Ribbon Tab

Extract Changes - Lets you extract tracked changes from the active document to a new document. more
Compare Two Documents - Lets you perform a compare of two versions of a document and extract the differences to a new document in one operation. more
Batch Extract Changes - more
Batch Compare Documents - Drop-Down. more
   Original Against All Documents in Selected Source Folder - more
   Create File List for Batch Compare Documents by Pairs - more
   Create List of All Word Files in Selected Folder - more
   Batch Compare Documents by Pairs Based on File List - more
Export Extract to Excel - more
Sort Table - (Built-in) Sort the table in extract documents using different sort criteria.
Delete Columns - more
Change Path - more
Find Paragraph - more
Change Author & Date - more
Translation Tools - Drop-Down. more
   Extract Changes for Translation - more
   Accept All Changes Except Insertions and Deletions - more
   Show/Hide Hidden Text - more
View Extract/ Source Side by Side - more

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