
This menu contains commands for saving, importing, exporting and removing files.

Save Personal.xlsb - (Ctrl + S). Saves the current project and all of its modules and forms with your document.
Import File - (Ctrl + M). Displays the Import File dialog box. Lets you add an existing module or form to your project.
Export File - (Ctrl + E). Displays the Export File dialog box. Lets you extract the active module or form to a separate external file. This is disabled if no module or form is active in the Project Explorer.
Remove Module - Permanently deletes the active module or form. This is disabled if no module or form is active in the Project Explorer. You cannot undo this action so it is worth exporting modules first. You will always be asked if you want to export before the item is removed.
Print - (Ctrl + P). Displays the Print dialog box. Prints the active module or form.
Close and Return to Excel - Closes the editor and returns you to the host application. The editor will be hidden but will remain in memory.

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