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Counting Functions

COUNTBETWEENReturns the number of cells that have a value that is between a range.
COUNTFORMATReturns the number of cells that have a particular cell color or font color.
COUNTHIDDENSHEETSReturns the total number of hidden sheets in the active workbook.
COUNTSUBSTRINGReturns the number of times a substring occurs in a longer string.
COUNTVISIBLEReturns the number of visible, non blank cells in a range.
COUNTVISIBLEIFSReturns the number of non blank cells that satisfies multiple conditions.
Returns the number of cells that have a value that is between a range.
Returns the number of cells that have a particular cell color or font color.
Returns the total number of hidden sheets in the active workbook.
Returns the number of times a substring occurs in a longer string.
Returns the number of visible, non blank cells in a range.
Returns the number of non blank cells that satisfies multiple conditions.

Summing Functions

ADDNUMBERSReturns the sum of a group of numbers.
SUMFORMATReturns the sum of all the values that have been formatted with multiple attributes.
SUMVISIBLEReturns the sum of values from the visible, non blank cells.
SUMVISIBLEIFSReturns the total value of the numbers that satisfies multiple conditions.
Returns the sum of a group of numbers.
Returns the sum of all the values that have been formatted with multiple attributes.
Returns the sum of values from the visible, non blank cells.
Returns the total value of the numbers that satisfies multiple conditions.

Text Functions

ACRONYMReturns the first letter of each word.
CONTAINSReturns whether a string is contained inside another string.
EXTRACTNUMBERSReturns only the numbers from a text string.
REMOVENUMBERSRemoves all numbers and spaces from a text string.
REVERSEReturns the characters of a text string in reverse.
SCRAMBLEReturns the characters of a text string with all the characters in a random order.
SPELLNUMBERReturns the text after converting a number into words.
SPELLNUMBERREVERSEReturns the value after converting words into a number.
Returns the first letter of each word.
Returns whether a string is contained inside another string.
Returns only the numbers from a text string.
Removes all numbers and spaces from a text string.
Returns the characters of a text string in reverse.
Returns the characters of a text string with all the characters in a random order.
Returns the text after converting a number into words.
Returns the value after converting words into a number.

Formatting Functions

FORMATGETReturns a specific formatting attribute from a particular cell.
NUMBERFORMATGETReturns the number format that has been applied to a particular cell.
Returns a specific formatting attribute from a particular cell.
Returns the number format that has been applied to a particular cell.

Date & Time Functions

AGEReturns the age of a person given a birthday.
BUSDAYNEXTReturns the date of the next business day.
BUSDAYPREVIOUSReturns the date of the previous business day.
CONVERTTIMEReturns the time converted into decimal hours, minutes or seconds.
DATEDIFFERENCEReturns the difference between two dates.
DATESERIALReturns the date serial number given a date in text format.
DAYSINAMONTHReturns the number of days in a month and year.
DAYSINAYEARReturns the number of days in a year.
DAYSTOReturns the number of days (or other units) to a specific event.
DAYSTOCHRISTMASReturns the number of days to Christmas.
TIMENOWReturns the current time as a string (in the format "hh:mm:ss").
Returns the age of a person given a birthday.
Returns the date of the next business day.
Returns the date of the previous business day.
Returns the time converted into decimal hours, minutes or seconds.
Returns the difference between two dates.
Returns the date serial number given a date in text format.
Returns the number of days in a month and year.
Returns the number of days in a year.
Returns the number of days (or other units) to a specific event.
Returns the number of days to Christmas.
Returns the current time as a string (in the format "hh:mm:ss").

Information Functions

FILEEXISTSReturns whether a particular file exists.
ISBOLDReturns whether a particular cell has been formatted in bold.
LASTINCOLUMNReturns the last cell that contains data in a particular column.
LASTINROWReturns the last cell that contains data in a particular row.
USERNAMEReturns the application's user name or the domain username.
WORKBOOKFILENAMEReturns the file name of the active workbook.
WORKBOOKPATHReturns the folder path of the active workbook.
WORKBOOKPATHFILENAMEReturns the folder path and file name of the active workbook.
WORKBOOKPROPERTIESReturns a particular workbook property of the active workbook.
WORKSHEETNAMEReturns the name of the worksheet in a given position.
Returns whether a particular file exists.
Returns whether a particular cell has been formatted in bold.
Returns the last cell that contains data in a particular column.
Returns the last cell that contains data in a particular row.
Returns the application's user name or the domain username.
Returns the file name of the active workbook.
Returns the folder path of the active workbook.
Returns the folder path and file name of the active workbook.
Returns a particular workbook property of the active workbook.
Returns the name of the worksheet in a given position.

Maths Functions

AVERAGEVISIBLEIFSReturns the average value in a list or array of numbers that satisfies multiple conditions.
MAXVISIBLEIFSReturns the largest value in a list or array of numbers that satisfies multiple conditions.
MINVISIBLEIFSReturns the smallest value in a list or array of numbers that satisfies multiple conditions.
Returns the average value in a list or array of numbers that satisfies multiple conditions.
Returns the largest value in a list or array of numbers that satisfies multiple conditions.
Returns the smallest value in a list or array of numbers that satisfies multiple conditions.

Other Functions

COMMENTGETReturns the comment associated with a particular cell.
COMPARECELLSReturns a description of whether two ranges are identical or not.
DUPLICATECELLSReturns the cell addresses of all the items that appear more than once.
DUPLICATEVALUESReturns the list of items that appear more than once.
EMAILVALIDReturns whether a string is a valid email address.
EXTRACTFILENAMEReturns only the file name from a full file path.
EXTRACTFOLDERPATHReturns only the folder path from a full file path.
HYPERLINKGETReturns the hyperlink associated with a particular cell.
MERGECELLSReturns the contents from all the cells and combines them to return a single string.
RANDOMPASSWORDReturns a specific number of random ASCII characters.
SAMPLEDATAInserts sample data into the active worksheet.
Returns the comment associated with a particular cell.
Returns a description of whether two ranges are identical or not.
Returns the cell addresses of all the items that appear more than once.
Returns the list of items that appear more than once.
Returns whether a string is a valid email address.
Returns only the file name from a full file path.
Returns only the folder path from a full file path.
Returns the hyperlink associated with a particular cell.
Returns the contents from all the cells and combines them to return a single string.
Returns a specific number of random ASCII characters.
Inserts sample data into the active worksheet.

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