Frame (fra)
 | Frame - This control allows you to group other controls together, such as option buttons. |
This is used to group controls and is solely for creating an intuitive dialog box
This is used to enclose other controls
You do this either for aesthetic purposes or to logically group a set of controls, for example option buttons.
Adding to a hyperlink
Add a label and add the website address
Format the label to be blue and underlined
Change the mouse pointer
Change the cursor file to "hand.cur"
Double click the label and enter = "", newwindow:=true
ActiveControl | |
BackColor | |
BorderColor | |
BorderStyle | |
CanPaste | |
CanRedo | |
CanUndo | |
Caption | |
Controls | |
ControlTipText | |
Cycle | |
Enabled | |
Font | |
FontColor | |
Height | |
InsideHeight | |
InsideWidth | |
KeepScrollBarsVisible | |
MouseIcon | |
MousePointer | |
Picture | |
PictureAlignment | |
PictureSizeMode | |
PictureTiling | |
ScrollBars | |
ScrollHeight | |
ScrollLeft | |
ScrollTop | |
ScrollWidth | |
VerticalScrollBarSide | |
Zoom | |
Copy | |
Cut | |
Paste | |
RedoAction | |
Repaint | |
Scroll | |
SetDefaultTabOrder | |
UndoAction | |
AddControl | |
BeforeDragOver | |
BeforeDropOrPaste | |
Click | |
DblClick | |
Error | |
KeyDown | |
KeyPress | |
KeyUp | |
Layout | |
MouseDown | |
MouseMove | |
MouseUp | |
RemoveControl | |
Scroll | |
Zoom | |
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