VBA Code
No Row or Column Objects
There are no Row or Column objects and there are no Rows or Columns collections.
It is possible however to use the properties from the activesheet object
This returns a Range object that refers to a particular column.
Range("C1").ColumnWidth = Range("A1").ColumnWidth
icount = Selection.Columns.Count - returns the number of columns currently selected
The EntireColumn and EntireRow properties return the columns or rows in which the given range is located.
These are then treated as normal ranges of cells.
ActiveSheet.Outlines.ShowLevels RowLevels:=2
Range("B2:B10").EntireColumn.Interior.ColorIndex = 27
Application.Intersect(Activesheet.Rows(2).Cells, Activesheet.Columns(4).Cells)
Number of rows currently selected
lcount = Selection.Rows.Count
Number of columns in a multiple selection
Dim iareacount As Integer
Dim itotal as Integer
itotal = 0
For iareacount = 1 to Selection.Areas.Count
itotal = itotal + Selection.Areas(iareacount).Columns.Count
Next iareacount
Call MsgBox(itotal)
Also called GetColumnName, ColumnNumberToLetter
I would like to hide a row if certain values are entered in three cells. For e.g. if United Kingdom is selected in Cell C3 and C5 and CI is selected from cell C10, I would then have Row 16 hidden. I would like this to be dynamically i.e. updated whenever the value in the cell changes.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Me.Range("C3,C5,C10")
If Not Intersect(rng, Target) Is Nothing Then
Rows(16).EntireRow.Hidden = Range("C3").Value = _
"United Kingdom" And Range("C5").Value = _
"United Kingdom" And Range("C10") = "C1"
End If
End Sub
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