Freeze Panes

ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = False 

Split Panes

Returns or sets the row number where the window is split into panes (the number of rows above the split) Read/write Long.
This example splits the active window so that there are 5 rows above the split line.

ActiveWindow.SplitRow = 5 

Returns or sets the column number where the window is split into panes (the number of columns to the left of the split line). Read/write Long.
This example splits the window and leaves 3.5 columns to the left of the split line.

ActiveWindow.SplitColumn = 3.5 

Returns or sets the location of the horizontal window split, in points. Read/write Double.
This example sets the horizontal split for the active window to 216 points (3 inches).

ActiveWindow.SplitHorizontal = 216 

Returns or sets the location of the vertical window split, in points Read/write Double.
This example sets the vertical split for the active window to 216 points (3 inches).

ActiveWindow.SplitVertical = 216 

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