
This menu contains commands for showing and hiding the different components.

Code - (F7). Displays the Code Window to write, display and edit the VBA code.
Object - (Shift + F7). Displays the active item.
Definition - (Shift + F2). Displays the location in the code where the variable, subroutine or function is defined. If the definition is in a referenced library, then the Object Browser is displayed.
Last Position - (Ctrl + Shift + F2). Allows you to quickly navigate to the previous location in your code. The position will cycle through the last 8 locations.
Object Browser - (F2). Displays the Object Browser window if it is not displayed.
Immediate Window - (Ctrl + G). Displays the Immediate window if it is not displayed.
Locals Window - Displays the Locals window if it is not displayed.
Watch Window - Displays the Watch window if it is not displayed.
Call Stack - (Ctrl + L). Displays the Call Stack dialog box. This is only available when you are stepping through code.
Project Explorer - (Ctrl + R). Displays the Project Explorer window if it is not displayed.
Properties Window - (F4). Displays the Properties window if it is not displayed.
Toolbox - Displays the Toolbox floating windows when you have a Userform selected.
Tab Order - Displays the Tab Order dialog box when you have a Userform selected. Lets you change the order in which the controls are activated.
Toolbars - This menu contains the checkboxes: Debug, Edit, Standard, Userform, Customize.
Microsoft Excel - (Alt + F11). Toggles the view between the Microsoft Excel application window and the VBA editor.

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