Mail Merge Fields

ADDRESSBLOCKInserts a mail merge address block.
ASKPrompts you to enter information and assigns a bookmark to represent your response.
COMPARECompares two values and displays 1 if the comparison is true and 0 if false
DATABASEInserts the results of a database query in a Word table
FILL-INPrompts you for text, which is printed in place of the field
GREETINGLINEInserts a mail merge greeting line
MERGEFIELDInserts a mail merge field
MERGERECInserts the number of the current merge record
MERGESEQCounts the number of records merged and numbers them sequentially starting with 1, regardless what record numbers are actually being merged
NEXTInstructs Word to merge the next data record into the current resulting merged document, rather than starting a new merged document
NEXTIFCompares two expressions and if the comparison is true, Word merged the next data record into the current merged document
SETDefines the information represented by a specified bookmark name
SKIPIFCompares two expressions and evaluates the comparison.
Inserts a mail merge address block.
Prompts you to enter information and assigns a bookmark to represent your response.
Compares two values and displays 1 if the comparison is true and 0 if false
Inserts the results of a database query in a Word table
Prompts you for text, which is printed in place of the field
Inserts a mail merge greeting line
Inserts a mail merge field
Inserts the number of the current merge record
Counts the number of records merged and numbers them sequentially starting with 1, regardless what record numbers are actually being merged
Instructs Word to merge the next data record into the current resulting merged document, rather than starting a new merged document
Compares two expressions and if the comparison is true, Word merged the next data record into the current merged document
Defines the information represented by a specified bookmark name
Compares two expressions and evaluates the comparison.

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