
microsoft excel docs

Show chart element names on hover - Displays the name of a chart element when you rest the pointer over it.
Show data point values on hover - Displays the value of a data point (data points: Individual values plotted in a chart and represented by bars, columns, lines, pie or doughnut slices, dots, and various other shapes called data markers. Data markers of the same color constitute a data series.) when you rest the pointer over it.
Properties follow chart data point for all new workbooks - (Added in 2013). Custom formatting and data labels follow data points as they move or change on all your charts in new workbooks.
Current Workbook - (Added in 2013). Select the workbook in this list box that is affected by the following option.
Properties follow chart data point for current workbook - (Added in 2013). Custom formatting and data labels follow data points as they move or change in a specific workbook.

Workbook Options

Workbooks > File Options

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