Find Paragraph

The active document must be an extract document or a source document.

Lets you find a specific paragraph in a source document by its index number (example: paragraph number 389).
You can use the command for different purposes: If the active document is an extract document, first click anywhere in the row that includes the extracted paragraph(s) you want to find in the source document.
The command will then automatically open/activate the source document and select the paragraph based on the index number found in column 3 in the extract document.
If the active document is a source document, the command lets you specify the index number of the paragraph you want to find.
This is useful, for example, if a paragraph causes problems during the extract process due to poor formatting or other reasons.
The progress bar dialog box will show the number of the paragraph where the process hangs.
You can then stop the process and use Find Paragraph to go directly to that paragraph to fix the formatting problem.
TIP: If the active document is an extract document, first click anywhere in the row that includes the extracted paragraph(s) you want to find in the source document. The command will then automatically open/activate the source document and select the paragraph based on the index number found in column 3 in the extract document. The index number refers to the first paragraph in case of more than one paragraph. Works for paragraphs in the main text story of the source document. If you have added/removed paragraphs in the source document after creating the extract document, the found paragraph will be dislocated correspondingly.

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