FLOOR.MATH(number [,significance] [,mode])

Returns the number rounded down to the nearest integer or significant figure (including negative).

numberThe number to be rounded down.
significance(Optional) The multiple you want the number rounded to.
mode(Optional) A logical value indicating whether to round negative numbers up or down:
False (or 0) = Negative numbers are rounded down away from zero (default)
True (<> 0) = Negative numbers are rounded up towards zero

* Positive decimal numbers are rounded down to the nearest integer.
* Negative decimal numbers are rounded down to the nearest integer.
* If "number" is an exact multiple of "significance", there will be no rounding.
* If "number" is divided by a significance of 2 or greater, results in a remainder, the result is rounded down.
* The "significance" argument will determine how the "number" is rounded down.
* If "significance" is left blank, then 1 is used.
* If "significance" > 0, then "number" is rounded down to an exact multiple of "significance".
* If "significance" < 0, then the absolute value is taken.
* If "mode" is left blank, then False is used.
* The "mode" argument only affects negative numbers.
* The "mode" argument can also take numerical values. 0 is equivalent to False. Any other number is equivalent to True.
* You can use the CEILING.MATH function to round up to the nearest integer or significant figure.
* You can use the INT function to return a number rounded down to the nearest integer.
* You can use the MROUND function to round to a desired multiple.
* You can use the NOW function to return the serial number of the current system date and time.
* You can use the ROUND function to round to a specified number of digits.
* You can use the ROUNDDOWN function to round down to a specified number of digits.
* You can use the TRUNC function to return the number with any decimal places removed.
* This function was added in Excel 2013 to replace the FLOOR.PRECISE and FLOOR functions.
* For the Microsoft documentation refer to support.microsoft.com
* For the Google documentation refer to support.google.com

1=FLOOR.MATH(3.1, 1) = 3
2=FLOOR.MATH(3.5, 1) = 3
3=FLOOR.MATH(3.9, 1) = 3
4=FLOOR.MATH(3.2, 1) = 3
5=FLOOR.MATH(3.2, 1, FALSE) = 3
6=FLOOR.MATH(3.2, 1, TRUE) = 3
7=FLOOR.MATH(-3.1, -1) = -4
8=FLOOR.MATH(-3.5, -1) = -4
9=FLOOR.MATH(-3.9, -1) = -4
10=FLOOR.MATH(-3.2, 1) = -4
11=FLOOR.MATH(-3.2, 1, FALSE) = -4
12=FLOOR.MATH(-3.2, 1, TRUE) = -3
13=FLOOR.MATH(2.123, 2) = 2
14=FLOOR.MATH(-2.123, -2) = -4
15=FLOOR.MATH(8.26, 0.05) = 8.3
16=FLOOR.MATH(0.234, 0.01) = 0.23
17=FLOOR.MATH(NOW(), "0:20") = 5:00:00 AM

1 - What is 3.1 rounded down to the nearest integer.
2 - What is 3.5 rounded down to the nearest integer.
3 - What is 3.9 rounded down to the nearest integer.
4 - What is 3.2 rounded down to the nearest integer.
5 - What is 3.2 rounded down to the nearest integer. The mode only affects negative numbers.
6 - What is 3.2 rounded down to the nearest integer. The mode only affects negative numbers.
7 - What is -3.1 rounded down to the nearest integer.
8 - What is -3.5 rounded down to the nearest integer.
9 - What is -3.9 rounded down to the nearest integer.
10 - What is -3.2 rounded down to the nearest integer.
11 - What is -3.2 rounded down to the nearest integer.
12 - What is -3.2 rounded down to the nearest integer. The mode affects negative number.
13 - What is 2.123 rounded down to the nearest multiple of 2.
13 - What is -2.123 rounded down to the nearest multiple of 2.
15 - What is 8.26 rounded down to the nearest multiple of 0.05
16 - What is 0.234 rounded down to the nearest multiple of 0.01.
17 - What is the current time rounded down to the nearest 20 minutes.

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