(objWorksheet.Range("A1"), Excel.Range)

LastUsedCol = clsCol.Letter(objRange.SpecialCells(Excel.XlCellType.xlCellTypeLastCell).Column)

Catch objCOMException As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
mobjCOMException = objCOMException
Catch objException As Exception
mobjException = objException

If gbDEBUG_EXCEL = True Or _
((Not mobjCOMException Is Nothing) Or (Not mobjException Is Nothing)) Then

Call clsError.Handle("LastUsedCol", msCLASSNAME, _
"", _
mobjCOMException, mobjException)
End If
End Try
End Function


Converting a column number to its equivalent column letter.
Public Shared Function Col_Letter(ByVal iColNo As Integer) _
As String

If clsError.ErrorFlag() = True Then Exit Function

Dim inumber1 As Integer

Select Case iColNo
Case 0 : Letter = Chr(90)
Case Is <= 26 : Letter = Chr(iColNo + 64)
Case Else
inumber1 = CInt(Math.Floor((64 + ((iColNo - 1) / 26))))
Letter = Chr(inumber1) & Chr(((iColNo - 1) Mod 26) + 65)

End Select

Catch objCOMException As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
mobjCOMException = objCOMException
Catch objException As Exception
mobjException = objException

If gbDEBUG_EXCEL = True Or _
((IsNothing(mobjCOMException) = False Or IsNothing(mobjException) = False)) Then

Call clsError.Handle("Letter", "clsCol", _
"return the corresponding letter for the column number " & _
"'" & iColNo & "'.", _
mobjCOMException, mobjException)
End If
End Try
End Function


Converting a column letter to its equivalent column number.
Public Shared Function Col_Number(ByVal sColChar As String, _
Optional ByVal sWshName As String = "") As Integer

If clsError.ErrorFlag() = True Then Exit Function

Dim istartnumber As Integer

Dim objworksheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet
Dim objrange As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range

If Len(sColChar) = 1 Then
If sWshName <> "" Then
objworksheet = CType(gApplicationExcel.Worksheets(sWshName), Excel.Worksheet)

Number = objworksheet.Range(sColChar & "1").Column
End If
If sWshName = "" Then
objworksheet = CType(gApplicationExcel.ActiveSheet, Excel.Worksheet)

Number = objworksheet.Range(sColChar & "1").Column

End If
objworksheet = CType(gApplicationExcel.ActiveSheet, Excel.Worksheet)

istartnumber = objworksheet.Range((Left(sColChar, 1)) & "1").Column
Number = ((istartnumber)) * 26 * (Len(sColChar) - 1) + _
clsCol.Number(Right(sColChar, Len(sColChar) - 1))
End If

Catch objCOMException As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
mobjCOMException = objCOMException
Catch objException As Exception
mobjException = objException

If gbDEBUG_EXCEL = True Or _
((IsNothing(mobjCOMException) = False Or IsNothing(mobjException) = False)) Then

Call clsError.Handle("Number", "clsCol", _
"return the corresponding number for the column letter " & _
"'" & sColChar & "'.", _
mobjCOMException, mobjException)
End If
End Try
End Function


Public Sub Col_SelectCol(ByVal sColFirst As String, _
Optional ByVal sColLast As String = "")

If clsError.ErrorFlag() = True Then Exit Sub

Dim objrange As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range

If (sColLast.Length = 0) Then sColLast = sColFirst

objrange = CType(gApplicationExcel.Columns(sColFirst & ":" & sColLast), _


Catch objCOMException As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
mobjCOMException = objCOMException
Catch objException As Exception
mobjException = objException

If gbDEBUG_EXCEL = True Or _
((Not mobjCOMException Is Nothing) Or (Not mobjException Is Nothing)) Then

Dim serrortext As String

If sColLast.Length = 0 Then serrortext = " column '" & sColFirst & "'"
If sColLast.Length > 0 Then serrortext = " columns '" & sColFirst & ":" & sColLast & "'"

Call clsError.Handle("SelectCol", msCLASSNAME, _
"select the" & serrortext & "'.", _
mobjCOMException, mobjException)
End If
End Try
End Sub


Public Sub Col_WidthDefine(ByVal sngColWidth As Single, _
ByVal sColFirst As String, _
Optional ByVal sColLast As String = "")

If clsError.ErrorFlag() = True Then Exit Sub

Dim objrange As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range

If (sColLast.Length = 0) Then sColLast = sColFirst

objrange = CType(gApplicationExcel.Columns(sColFirst & ":" & sColLast), _

objrange.ColumnWidth = sngColWidth

Catch objCOMException As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
mobjCOMException = objCOMException
Catch objException As Exception
mobjException = objException

If gbDEBUG_EXCEL = True Or _
((Not mobjCOMException Is Nothing) Or (Not mobjException Is Nothing)) Then

Dim serrortext As String

If sColLast.Length = 0 Then serrortext = " column '" & sColFirst & "'"
If sColLast.Length > 0 Then serrortext = " columns '" & sColFirst & ":" & sColLast & "'"

Call clsError.Handle("WidthDefine", msCLASSNAME, _
"define the width of " & serrortext & " to '" & sngColWidth & "' points.", _
mobjCOMException, mobjException)
End If
End Try
End Sub


Public Shared Function Col_WidthToPoints(ByVal sColFirst As String, _
Optional ByVal sColLast As String = "") As Single

If clsError.ErrorFlag() = True Then Exit Function

Dim objrange As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range

If Len(sColLast) = 0 Then sColLast = sColFirst

objrange = CType(gApplicationExcel.Columns(sColFirst & ":" & sColLast), _

WidthToPoints = CType(objrange.Width, Single)

Catch objCOMException As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
mobjCOMException = objCOMException
Catch objException As Exception
mobjException = objException

If gbDEBUG_EXCEL = True Or _
((IsNothing(mobjCOMException) = False Or IsNothing(mobjException) = False)) Then

Dim serrortext As String

If Len(sColFirst) = 0 Then serrortext = " column """ & sColFirst & """."
If Len(sColLast) > 0 Then _
serrortext = " columns """ & sColFirst & ":" & sColLast & """."

Call clsError.Handle("WidthToPoints", "clsCol", _
"return the corresponding column width for" & serrortext, _
mobjCOMException, mobjException)
End If
End Try
End Function


Public Shared Function DeleteCols(ByVal ParamArray asColumns() As String) As Single

If clsError.ErrorFlag() = True Then Exit Function

Dim objColumns As Excel.Range
Dim icount As Integer
Dim scolumnfirst As String
Dim scolumnlast As String

For icount = 1 To CInt(asColumns.Length / 2)
scolumnfirst = asColumns(2 * (icount - 1))
scolumnlast = asColumns(2 * (icount - 1) + 1)

objColumns = CType(gApplicationExcel.Columns(scolumnfirst & ":" & scolumnlast), Excel.Range)


Next icount

Catch objCOMException As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
mobjCOMException = objCOMException
Catch objException As Exception
mobjException = objException

If gbDEBUG_EXCEL = True Or _
((IsNothing(mobjCOMException) = False Or IsNothing(mobjException) = False)) Then

Call clsError.Handle("DeleteCols", "clsCol", _
"delete the columns.", _
mobjCOMException, mobjException)
End If
End Try
End Function


Public Shared Function InsertCols(ByVal ParamArray asColumns() As String) As Single

If clsError.ErrorFlag() = True Then Exit Function

Dim objColumns As Excel.Range
Dim icount As Integer
Dim scolumnfirst As String
Dim scolumnlast As String

For icount = 1 To CInt(asColumns.Length / 2)
scolumnfirst = asColumns(2 * (icount - 1))
scolumnlast = asColumns(2 * (icount - 1) + 1)

objColumns = CType(gApplicationExcel.Columns(scolumnfirst & ":" & scolumnlast), Excel.Range)


Next icount

Catch objCOMException As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
mobjCOMException = objCOMException
Catch objException As Exception
mobjException = objException

If gbDEBUG_EXCEL = True Or _
((IsNothing(mobjCOMException) = False Or IsNothing(mobjException) = False)) Then

Call clsError.Handle("InsertCols", "clsCol", _
"insert the columns.", _
mobjCOMException, mobjException)
End If
End Try
End Function


Public Shared Function Row_HeightToPoints(ByVal iRowFirst As Integer, _
Optional ByVal iRowLast As Integer = 0) As Single

If clsError.ErrorFlag() = True Then Exit Function

Dim objrange As Excel.Range

If iRowLast = 0 Then iRowLast = iRowFirst

objrange = CType(gApplicationExcel.Range("A" & iRowFirst & ":" & "A" & iRowLast), _

HeightToPoints = CType(objrange.Height, Single)

Catch objCOMException As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
mobjCOMException = objCOMException
Catch objException As Exception
mobjException = objException

If gbDEBUG_EXCEL = True Or _
((IsNothing(mobjCOMException) = False Or IsNothing(mobjException) = False)) Then

Dim serrortext As String

If Len(iRowLast) = 0 Then serrortext = " row """ & iRowFirst & """"
If Len(iRowLast) > 0 Then _
serrortext = " rows """ & iRowFirst & ":" & iRowLast & """"

Call clsError.Handle("HeightToPoints", "clsRow", _
"return the corresponding row height for" & serrortext, _
mobjCOMException, mobjException)
End If
End Try
End Function


Public Shared Function Row_LastUsedRow(Optional ByVal sWshName As String = "") _
As Int32

Dim objWorksheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim objRange As Excel.Range

If clsError.ErrorFlag() = True Then Exit Function

objWorksheet = CType(gApplicationExcel.ActiveSheet, Excel.Worksheet)
objRange = CType(objWorksheet.Range("A1"), Excel.Range)

LastUsedRow = objRange.SpecialCells(Excel.XlCellType.xlCellTypeLastCell).Row

Catch objCOMException As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
mobjCOMException = objCOMException
Catch objException As Exception
mobjException = objException

If gbDEBUG_EXCEL = True Or _
((Not mobjCOMException Is Nothing) Or (Not mobjException Is Nothing)) Then

Call clsError.Handle("LastUsedRow", msCLASSNAME, _
"", _
mobjCOMException, mobjException)
End If
End Try
End Function


Public Shared Function Row_LastUsedRowQuick(ByVal sColChar As String, _
Optional ByVal sWshName As String = "") _
As Int32

Dim objWorksheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim objRange As Excel.Range

If clsError.ErrorFlag() = True Then Exit Function

objWorksheet = CType(gApplicationExcel.ActiveSheet, Excel.Worksheet)
objRange = CType(objWorksheet.Range(sColChar & gi64TOTALROWS), Excel.Range)

objRange = objRange.End(Excel.XlDirection.xlUp)

LastUsedRowQuick = objRange.Row

Catch objCOMException As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
mobjCOMException = objCOMException
Catch objException As Exception
mobjException = objException

If gbDEBUG_EXCEL = True Or _
((Not mobjCOMException Is Nothing) Or (Not mobjException Is Nothing)) Then

Call clsError.Handle("LastUsedRowQuick", msCLASSNAME, _
"", _
mobjCOMException, mobjException)
End If
End Try
End Function


Public Shared Function Rows_InsertRows(ByVal ParamArray alRows() As Long) _
As Single

If clsError.ErrorFlag() = True Then Exit Function

Dim objRows As Excel.Range
Dim icount As Integer
Dim lrowfirst As Long
Dim lrowlast As Long

For icount = 1 To CInt(alRows.Length / 2)
lrowfirst = alRows(2 * (icount - 1))
lrowlast = alRows(2 * (icount - 1) + 1)

objRows = CType(gApplicationExcel.Rows(lrowfirst & ":" & lrowlast), Excel.Range)


Next icount

Catch objCOMException As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
mobjCOMException = objCOMException
Catch objException As Exception
mobjException = objException

If gbDEBUG_EXCEL = True Or _
((Not mobjCOMException Is Nothing) Or (Not mobjException Is Nothing)) Then

Call clsError.Handle("InsertRows", "clsRows", _
"insert the rows.", _
mobjCOMException, mobjException)
End If
End Try
End Function


Public Shared Sub Rows_ShadeAlternate(ByVal lFirstColourIndex As Long, _
ByVal lSecondColourIndex As Long, _
ByVal ParamArray iArrayRows() As Int32)

If clsError.ErrorFlag() = True Then Exit Sub

Dim objRows As Excel.Range
Dim icount As Integer
Dim lrowwfirst As Long
Dim lrowwlast As Long
Dim inumberofrows As Int32
Dim lrownumber As Long

For icount = 1 To CType((iArrayRows.Length / 2), Integer)
lrowwfirst = iArrayRows(2 * (icount - 1))
inumberofrows = iArrayRows(2 * (icount - 1) + 1)
lrowwlast = lrowwfirst + inumberofrows - 1
lrownumber = lrowwfirst
Do Until lrownumber > lrowwlast

objRows = CType(gApplicationExcel.Rows(lrownumber & ":" & lrownumber), Excel.Range)
objRows.Interior.ColorIndex = lFirstColourIndex

lrownumber = lrownumber + 1
If lrownumber <= lrowwlast Then

objRows = CType(gApplicationExcel.Rows(lrownumber & ":" & lrownumber), Excel.Range)
objRows.Interior.ColorIndex = lSecondColourIndex

lrownumber = lrownumber + 1
End If
Next icount

Catch objCOMException As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
mobjCOMException = objCOMException
Catch objException As Exception
mobjException = objException

If gbDEBUG_EXCEL = True Or _
((Not mobjCOMException Is Nothing) Or (Not mobjException Is Nothing)) Then

Call clsError.Handle("ShadeAlternate", "clsRows", _
"shade the rows ?? " & _
"alternatively with the colours " & _
"'" & lFirstColourIndex & "' and '" & lSecondColourIndex & "'", _
mobjCOMException, mobjException)
End If
End Try
End Sub

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