ACRONYM(text, just_capitals)
Returns the first letter of each word.

textThe text you want the acronym for.
just_capitals(Optional) Whether to only use the words that have capital letters.

* The "text" can be a cell range.
* If "just_capitals" is left blank, then False is used.
* The equivalent VBA function is ACRONYM

1=JS.ACRONYM("Microsoft Office Add- ins") = MOA
2=JS.ACRONYM("Rapid Application Development") = RAD
3=JS.ACRONYM("By The Way") = BTW
4=JS.ACRONYM("National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children") = NSFTPOCTC
5=JS.ACRONYM("National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children", TRUE) = NSPCC

1 - What is the acronym of "Microsoft Office Add-ins".
2 - What is the acronym of "Rapid Application Development".
3 - What is the acronym of "By The Way".
4 - What is the acronym of "National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children".
5 - What is the acronym of "National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children" only including capital letters.

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