Compare Documents - Batch

This can be used to quickly compare multiple documents that were based on the same document with the original document.
No changes are made to the original files during this process.

Against an Entire Folder

Lets you compare a specific document with each document in a folder you select.
The output will be exactly the same as running the Compare Documents on the document pairs one by one.

Create File List Manually for Batch Compare Documents by Pairs

Creates a new Word document with a 3-column table and 50 rows.
This is ready for you to fill in with the full file names of the documents that are to be compared by pairs.

# - Row number
Full name of original document - Insert the full name of the original version of a document.
Full name of revised version of 'the' document - Insert the full name of a revised version of the SAME document.

Leave the first row as a heading row.
Add or remove rows as needed. Each pair of files to be compared must be specified in its own row.
Any empty rows in the file list will be ignored.
Do not add anything else to this document.

Full Name Examples:
C:\MyTestDocuments\My document.docx
\\MY_NETWORK_DRIVE\Users\ABC\Documents\My document.dotx

Create File List Automatically detecting files in a Folder

Creates a new Word document.
Files in .rft and .xml format will also be included, if any.

Include file path with each file name -
Include files in sub folders -
Insert folder paths as hyperlinks - Lets you quickly open Windows Explorer displaying the specific folder.

SS - output
A heading with the folder path will be inserted above the list of files in that folder.

Batch Compare Documents by Pairs Based on File List

Lets you compare pairs of Word documents and create an extract document for each pair.
The active document must be a File List document created by one of the above methods.
The output will be exactly the same as running the Compare Documents on the document pairs one by one.

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